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Everything posted by Aquellia

  1. This Idea is very good, but may I suggest that It be used similar to the map, profile, or crits page etc. (one of the pages on the panel) Rather than having it list events and maps that are upcomming, they show ones that you have agreed to take part in/ found (Some quests wrapped in mystery may only have a name and everything is looked for) But once started it works to keep track of what you've begun. The percentage may not work very well, as anything with several paths or secret extras etc cannot or will be difficult to show. With the events maybe show only ones that you have agreed to go to. So like a personaly dairy that automatically keeps track of important things. I.e you've started these quests, and completed these ones (this is what you were rewarded maybe?) Aquellia
  2. There is someone wandering around in the east with few active day's (so very much slowly) who is alone and has had little interation with anyone for the past few days of getting and moving around there. If you feel intrigued perhaps you should go find out what they're up too?
  3. Name: Aquellia ID: 247948 AD: 40 I have never been on a concil or had any role related to such. I do though posses the desire to take as many perspectives as I can into my opinion or decision of something. And in the cases that I am unsure of anything I will seek further information on something. I will always be open to more information if someone was to offer it. This and my lack of fraviourtism towards anyone would make me sufficeintly unbiased. Aquellia
  4. I was reading earlier a post from Mur about implimenting skills or skill trees that would allow someone to specialize in something. It included the concept of not activly using the skill or actively using another skill will decrease the skill. Which I thought was a very good idea. It would also fit in very well with the ability to reapair tools as a skill. The skill itself is availible to everyone but a few people may specialise in the skill. So it would give the abilty for people to repair their own items, but with guilds a significantly better result would be acheived. The same would be with harvesting and using the tools. As something that Mur has suggested adding the skill and item damage could help work towards that idea. Or be implimented as a part of it if not beforehand? (The thread http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14277-resources-and-professions/?hl=skill#entry138130) I also agree with change that resources should grow and shrink. (although I'd add a realism cap to how much they can grow; a location with 100/100 herbs might be interpreted as an area overgrown with herb plants and out of control.) it would of course be very difficult to get it high, but some may be dedicated enough so a limit should be implimented. Aquellia.
  5. I would love to go to a tea party and it's precisely the kind of thing I mean. In an offtopic note, do you think someone will be willing to arrange this? I think the community garden would be a good location.
  6. This sounds like a great idea. Make sure to let it include things like regen, items, shared items, advancing, timed effects etc. When I very first came to MD there was a group who were helping the various newbies and it was amazing to wander around and talk to them. Unfortuantly I've not really seen anything since. Obviously people have to have time to do such things so maybe an arraged gathering every now and then for new players or early leaning players. Something that can be put in the annoucment so new players will definatly see it, rather than needed to search for it? Aquellia.
  7. I am a new player and look like to share my findings. I understand that MD is designed for people to go out and comunicate with other to attain knowledge and delelop within the realm. Although I find that some things would not be apropriate to ask and are too difficult to find for something that I feel should be readily availble. An example of such would be how items work. In particular the ones you can pick up from certain locations. I have little to no understanding of how they work and it would not be appropriate for me to ask someone to tell me the mechanics of them. This is something that should be written down and easily found. There is no benifit to having to work out something like this. How is it that if say I picked up an item to find out what it does, can I put said item back? The descriptions of the items are unclear and although they have stats there is nothing to explain what the stats are. Other game mechanics are also either poorly explained or not at all. The times in which it would be apropriate to have to inestgate/ask/search for the answer to something would be; how do I get to this area? where can I find this item? I'm loosing fights, how do I improve? etc rather than whats the game mechanics on holding/trading/using/gathering/regen/fighting. Some game mechanics should be withheld yes, ones such as how to obtain such spell, but not how to use such spell. In regards to the combat what determins a victory should be explained, but how to obtain a victory should be withheld. I still am only guessing what defines a victory and what defines a loss when fighting in MP3. In what kind of fight do you win and not know why? In addition I made this forum account only yesturday. If anything is going to be offputting to a new player it's the significance of the forums. Most of the game should be in game, not on the forums. Without using the forums most of MD is empty lost and uneventful. A notice board and/or quest board should be easily availible in game and well displayed. This is very crudely written by hopefully will allow you to see what kind of things make MD inaccessable. I was tempted several times to give up trying to work out how things work. But I'm stubbon and arrogant. Aquellia.
