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Everything posted by Pothos

  1. Namely: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/gallery_uploads/gallery/album_220/med_gallery_4849_220_32210.jpg"]http://magicduel.inv...9_220_32210.jpg[/url] My apologies then Vic. And in responce to your O.o at me. I say o.o
  2. Pothos

    Pothos use

  3. I do beleive this may be a trick, and not a treat.
  4. [quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' timestamp='1319600972' post='94649'] I would like to know why the kings are not allowed to make rules regarding the resources for the land that they govern, because I consider it an abuse of privilages- of resources and of resource gathering tools- that this kind of thing is allowed to continue. [/quote] If I may point you towards A certain king of an Island land, who has stated very clearly that the tools in his land are -not- to be lent to any Necrovion citizens, period. That's why they arn't allowed to in my opinion. Now, if I also may point out my idea to have a scene grab the name of the one who depleted a present resource. With that, a King could find all the offenders by simply taking a stroll through their land and making a note. That also means that they could punish those who broke the rules -in the depletion of a resource-.
  5. MI noticed that you came back to the depleter, instead of just someone who over harvests.. Perhaps the solution to that would be to have a scene grab the name of whoever depleted a resource, and keep it in plain veiw till at least one whole unit is back. That would either improve things a -minor- amount with no-body harvesting the last resource, or it would let us keep track, and punish, the offenders. For instance. If we see Eon (again sorry Eon, but you are the name being used.) is going around and gathering the herbs to depletion, we could choose not to pay his 32 silver per. In fact, any monopoly is possible to tople just by sayng 'No, I refuse to pay that much.' Thus making it a case of Eon lowering his price, or wasting his time gathering an ever increasing amount of herbs that he can't be rid of.
  6. That is correct! Though it has been said time after time, that if you just limited yourself, you could make much much more in resources, It still is not listened to! So, While walking through the.. lands that I am walking through. I looked at the herbs left. There are 2 out of 25 herbs. I don't understand why, but there is. So tomorrow if ungathered, there will be 3, then 4, then 6, then 9, and so on. But that's only if it goes ungathered. Now, I am bored so.. Let's do some number crunching. Lets take two men. Lets call the first man Bob. everyone likes Bob right? Good. Lets call the second man Eon. (Sorry Eon, But people are annoyed at you, making your name, perfect for this situation.) Now Each of these two men have a herb basket that they get to keep for a week, and a herb garden with 25 max herbs. Lets say for this argument, that only they can get to their gardens, so only they harvest from their own. Now, our good freind Bob ariives on day 1, and he picks 9 herbs. Eon also arrives, but he picks 23. So, total Score for day one? Bob: 9 Eon 23 Tempting isn't it? in one day you get 23 herbs, a motherload, good for a few batches of tea. But lets keep going. End of day one. Bob's garden: 16/25 herbs. Eon's garden: 2/25 herbs. Start day two, increase resources by 50% current value. Bob's Garden: 24/25 Eon's Garden: 3/25 So! Bob's garden seems almost pristine, while Eon's looks like it's been trampled by a herd of elephants followed by a half dozen drunk chikens. They each gather the newly respawned resources, leaving their gardens as they had the day before. Total Herb score Bob: 17 Eon: 24 So, as you can clearly see, on the two days scale, Eon is the superior in every way, because he has the most