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Everything posted by Chengmingz

  1. Chengmingz

    The Joker

    Good evening. I think the joker right now is not powerful enough. It does random damage yes and it can lead to massive damage like that. However, would it not be better if it had a different option for targets as well? Maybe a new option that targets between 1 and 6 creatures to increase the chaos Joker causes? I was just thinking that it would make the joker better in combat like that. What do you think? C
  2. Chengmingz


    I as well. Please Pm me. C
  3. Well I've been here before. Sat on the floor in a grey grey room. Where I stay in all day. I don't eat, but I play with this grey grey food.

    1. Maebius


      Warmer than warm, yeah

  4. [b]Joker Family [/b](All levels) [b]Consumes: Coloured paper[/b] [b]Produces: Paper origami[/b] (Paper crowns, balloons or anything really... should be random so there is a chance for everything. Some should be more rare than others.) [b]Production: 0.25[/b] [b]Tree Family [/b](Probably after remains would make more sense) [b]Consumes: Rainwater + 3k Heat Stored[/b] [b]Produces: Fruits [/b](Apples? Lemons? Wait, do lemons grow on trees? Eh... Peaches are good too) [b]+ Leaves[/b] [b]Farming[/b] (Can I invent skills now or no...): [b]0.2[/b] [b]Elemental Family[/b] (Lv 2+) [b]Consumes: 2k Heat Stored + Lumber[/b] [b]Produces: Torch[/b] [b]Production: 0.15[/b]
  5. Fossil of the year Chewett The Golden Protector Amoran Most Addicted Chewett Outstanding Service to MD Eon Pre-eminent Role Player Eon Prime Quest Brulant P.S. I am 119 days old. I am not sure if that fits rookie. I have been here for ages but I was away for a while. C
  6. Chengmingz


    Good evening. I do not know much of coding but I was thinking it would be really cool if we have a spell or an extra feature that lets us broadcast a song or a musical piece for the game. Whether it is for roleplaying or just chilling. 1. I know that some may abuse this so there should be a mute option for those who do not want this. Or an allow music button to control this extra feature. 2. Perhaps this should be deep in the shop so that there would not be a lot of people blasting music everywhere. 3. I do not know how to resolve the issue of more than one song being played at once... perhaps the first one who plays has priority and they shall only play in order. Thank you for considering. C
  7. It does not work for me either.
  8. Chengmingz Marind Bell Loyalty: 65
  9. Ahhh of course. Adventuring is the participation of quests and attempts at them while Prime is creating quests. I suggest that they be merged because they are both involved with quests. I understand they are different as one is the quester and the other is the quest maker, however, I think it can be just one award where it is given to the person most involved in quests. Perhaps it can be called Questing Award. So my way of thinking is that the people can vote on whoever is most involved in quests overall. This includes quest making, solving quests or both. Helper and Influential could be merged because they are a bit similar. I understand how you can take influential differently, perhaps in a way where the influence can be negative. I understand. But I also understand that there is already a Elite Evil Villain of the Year award so perhaps it would be redundant to vote like that. So, I think influence means mentoring people in their path in MD and helping them create events, give ideas and in a sense, help the overall community of MD. This made me think towards the Helper award which also includes that, perhaps it is more focused on helping new players but I'm sure it is not limited to rookies. So perhaps these two awards can be named mentoring award where it will be awarded to the person who helped the most in developing players in a positive way. SImply my suggestions. C
  10. Merge. Most influential Helper of the Year. Merge. Prime Quest Adventuring Award That is all the ones I can think of to merge. For new awards, I think we should put coolest avatar because there have not been any awards for avatars yet. C
  11. Thank you. Please close the topic now. C
  12. #11 The cold and silents of Necrovion So scattered and tragic it has become It was the land of pride and land of quarrels But today, it is only the land of sorrow. Yet tommorow there shall be hope for thee Even darkness can rise up with greater deeds The silents will be filled again With laughter, happiness and crowds again, But only if we let it begin. [s][i][b]C[/b][/i][/s]
  13. Greetings. I was wondering if anyone is willing to sell an Angien. Please either message me or post an offer. Thank you. [s][i][b]C[/b][/i][/s]
  14. The contest has not started. That is why there are no votes.
  15. I think that, just in my opinion. It would be unfair to disqualify winners from past years. If in fact they deserve it, then they should get it. That is not to say we shouldn't give chances to newer players. We could add catagories such as biggest improvement in etc. or cutest avatar. Now that is just in my opinion. Also, as for the Land votes, I think there should not be a handicap nor should they not be allowed to vote. There should be trust in the validity of votes and the bias of votes means that not everyone is going to have the same amount voice as others and unless I am wrong, democracy is to insure the equality of everyone and the fairness of all decisions. (Of course I'm not sure if we are a democracy... With all the monarchs and all.) But nevertheless, that is where my opinion stands. Cheers.
  16. [attachment=3346:Extreme MD.png] The Devil's number.
  17. I can hear them in the Darkness. I can hear silents scream and shriek. I can hear them.

  18. Because he's the hero we deserve, but not the one we needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful "protector". A Dark Knight.
  19. Yay I like this too!
  20. Joker 2 - 14 water sorry im kinda poor
  21. I do have drink though. Some tequila!
  22. Ahhhh. It sounds interesting. Sounds nice and comfy. However, I have no branches
  23. 4 mil heat elemental 617 wins, age 660 and one sc. Sorry, I don't have much.
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