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Everything posted by Chengmingz

  1. Happy New Year! Drive safely guys! C
  2. I am entirely looking forward to wars and battles. Peace does not pay well. C It is also a little boring.
  3. Good evening my friend. I wish the best of luck. If you feel comfortable running another errand for me, feel free to seek me. C
  4. Strike them at their strongest point and turn it into a weakness. C
  5. All I can taste is this moment. All I can breathe if your life. Cause sooner or later it's over. I just don't want to miss you tonight.

    1. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      And I don't want the world to see me, Cause I don't think that they'd understand
      When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am.

  6. Good job everyone! I do hope, like Rhaegar, that there will be another one! C
  7. TS? C
  8. I wish to obtain an assassin avatar. Contact me if interested. C
  9. I agree. There were great events this Christmas and all the hard work that was put into making this time a fun time is greatly appreciated! Thank you everyone. Thank you Santa. Merry Christmas, C
  10. Still falling. Breathless and on again. Inside today. Beside me today. Around broken in two. Till your eyes shed. Into dust. Like two strangers. Turning into dust. Till my hand shook with the way I fear

    1. Quas


      What are you, Santa's evil child ? XD Be happy =P

  11. I was not added. Did I not fulfill the requirements? C
  12. I could not open a present either. But it is okay. I will live. C
  13. I got a fresh one. Pm me your offers. C
  14. 3 sc Angien
  15. 4 sc
  16. It is such a sad fate for Necrovion. Without some competition, we barely have any opposition in MB. Power is unbalanced. I am fairly new, 130 days or so. I have little knowledge about it. All I can say is that I look forward in meeting Necrovion in battle and wish you the best in trying to reform the land. C
  17. Chengmingz

    MD Radio ?!

    Yeah. Can't access it here in Canada. C
  18. Chengmingz

    MD Radio ?!

    Perhaps use the mood panel... except without the timer limits. The message will change on one banner and not spam out everyone else's panel. C
  19. Some say love is not for sinners, I believe that isnt' true. Cause when I was finished sinning, Iove came down and showed me you.

  20. If I lay here. If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world. Forget what we're told. Before we get too old. Show me a garden that's bursting into life.

    1. Maebius


      All that I am
      All that I ever was
      Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see. :)

