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Everything posted by Zelath

  1. I think its a good idea. As a newbie im trying to get into the game, and find ways to seek more knowledge and insights. But at times its annoyingly hard. I mean i spent time reading archives, following chats and exploring lands and gameplay. Still not sure what questions to ask, and how to seek deeper about the theories i got. Some lecture or hearing how elder players reason i think would clear the air a lot for me, and set me with questions and a way to move on with them. And get me more into the mindset to gain more from experiencing the game. It feels a bit sad as well that the entries both in the archives and adventure log seems to end att same time.. What happned then? Perheps the Legend Spekers should become the Legend Seekers?
  2. thanks man.. ill ask if it is any =)

  3. I found Mini-quests very worthwhile. Well made, some parts easy, some more challanging. They covred a many different elements and those one knew was quick done, those new i learned from. I think its very good quest for new mp3, partly for the learning and getting into roleplaying, but also getting the feeling of being on the way and getting things done. And also getting small rewards was nice. Getting on with evolving. Its a good continuation on the first running around everywhere clicking on everything exploring, this was an in depth exploration of the realm and game. So i will warmly recommand this to MP3 i meet. Thanks Mya!
  4. Pine fresh MP4.. Whii. Story mode - Tick Tick Tick Tick... T..a?..ick

  5. Thanks for good swift answers.. Yeah, i guess reading it comes a lot easier once one is more used to it, and see whats important hehe. At least the log and creautre stats got me into willow´s last night..
  6. Hey there.. Thanks.. Have you thought of making that Belladonna text into a book in the archives? i couldnt find anything on it there..

  7. Hej.. Me battle animations dont cover the entire battle, spec now against the willow guards when they tend to fight a bit longer. Id really like to be able to see it all, reading them round for round is kinda time consuming.. anyone knows why that is? anything to do bout it? Cheers! Z
  8. Cursing people by burning their picture..? i light the fire with newspaper daily.. hmm

    1. Sharazhad


      Thats ok if the pictures are of lazy politicians, Hollywood junkies and Justin Bieber

  9. It was great fun. and finally found a reason to get me thumb out and write something properly. I liked your poem, a lot - why didnt you read it the first story night?

  10. Reading, waiting, lazy-writing.. i better make a pot of tea. and figure out how to update me forum profile

  11. In the details about Deadly Nightshade i just found i the game it states "The plant berries pose the greatest danger to children because they look attractive and have a somewhat sweet taste, but they are extremely deadly even in small quantities." And that is true. With a tiny twist to it. In the beautyful berries there are Seeds - and its them that are poisones as old pickles. The fruit in it self dont contain atropine (the poison).. So in the mongolian part of the world, some women sit with tiny wooden spoons and remove the seeds from the fruit (not good to use anything sharp and damage the seeds and contaminate the fruit).. and then make Marmelade out of the fruits.. Heard its delicious.
  12. Good day to you. Thanks.. new day to try and find me way.

  13. i suspect... if you ever thought of MD when having sex... ...
  14. Hey there.. sience im a week old i thought i should put some letters into play here.. Well sience this game is Different (blessed be) it takes time to get it. What to do and what i can get away with. Sience the beginning is constructed to lack information, had to choose anyway and didnt bother researching info.. so still dont kno if it turn outs as i thought or to me liking. But sience i lack information and had no preconcived idea of the game, me character still well lacks character.. A lot of me interaction with others been thru me game-tech wonderings, and not Zelaths wonderings. So the startup been confusing in order to play me role.. and that leads to playing me part. i adore this idea of co-crationism.. trying to find out more how it works out in MD, and its been a pleasent sursprise thus far i tell ya - but still aint got a real idea for what part i want me charachter to play. if id like to be a smith - would i be able to play that more than just in words? or philosophising writing ethno-botanist that seeks enlightenment thru the game collecting and planting herbs? Well its a hinderance by form.. Then its all that stuff around i got no idea how to use.. being someplace with Rescorses.. wtf can i do/use/make of 20 branches? And all those unusuble items that i aint sure if its me lack of skill in writing commands as supposed to or lack of advance in game.. or that talking stone for that matter.. glad to find it, curiouse about it - but failed to interact with. Oh Scared was the topic.. Yes yes.. what Scared me? At times not feeling in control and a bit fearful bout soon being out of things to do - but i kinda always come around thus far.. berserkers way.. tho an hour with pillars of harmony was frustrating til i found out they got deconnected haha.. And ya better do something bout that tourch thingy.. seemed like great fun.. just took a ton of time to discover i couldnt score cos all players i met was mp4 or above.. and stupid maze.. Ehm, in the archives i could read a ton of books - but when i got back i didnt find a way to do it again.. In general its a lot to take in understand and master - but ppl are helpful and nice. But i bet i think its worth it soon enough cos its far more than a point and click game. At times frustration to understand the fails i do ie the fighting system ie why me creatures cant find a target when its standing five in fornt of em and 1-2 id say fullfill the requirments i given,.. and i cant find the logic thru having the answer in me hand.. but experiment trail n error makes masters i guess.. thats i think is the issues and scares i met that is mostly connected to the game structure and such.. rest id say is mostly my own i bring to the game Cheers! Jonas/Zelath
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