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Everything posted by ChildOfTheSoul

  1. similar to what keida said above, I have multiple schoolmates that I have played with in the past, and I am unable to train with all of them. There is much more to this game than being able to train with a person you know in RL, so don't let that be the reason you quit MD.
  2. thanks. maybe I WILL just shut it off. Interesting feature, but too buggy an complex for my tastes.
  3. Go Team Bunny :3 I'm in, put me on the list.
  4. I enjoyed this, all the poems were really... interesting. I hope that BFH doesn't think I'm too creepy.
  5. This sounds really fun. I hope that this will be an event that everyone participates in. ^^
  6. I've had the messaging cloud feature for a while now, and I try to sort every message I get into its' corresponding area in the cloud. The only problem is, when everything is sorted I can't access my messages because it says "no new messages" until I get another one. Is tehre a way around this or should I just keep a message in my inbox at all times? Not a huge issue, just thought I'd ask.
  7. I heard in the park that eventually you would be re-starting the quest. so when it does... ressurectioners
  8. the last one is the coolest ^^ (yay for empty praise) I don't want to necessarily rate them, so I'll rank them: 5th picture 1st, 3rd picture 2nd, 2nd picture 3rd, 4th picture 4th, and 1st picture 5th. anyway, I'm terrible at drawing, so I appreciate anyone that tries to draw. good work!
  9. I hope you are truly touched by my poem for BFH, however I'm submitting this for the humor section. **Xx DISCLAIMER: I am not in love with BFH, nor does he even know I wrote this poem. xX** Ode to BFH LIGHTHING When I came up singing a song, you just sat in the cabin all day long. I decided to make you my master And you became just like a pastor. Or maybe a priest, playing coy While I was your little choir boy. And now your light illuminates me Like a lighthouse shines on the sea. Your buttery light licking every shadow Until the sea tells you no, no! I miss you like the spring and the sun Long for the winter and the moon. In perpetually separate places, Yet so close to embraces. I find it quite annoying actually Like dst and people calling MagicDuel an RPG. So if you want to keep our relationship going Just meet me in MDP, I’ll be sitting there abhorring.
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