resources. Day three. increase counters by 50% current, Bob's is still pretty. Maybe he has even taken some time to trim in decorative ways. Eon's still looks like a highway after a twenty car pileup. Day three herb score: Bob: 25 Eon: 25 As you can see.. Day three is the break even point. Clearly there is no difference in the methods of gathering, even if Eon had gathered every one at the very begining, it would still take 3 days for Bob to catch up. Obvoisly Eon is the savy timesaver. Day four: Bob's garden: Eden. Eon's garden: post apocolytic hellhole. Day four Herb scores: Bob: 34 Eon: 26 At this point, It's pretty clear. Eon's stratagey, is a loss. While in the short term he has gathered more resources, patience has shown to be the better plan. Day five: Bob: rainforest. Eon: Scrubland. Scores: Bob: 42 Eon: 27 Day six. Bob: Pleasent scenery. Eon: Horror film. Scores: Bob: 50 Eon: 28 Days seven. Bob: Tropical vacation. Eon: forced labor camp. Scores: Bob: 58 Eon: 29. But in a final act to gain more, Eon has riped up everything, bringing his total up to 31. [b]End result[/b] [b]Bob's Garden: 16/25 herbs, having yielded 58 total over seven days.[/b] [b]Eon's Garden: 0/25 herbs, having yielded 31total over seven days.[/b] [b]Projected over a 30 day period:[/b] [b]Bob: 16/25 herbs, having yielded 241 total over Thirty days.[/b] [b]Eon: 0/25 Herbs, having yielded 54 total over Thirty days.[/b] Now. I understand, Other people come along and gather too. Chances are, the people who take everything actualy number fewer than the rest of us. But with some hope, People will look at this and say 'Hey, maybe if I only gather from one spot, and do it smart, I'll be able to get lots more resources than normal. Oh and hey! If I only gather from one spot, the others with the same tool might do the same!' Niave yes, But realy.. Think about it. Pick a single spot nobody else has, gather only from there, and everybody will end up with more resources than normal.
  7. *Pulls on a set of work gloves, and wraps his chainmail scarf about his head* I'll have to live without a tool belt.
  8. I have to agree, He may be Mur, but there is a point in which that isn't enough. Honestly there i nothing to stop him from settling himself at some random point in the labrynth and saying 'hey, find me, or else I won't do jack 'cause you don't care', Plus, Prewarning isn't a difficult task. All he would have had to do, was replace the to be anounced segment, with a simple 'GoE, 4:00-16:00 server time' or something to that effect. It would have been less work for him, less problems for everyone else, and completly avoid confusion. Or, if he realy wanted to, he could simply say 'you'll know where' and teleport all of MD to one spot. your not online? Fine, you'll be there when you log on. You are online? Fine, you're there.
  9. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1318519921' post='94028'] Phantasm, your post is rather confusing on a sensitive issue. I do hope you are are not suggesting that victims of sexual harassment leave MD? Your post could easily be interpreted that way, and I suggest you clarify it. [/quote] I beleive you are the only one confused. She is convinced that she is being punished because she was sexualy harrased, so is now saying she is leaving MD. Clear cut. As for her 'sexualy harased being punished'. Get used to it. That's the way life works, You fought back, so you are getting punished. Truly it sucks, yes it's unfair, no that isn't how it should be, yes it's unjust. But that's how it is. -edit- incase it is unclear, I am -not- suporting Phantom being punished, and I am absolutly not, beyond a shadow of a doubt, suporting jester. I am mearly pointing out that this is how life works. RL example: Kid gets jumped by 3 other kids, he fights back, and gets fined by the courts because he fought back.
  10. Pothos

