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Everything posted by Witty

  1. The matches were the following: Princ Rhaegar + Apophys vs Aethon + Aeoshattr 1p 1p 0p 0.5p Nimrodel + Zleiphnir vs Mirus + Lintara 1p 0p 0p 0p Nimrodel + Zleiphnir vs Princ Rhaegar + Apophys 1p 0p 0p 0.5p Sir Blut + Sunfire vs Aethon + Aeoshattr 0.5p 0p 1p 1p Sir Blut + Sunfire vs Mirus + Lintara 1p 0.5 1p 0p Tie Breaker matches: Princ Rhaegar + Apophys vs Aethon + Aeoshattr ------- Team Rhaegar/Apop wins with giving a 0.5p answer first Sir Blut+ Sunfire vs Nimrodel + Zleiphnir ------- Team Blut/Sunfire wins with giving a 0.5p answer first (this round was played only with one person to represent each team) Will be back with the logs when I get a little bit of free time to clean them nicely.
  2. Sure! Will post them later on today, along with the chat logs :)
  3. Good luck with the application, vladan! You have my support! ^_^
  4. I might have to stay off from MD for a while, soon...

  5. Witty


    just random drawings of mine.
  6. Congratulations! :)
  7. Someone gave Witty fabulous shoes D: Hahahahaha, I love it ^^
  8. I can't make it anymore :( Got a RL event that I need to go to and I didn't know about it. :( I'm so sorry I really wanted to attend this Edit: Maybe I could get someone to replace me.
  9. Today's mood was bad enough to prevent me from participating in MD activities.




      Hope you're feeling better now..

    2. Witty


      A bit better, yep. ^^

  10. Happy birthday Rophs! Best wishes! :)
  11. Is it okay if two persons work together on a song? ^^
  12. Blackshade, what if I want to draw a part of the drawing with markers, is that okay? :) I'll make everything with pencil, and put the marker on , so I could take a picture in pencil before putting on the markers.
  13. I'll announce it once Eagle Eye answers my PM :D
  14. This is a play, created spontaneously! Each of the characters will say/RP something, in a previously given order, until they create a story. Every participant has 10 turns to use. April 22nd, 16:00 ST There are given characters: -the bloodthirsty (killer) rabbit -the cemetery (Suggestion: one could RP things that may happen in a cemetery environment: noises, movement of things, etc...,) -taken -the life-sucking mosquito -the lovable dog which also has a second head, which is that of a cat (how do they get along?) -lots of ghouls (to be RPd by a person, as a whole) -master of deranged ceremonies -twin-headed lawyer -mutant rat wearing a bauta venetian mask -worn party costume in middle-life crisis -knife-juggling jester -pirate walking tree with human feet For I want this quest (and whatever I do, generally) to be as fair as possible, I will make a scoring scale, so each participant can get points based on some clear criteria. Scoring starts from 0, and every participant's performance gets 1 point for using each turn, and the following get a 1-10 points grading. creativity relating their RP to the other's aka team work Final scores: Cemetery with an average of 18,66 --- Mirus Dogcat with an average of 17,66 --- Aethon Mosquito with an average of 16.66 --- Zleiph Twinheaded Lawyer with an average of 16 --- Draconas Congratulations!! Contact me for your rewards! -------------------------------- There were three judges, who gave separate scores for each character. Participants can ask me for details. ------------------------------------------- First place - Anniversary Aramor + 3GC Second Place - Anniversary Aramor +2GC Third Place - 1 GC *This has originally been created by TheRichMerchant, but applied and turned into a contest by me.
  15. Pretty funny stuff. ^.^
  16. Got a fake version of a really strong perfume. I wouldn't want the original one because it's too sweet and strong, but the fake one is more subtle and smells similarly. So convenient! Oh, original 80$ - fake 3$. As I said, so convenient.

    2. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      I'd be wary of such things....

    3. Witty


      Oh, it's all good. It's from a trusted store chain, not the corner of the street (which is also a possibility, but nope).

  17. I asked rikstar to request the second one from chewett for the same reason Nimrodel mentioned but if you could sponsor it that's great! Thank you!
  18. Oh, that's the game that I based the the quest on yup. We play it here in groups and it's always really fun. SO I tried to make it fitting for playing it in the chat, and eventually made a quest. I really hope it will turn out well and we'll all have fun. :)
  19. I'll be with Sir Blut. If a team name is necessary, we are DUCK TRACTORS.xD
  20. @blackrider.. it doesn't sound unfair to me. It's not like irl(sponsors to make favors to their families and stuff) you could participate if you're okay with not getting a prize (in case you should have got the thing you offered), unless someone offers you an identical one (like Chewett did) Please tell me if and why I'm wrong. @ rhaegar yaaayy! Thanks! @jester.. Charades? I'm not sure what that is, but the original game rules were for the same team members to guess. But that wouldn't work because it would be very easy to cheat... And yes, that would get you disqualified, the descriptions have to be subtle, that's why i also decided to have a jury :D Edit: for now i will add everyone who would like to play but i need certain confirmation that you will be able to participate when i will make the poll about the time!
  21. That seems fair enough! Thank you! ^_^
  22. I believe it will be on a Wednesday, I'll make a poll,the day before to settle a time convenient for everyone ^^
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