  21. Selling like 40 water. Any bids?
  22. 1 sc for dark archer 2
  23. It did not permit me to attach a word file. So I copy and pasted. The picture I put in was not of Jesse. It was not the main character. Instead. It is Annabelle and what she has become. Because what happens here is not important, it is what will happen because of this that is. I leave the end to what you wish it to be. I can only hint that the blades of those who are tricked will be bloodthirsty. The Tainted Soul It was a warm day in the fields of Florence where the occasional breeze was mild and silent. The day was young as the light blue sky was lit by the radiant sun and the land was showered with comforting light. The birds sang cheerfully, the trees listened with content and the tall grass quietly waved with grace. Alongside the fields were small huts. They had a simple roof above the sturdy walls made of brick. The local farmers and laborers lived in such huts as some needed to live close to the fields while others simply cannot afford more luxurious housing. Nevertheless, they were happy with their simple lives. They had adequate housing, plenty of food and children to care for. The significance of this bright day is grand for one family as they cherish the birth of their first child. The Jacaruso family is a small one, not very wealthy and certainly not very powerful. They had a reputation of being hard working and generous. With that reputation, they are respected by the locals and generally accepted within the community. The elderly Father Jacaruso was head of the family and he runs the local church. His only son, Caderousse ran the farm back home. Caderousse did not have any sons of his own and was excited to finally have an heir to love and grow. He had worried months before when his wife became pregnant. What worried him more was the thought that he could be burdened with a daughter. He had tried to think with an unbiased mind but the thought of not having an heir troubled him. Fortunately, his worries were relieved when his wife was unharmed in the birth of the child who indeed was a boy. The boy had a generous childhood. He was loved and pampered by his family. Every year he would receive extravagant gifts from his family even in the most impoverished times. He would receive the most lucrative food and the most expensive toys. He was simply adored by all whom care for him, yet unhappiness lingers in his mind. In his adolescence, he has discovered the aspect of power and feels dismayed that his family has none. It was quite unfortunate, one would assume that overwhelming love would overpower the desire for power, but for Jesse, power is everything. It was a rainy morning when Jesse woke up on his 16[sup]th[/sup] birthday. The Father Jacaruso and Caderousse were sitting at the dining table patiently waiting for Jesse to wake up. They had gotten him the most beautiful present and are excited to show him. The morning before, the father and son had gone to the marketplace to search for an exquisite gift. It was a long hot day and the market was loud and busy. With extraordinary effort, they had finally found a brilliant object. It was a pretty dagger with a shiny blade and a dark handle. The price for this dagger was high, for the case was covered in colorful, light jewels and only two were in existence. Despite the price, the two gentlemen opened their purse and gave the merchant the price he demanded because they knew Jesse will be satisfied with such a gift. While walking to the town centre, he greeted one of his friends, whose name is Calibri. The man was tall, slender and intelligent. He was of noble birth and both parents were influential in the country. Just recently, he had impressed the Duke of Antimony and was granted a place in the military. Jesse had been quite jealous of Calibri’s position and nobility. “Why isn’t this a splendid morning, Calibri?” asks Jesse. “Indeed. What brings you to town fair Jesse?” inquired Calibri. “Did you not hear? I am celebrating with some friends at the pub,” replied Jesse. “I certainly did not hear, surely I was invited. The fair lady…” Calibri hesitated, and then whispered to Jesse. “The lady Annabelle, is she coming?” Jesse put his arms around Calibri and resumes walking towards the town. “You were not invited my good sir. But, I can certainly arrange something if you could grant me a favor.” “Answer my question Jesse.” Calibri was becoming a little impatient. “I will oblige is the lady will be present.” “Of course sir, she will definitely be there. Now, I must ask you kind sir of a small chore,” said Jesse. “I was tasked in obtaining a beautiful black dagger. It would be so terribly burdensome for me to fetch it. Help me sir.” “That task should go to my herald. I will fetch him at once,” Calibri replied. “Oh no dear Calibri, listen to me Calibri,” whispered Jesse. “Let this job go to you and use it to impress your lady. Present this graceful weapon to me and show our crowd of your nobility, your honor and your power. I promise you, use the money from your purse and love will be yours my dear Calibri. Go outside the city walls today and you will see a merchant who sells such daggers.” Calibri looks at Jesse and laughs. “Oh Jesse, you are as wise as you are kind. That dagger will be in my hands tonight,” smiled Calibri and he leaves for town. “He thinks men honest but seem to be so,” Jesse quietly whispers and laughs. After entering town, Jesse went straight to the Inn where he found Annabelle and informed her of celebrating this evening. For the rest of that afternoon, he gathered a fairly large group of people for a party. He had given them the impression that it was a celebration for Calibri’s success with the Duke. An hour before the party, Jesse went home to dine alone. He needed time alone to think his plan through. It was midnight and Jesse slipped out of his house and walked towards the town square. He was dressed in a dark cloak and wore a large black hood. In no time, he reached the inn and quietly slipped inside. He quickly found the room where Annabelle stays and he saw another man on the bed with her. Jesse was a little shocked but was then reminded that Annabelle was already engaged. Jesse quickly took advantage of this and stabbed the man with the very knife he received on his birthday and fled, leaving the sheath behind. The next morning, everyone in town was talking about one thing: the death of the Duke’s son. The Duke of Antimony was anguished and heartbroken to discover his only son dead and was determined to find the