    Tipu vs. Grasan

    [quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1318452239' post='93987'] [url="http://www.animasher.com/watch/351761_474973002"]http://www.animasher...51761_474973002[/url] [/quote] That.. was a -complete- waste of time. It also makes me wonder if you are any older than say. 10.
  11. Neh, let Mur have his fun.. I shall still have my Month of good cheer and slap punishment.
  12. [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1318275210' post='93798'] Cake for everyone! [/quote] But the cake is a pie! Honestly I'd like to thank all of you, have have smiled at, or commented on this topic. I was pretty annoyed at the state of things when I wrote it, and just knowing that a few of you noticed and supported the thought makes me quiet happy.
  13. [quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1318265079' post='93784'] I could be persuaded to give away a creature or two if somebody asks nicely. [/quote] A good sign for when the season rolls about! I'm Sure you will be aproached by someone, as a couple quests should pop up in december to celibrate the season.
  14. Thanks for your support Passant, and if you need any help with that plan, let me know, I'll do what I can.
  15. In the past couple week, I have heard more bitching, moaning, and fighting on the forums, that I would have had I spend the same amount of time among a group of emo's being tortured. If you don't know what that means i'll explain, It means that all you nice little girls and boys are -worse- than a group of posers who act like they are going to kill themselves but never do. So, to put this very simply.. This is October.. Starting December 1st, every time I see a pair fighting, complaining, accusing, harassing, and otherwise drawing things out, I will track them down, in game, to slap them. Yea yea, Cr*ppy(edited because "it is considered a swear by some") punishment, but what the frick am I supposed to do? I'm just a player with less than a year under my belt. The reason for my saying this is twofold.. this gives you the rest of this month, and one more, to get everything wraped up and neatly delt with. The second reason, is that -December is a special month-. Yea, I'm talking christmass, i'm talking winter solstice, I'm talking huanika, robotica, and any other damned reason to celibrate that you can possibly think of, Hell, my birthday is even in there! So.. all i'm saying.. is for one month.. Just one.. Stop your bickering, and be nice. Pipsticks should be shaking hands with grido, DST should run around huging everyone, Windy should have her sisterhood go out in force to smooch all and pass good cheer like it's a pluague. Passant and the other glass makers should hold a contest for a glass sculpture design, or just simply make one. The woodcutter should be everywhere with a pair of branches to arm every snowman. The water dousers should Poke a hole in the lake, and ice down Marind bell park for skating. Let MDA light a few fires so that Everyone can take shelter inside, talking like family and reading book. Let Windy Fill the air with the smell of Mulled wine, Hard and soft Cider, and munchies. Let Golemus put that magic and technology they are famed for to good use, to string lights anywhere they can to light up the night, and may Necrovion, being closed, spread holiday tales of what things could possibly Emerge from these hidden lands, to frighten or amuse the young and old alike! If that's to much good cheer for you.. Well MDA has a basement you can go be antisocial in. Everyone else, be happy, of good cheer, do not fight! Because if you fight, I will come after you.. And slap you.. With a chainmail scarf.. Or whatever's handy. -Pothos.
  16. I like the idea, good for clearing old training rits without having to spend a half hour on it.
  17. Lufas Guth! This is gone far enough. At this pint it's pretty God be damned clear. People in MD either don't care, or don't agree about Grido's actions. Yes, Personaly I agree he's done wrong, Yes, I think he should at the very least be public about how he punished DST, but -I am in the minority-. MD isn't a Democracy, but even if it was, this topic would be closed. The're not enough people behind this. Curi, Your heart is in the right place, and you might even be right.. But your never going to make progress this way.. Just ask for this topic to be closed. If you absolutly must, then keep gathering evidence, but right now.. let it drop.
  18. I have a copy of Some of the older works, including a second edition monster manual.. and I don't recal anything even remotly like the Grassan. Edit: I did a check. It's not listed.. Nothing in the C's G', or in the demon section. To be clear I am looking in copyright 1993 updated monstrous manual for AD&D 2nd edition game. It was printed in 1996 though. a tad out of date, but it keeps you safe there.. I can look even further bag into the couple other books I have, but they are even older.
  19. ............................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................................... There you go. Aproxamitly 1000 Charecters. Enough for a reasonable title, and five lines of whatever you want to say. That's not an Essay, that's not to much to review, that's a pretty reasonable amount for someone trying to write something with an amount of intelegence, which along with detail is what you are trying to get in -research-.
  20. Pimped Grasan 4 Age=473. 2 sc
  21. I do Beleive this has all been blown out of preportions again. Grido or DST, simply state what the punishment was. {edit} This will solve the problem of people complaining about it {edit} Everyone else, please stay on topic, and the topic is the punishment of Phantom orchid, which can include wether or not it is apropriate for the crime. Personally, I say she should have warning, and have this happen the next time, but that's just me. I tend to be more leinient that some others. As for the ENTIRE dst conversation.. Make a topic for it, and hash it out there. For the ENTIRE Grido conflict, including the hate page of Pipstick, again I say to make a forum for it, and hash it out there.
  22. 2sc for pimped grasan age 151
  23. One gold is worth 12 silver coins. It actualy works out to 2.40 silver coins per.
  24. You know, that sounds alot like a Kzin Item called the 'Hot needle of Inquiry'
  25. One guardian army stone for whatever you are willing to sell. Already enchanted.
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