  8. Hi Water Dowsers, Of what I have currently seen on the forums your guild has come up fairly often and tends to result in the topic moving offtopic and forming an argument. I am curious to know what the purpose of your guild is. On the pinned topic it states "Dowsers exercise the conservation and preservation of water throughout the realm." ( I don't know how to quote it. I do not often use any forums.) This would imply that you are protecting the water supply, and yet all I've seen is you depleting it. I would expect that you would argue that you do not harvest below the suggested limit. This does not mean you are not depleting it though, others do and always will want to gather water thus by harvesting to the limit it would force them to go below it. Hence you are in effect the reason it is depleted. As preservers of the water resource may I ask why it is that you feel the need to hoard water? Beyond personal use, or use for the community is there a particular reason that it need be gathered to it's limit at all? I understand that you have brought it upon yourselves to gather this water in which to sell. I make the suggestion that water should be availible to all to gather themselves. Control of such a resource would bring about a rebellion. (Something that is already in effect I am to understand?) I make also the suggestion that water be sold for the effort and time required to gather it for those who do not have or do not wish to spend such time and effort rather than simply because you have lots of it and have the best access to it. For those who have such time and effort should remain able to collect water as they need and desire. Your guild should work to prevent others from hoarding or depleting water not prevent people from gathering it at all. I.e. someone is consistantly depleting water rather than allowing other to gather aswell, your guild may step in and prevent them from doing so. (Although you may need to work out how, perhanps land cleansing them from the scene or if possibe implimenting a way of preventing them from getting a bucket. Of course this would be aimed at individules so taking all the buckets would not be apropriate) I request that you either: change your ways and methods to better suit your guilds purpose or that your publicly state it's purpose and intentions if they differ from the preservation and conservation of the water resource. (simply editing that stament quoted above and announcing the edit would do) To demonstrate the serverity of such actions from people claiming to preserve the resource (besides the resource war itself) I would like you to take note that I have not gathered any water, partly due to not knowing how to, but mainly due to not wanting to gather below the value that suggested as a limit. As it has been said several times by various older players that they find it difficult to gather water I would expect that no new players will be able to gather water. Another of the many elements on MD that I have found to not be availible. (I will get round to stating these and my suggestions on them at some point.) Which in effect is preventing new players from joining. As I have recently made a post regaurding Nardrolski and understand that as this may seem like an attack toward him I would like to state that this is a post to the Guild and not to him. I would also like to state that I have made several assumptions and cannot or will not provide any evidence of them. They are assumptions, if they are incorrect then simply informing me to allow me to correct them would be an apropriate course of action. I would also like to explicitly state "I am not making any accusations against any person or guild". Anything that appears as though it is doing so is in fact only what I have perceived as to have happened. Again if I am wrong then correct me. Thank you for your time and cooperation, Aquellia.
  9. Hi, I'm Aquellia and I am new to the forums. I've read through this thread which has deviated from the land cleansers topic it began with. To my understanding, Nadrolski is requesting that the land cleansers be more effective at removing unwanted people from a land. I would assume that the land in particular is Marind Bell. It has already been stated that the land cleansers original purpose was to fulfill what he is asking, although some torch related event with is not currently active was relivent to how it accomplished this. I take note of the land in which the change is targeted for because of two reasons. Firstly is that unlike the other lands it has significant ease in which to travel through. Also unlike the other lands the land cleansers effect (due to the low ap cost) is minimal to negligible on it's land. Secondly is how Marind Bell along with the story mode have given me the impression that the land is intended to be open. In particular the only hostility I've seen or noticed from Marind Bell is that from Nadrolski. The (presumably automated) messages in chat are cold and distasteful and of what I've seen on the forums and in game his general attitude is also cold and distasteful. (Keep in mind this is how you've presented yourself and is simply my impression of you. As I've had little to no interaction with you I cannot say how you really are beyond such appearances.) It has been hinted at that the rational in altering the land cleansers is to prevent non land members from harvesting resources within the land. To me this would suggest that the matter be moved to a thread regarding the availability of these resources. Perhaps a personal cool down when collecting to prevent someone from exhausting a resource. (weather it be daily, weekly, monthly or even all of them allowing someone to gather say 100 in a week but only 50 on any given day etc.) Such decisions should be discussed and agreed upon. Why jump over hurdles when you can just fix the source? In regards to the state of the land cleansers and weather they should change; Do they suit their purpose in other lands beside Marind Bell? (i.e.If i used one in GG, NC etc will it be significant enough to push people away?) If so then they need not change. To Nadrolski, I have been given the impression that Marind Bell is a welcoming place to be freely traversed. If I am incorrect please say so. I have also been given the impression that you are not a welcoming person. Again if I am incorrect please correct me. I understand that being a different temperament to your land can be a good thing and quite useful at times. Although It appears more as though your opposing ways are clashing. (Of course if either of the two above statements are wrong, then this does not matter and you can/should disregard it.) As such I kindly suggest that you look upon how you are and what you want Marind Bell to be. Think about weather you do it's image justice and weather it is a location that suits you. Being rather new I am unaware of how anything such as changing lands works but it is just something to consider. (Take note that I am not saying you should change lands of anything of the sort, I would in fact prefer that you simply work of your image and create an affinity with your land rather than what appears to be a collision of natures.) I hope that this post was not too offtopic. It is intended to resolve the matter of the land cleansers and to bring light to the conlift of resources. I also hope that at least one person takes note of what I've said and puts it to even the slightest of good uses. Aquellia.
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