killer. He offered any reward to the one who can identify the murderer. It was no surprise that Jesse insisted an audience with the Duke and he assured them that he had valuable information. The Duke did not care for ranks or class of men and he let this peasant have his wish. Jesse immediately left to the Duke’s court. “My dear lord, I am terribly sorry for your tragic loss,” Jesse sympathized. “It is in this sadness that I have discovered the murderer who committed this atrocity. It was the Calibri that we had thought to be fair and noble! This morning the mourning Annabelle grimly informed me her witness of the cowardly act. I have asked merchants all across town; that your noble son was killed with a weapon so rare that few exist. She will describe the weapon for you my lord.” The Duke sat silent in his throne. He pondered for a brief second and then ordered for Calibri to be brought to the court. Escorted by two guards, Calibri entered the room and kneed on the ground. “My noble lord, for what purpose am I called to court for?” asked Calibri. “Are thou to possess a dark, jeweled dagger?” the Duke demanded. “Why yes, I had only bought it yesterday,” Calibri replied. He saw Jesse at the court and was sorely confused. “Jesse my fair friend, what is happening?” “It is him! Look at him! He pretended to not know and seek even a humble peasant for help!” cried Jesse. He spat at Calibri. The Duke was infuriated, but at the same time sad that his trust was misplaced upon Calibri. He called for his guards. “Take him away! I want this filth executed this evening!” the Duke ordered. Calibri cried out to the court for an explanation feeling confused. He panicked when the guards grab hold of him and tried to reason with the Duke. He had yet to discover that he had been betrayed. “What has happened, what crime have I committed. I beseech you my lord! Have mercy!” shouted Calibri as he was being dragged out.”Help! Mercy! I am innocent!” It was fruitless, he was taken out the door and the sounds of his shouting disappeared. The Duke sighed miserably and dismissed everyone but Jesse. “I am aware I had promised a reward for your assistance, I feel that this tragedy deserves no reward. However, I am obliged to hold my promise,” the Duke sadly said. “What is your wish?” “Let me take his place my lord. Do not let this stunt your mighty goals,” Jesse softly replied. “Your wish will be granted. Now leave me be.” “Aye my lord,” Jesse bowed and left the court. The very next day Jesse was appointed to be an officer. Most of his family was joyful for the success of Jesse but the Father Jacaruso and Caderousse were mortified as they had realized Jesse’s deed. They silently watch and wait for an opportunity to confront him. Just as Jesse was going to bed, Father Jacaruso and Caderousse called him outside for a talk. “What is wrong this late evening?” asked Jesse. “What is wrong? Have you no heart? Not even a tear for what you have done, not even a sign of remorse?” demanded Caderousse. “I have no idea what you are talking about sir,” Jesse calmly replied and smiled. “You are confused.” “Do not deny this. Only you have the other weapon and Calibri would not have let his passion win him over,” whispered Father Jacaruso. “I see. Well you see here my dear sirs. I have won! I have won my title and power. I can finally leave this peasant life,” Jesse explained. “So you admit it!” Caderousse gasped. “How could you? You had taken a man’s life.” “I am not what I am,” whispered Jesse. He smiled and looked right in his father’s eyes. “Only a fool would believe the world is made to be fair.” “You have fooled us all!” cried Father Jacaruso. “You blinded us with false love and sinned silently under our roof!” “Zounds, hold your peace! Be wise, speak of this not, and demand me nothing. What you know, you know,” Jesse softly said. Father Jacaruso and Caderousse are shocked to hear this from Jesse. They have never heard such heartless statements before. The Father made a rite and Jesse left for bed. What was not known at that time was that Jesse had his secret. You may ask why he is the monster he is and the reason is that he saw the same atrocities that made him who he is. Throughout his childhood he had seen the fall of those in power and the rise of those who take initiative. It was a sad cycle. Like a drinking man who drinks to forget the shame of drinking. For Jesse, it was power. He had grown up pampered at home, but shamed in public. He felt destined to be a low life and in his effort to change that he has secured his fate. He is false in power and false in honor. His betrayal to others will lead to betrayal to him, those in the crossfire shall spread and release demons of their own and thus, the cycle continues. [b][i]***[/i][/b] It was not until almost two decades later when old Caderousse got a letter from Cyprus. Saddened with the past and lived in misery he lived alone in his broken home. He has abandoned everything as he had lost the son he had believed to have loved. The secrets he holds tear at his soul and had driven his family into turmoil. Everyone else had moved on from him. They left him to his grievances. Alone and unhappy, his only comfort was his work. He had tried day after day to forget his troubles, his son and his sadness. It was useless. Yet he hung to life because he believed that people can change and that one day, he will hear from Jesse again. It was the hope that his son had changed that keeps him going day by day. Lost and lonely, he slowly opened the letter with hope and excitement. But it came as no surprise when he was greeted with rolling tears and a cry of sorrow. [b][i][s]C[/s][/i][/b] [b][i][s](PZ) [/s][/i][/b]
  24. Hello. I am making a quest for relatively new mp3 and mp4 players. I have recently found that several of my friends are in need of food and shelter. If you are a new player and you have found me then ask me about the quest. I will give you an errand. Usually it will be small items or small amounts of resources. I may ask you to collect the item if you are capable. For example I may send water to ignnus and you can collect one water and find him. Once you find him you have to give him it and say that it was a gift from C. Confirm the errand is done and I will send you the reward. It will be a small reward unfortunately as it is a simple quest but it will be something new to newer players. Regards, C.
  25. I wish to help with any small quests as I am avaliable throughout the day. Pm me anytime and I can help.
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