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Everything posted by Pothos

  1. close topic
  2. *pokes at* Has anyone actualy seen blackthorn in a while?
  3. Ok, so, those of you who are looking to buy these crits.. Lose all hope now. I want to know the prices, that's all. Please be realistic about prices. This isn't a bidding war, so no '1sc for sharptear' or some such. Here's the list: Imp [2-3 sc] Age: 341 Heat: 430036 Tokens: claw 1 Imp 2 [5-6 sc] Age: 209 Heat: 1497550 Tokens: claw 1, claw 2, Kelletha Fire, Emeral Glare, Jewel Shards, Osiris Belt Imp 3 [2-3 sc] Age: 37 Heat: 228032 Tokens: None Bloodpact [9-12sc] Age: 66 Heat: 277968 Tokens: None Bloodpact 2 [9-12 sc] Age: 54 Heat: 237380 Tokens: None Sharptear [15-20 sc] age: 208 Heat: 466970 Tokens: Claw 1, Onyx Fangs Elemental [2-3sc] Age: 126 Heat: 4,678,288 Tokens: None Those are the ones i'm interested in getting prices on. So please post with the prices. Thanks to those who help out. Edit: adding price ranges that are rough esitmates. correct as you see fit please. Edit-2: Price drop on BP's. -3 from each [a few = three or more]
  4. Perhaps it would be best to break this up crit by crit. If 24 hours passes without a bid on the crit, it goes to the highest bidder.. that way those who want their crit and are the only ones don't lose interest and buy theirs elsewhere. Plus you can continue the bidding war.
  5. Sharptrooper2 - 1 gc -Stored Heat 204750 -Age 329 I'll bid 1gc
  6. frill was to slow to put in a bid
  7. My name is Pothos, a wanderer through the lands, though I have places that I can oft be found at. My homeland is Necrovion, be warned of that, and so be wary if you choose. It's realy unimportant. What is important is why I am so named, the man of scarves. That i my role, my calling, who I am, and what I do. As I wander I find people who I so deem worthy, or who have heard of me and ask, for one of my Pocketed Scarves. Quality is assured, they can last through most anything, almost every outfit can be made greater by the addition of a proper scarf, and to top it all, they do indeed have pockets for small items. Scrolls, inkwells, Coinage for those who worry of losing their money. I hold no false sense of superiority due to my role, Be they king, innkeeper, man, woman, child, or even a tree. Each shall be treated as as my equal, or as my superior. You will know me by the Scarf about my neck, Either dark blue, long and plain, or made from chainmail. Besides that, I have blue eyes, I am tall, but not overly so, of slim body: slim, flexable, long fingered but stronger than I look, and I wear my hair in a long braid starting at the base of my skull, and reaching down to my waist. The most notable thing I hold, is a Green back made of muslin, held closed by both a leather drawstr8ing, but also a flap over that, secured with wood buttons. Attempts to steal anything from it, or even to cut it open, steal the bag, and such, are pointless. To anyone but myself, the bag is empty, even though it apears full at all times. This is all I have to tell. May you who read it and know my scarves smile and stroke yours, and may those of you who have not known my scarves, seek me out, so that you too may know them.
  8. Pothos


    Close topic. Creature obtained.
  9. Pothos


    Looking for Aged Elemental with 180+ days, If it's got tokens list them and how much you want for it, if it has no tokens, list age and what you want for it.
  10. No offers. Please kindly close this topic. I'll open another for something else.
  11. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1304807200' post='84149'] So I've got a UP that has double the age it takes to go to lvl 2, but I have no idea how many levels a UP can go through. I imagine a lot of people are in that position. Perhaps you ought to tell us how old an UP would interest you? [/quote] I'm looking for about 200-300 age, since it does take an obscene amount of time to max it. - Ok, so 190 days are needed to max it. So i'm looking for 380 days. However i'm not going to auto turn down any offers close to that.
  12. This is both a bump, and me pointing out that I don't care if it has zero heat or a mil. I care only about age.
  13. I'm offering 2sc plus a UP if you happen to want it.
  14. Still here, still looking. I know there have been plenty of veiws of this topic so somebody make an offer. Reasonable offer will probably be taken!
  15. Wtb a doublemax age up, looking to cut through the crap, know how much one's worth. Post or message me any offers. Thank you.
  16. ID: 716817 but it's a bp.
  17. Might I suggest adding Bob? His blooms would be a great addition.. when he does bloom.
  18. Sacrafice alters are common, each land has one. Everyone knows that, either you sacrafice them and take on thier lifeforce, gaining powers from it, or that some being takes the lifeforce and bestows a blessing on you. in either case, What of the remains? Devoid of life they remain, slowly, over time broken down to be obsorbed by nature. Stage one: flesh golem. Gathered from the remains surounding the alters, these creatures are no more than a mass of random parts peiced together in a semi humanoid shape and given life by an unknown entity. Stage two: Shambling mound. As the battles grow longer, So to does the damage mount up, instincts rise and force it to seek out new parts, growing more grotesque, but also more dangerous. Stage three: Abhorition Carefull fostering of it's instinct have driven this creature beyond simple repair. It now activly seeks out new parts, attacking multiple creatures at once to gain them. Stage four: Abomination Shape has lost meaning, parts mesh in ways never intended to form something deadlier than any of the indevidual parts. Now able to lash out at all your enemies at once, it fights for you, living for nothing else but the animilistic thrill it gets from battle.
  19. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1304019997' post='83559'] So this is basically a necrovian scout? [/quote] With an emphasis on attack instead of power, yes. A little change to the orginal's artwork.
  20. Cost to recruit: Same as normal egg. All upgrades at same age/cost/battles Stage one: Darkened egg. An egg, gathered from a nest in Necrovion. Dark energy has changed it, but only time will tell how. Stage two: Silent hatchling This small chik, newly hatched already differs from it's brothers, it's feathers are black, and no sound issues from it's beak. Stage three: Solem watcher Only just ready to join you on the battlefeild, this bird already shows an allofness, and it's very presence seems to drive the others forward. Specials: Battleaura [Works like poweraura but applys to atk] Stage four: Young Raven Battles provide food and death provides power, Both will be needed for this young avian, who's thirst for them spreads to all who fight along side it. It looks to you for it's sustenance, and you are it's only master. Specials: Attackaura, Poweraura Stage five: Raven Your patience is rewarded, as the battles mount up so too does your creature, from an egg it once was now does it spread it's wings in it's true form. A raven, who's voice finaly breaks free from it's beak in a battlecry to drive on your troops. Though it has reached it's adult form, there is still yet more power hidden in it's frame for you to draw out. Specials: Attackaura, Poweraura, Attack bonus +50% Stage six: Shadow Raven On the battlefeild, Death of one, brings victory to another, so has the raven naturaly followed. Sheding it's flesh and feathers This avian has become a true nightmare, Following your command this Avian leads the charge, it's voice silent once more, Yet it reverberates through the hearts and minds of all, Chilling your enemies and invigorating your troops. Specials: attackaura, poweraura, Attack Bonus +50%, Freeze.
  21. -
  22. Why did you waste a claw token on the aramour when a claw token increses power, not attack?
  23. This is just a bump to keep this topic from being lost in the sands of time.
  24. I'd not mind taking the job. It seems relitivly easy, Just a tad time consuming, and I frankly have the time. I think I knock out the entire list in.. Somwhere between one and three days. Depends on how distracted I get.
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