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  1. Upvote
    Mysticeti got a reaction from Maebius in What is life?   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1361747265' post='133152']
    Life is life. Life is really there to be lived.

    Life is Life. Na naaa naa na na
  2. Upvote
    Mysticeti got a reaction from John Constantine in What is life?   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1361747265' post='133152']
    Life is life. Life is really there to be lived.

    Life is Life. Na naaa naa na na
  3. Upvote
    Mysticeti got a reaction from Zyrxae in Dom - First Experience   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1366290224' post='135026']
    I wasn't interested because it take too long. I enjoy DnD on a sunny afternoon with a crate of beer and chips, but it usually goes on til midnight. With all the people doing nothing but that, and all communication happening very efficient (shouting louder than the rest, mostly).
    Imagining that inside MD... Where people have a few minutes at a time, and then 2 hours of business... And are in different time zones... No way i'd stress myself into that.

    Though I agree, that's sadly unavoidable... All turn games take too long, but it think that there might be a way to streamline the turn system to make it better. I have no idea how at the moment, more testing is needed of course.

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1366287769' post='135025']
    To summarize: your quest looks complicated and I don't have enough time to concentrate on it right now. I prefer the other quests because even if they might require the same amount of time to complete them, they defo are better from the point of view of rules/restrictions.

    I agree, i think that as a standard quest this is not feasible. I doubt you could even get the sponsoring needed to make it worhtwhile for anyone but a hardcore player. My view of it is as a forum game rather than a quest.

    My experience with it so far:
    A very fun way to spend an afternoon if played via chat. My busy schedule makes it unplayable for me on forums.
    I lost 5 turns just yesterday due to inactivity... Which I couldn't really help since I can't acces the forums with my cellphone and I didn't have a computer with a working internet connection around. And making moves in advance works, but only if you're planning on moving, which if you add the fact that there was a character that could move 5 scenes in one turn, and several other that could attack twice... Well, planning your moves in advance becomes really difficult.
    I must admit that I signed in knowing that I did not have much time to play, so i can't really blame anyone but myself.
    That being said i believe that improvements could be made to enhance the forum gaming experience. My personal suggestions would be:
    -Smaller map. This is a sad reality... A bigger map means longer travel time and no encounters up until further in the game. Like turn 9, which would be fine if it didn't take 3 days to get to turn 9...
    -Character Classes... The bane of any original RPG, but they are useful. It makes choosing simpler and allows a player to not worry himself to death by mixing and matching mods. A custom class coud be reserved for players that want a deeper experience.
    -Adapting the turn system to enable busy people to enjoy this nice game as well... This one pretty much speaks for itself, although i admit this is more a personal wish rather than an actual suggestion. I believe the turn system could be improved though.

    All in all, as with all games in their early stages, DoM is a really nice concept but needs to be worked upon. There's still much room for improvement and it needs testing both in chat and in forum...
    I have no doubt that Dan will rise to the challenge, and have faith that this game will be a nice contribution to the MD Community Forum once it's done.

  4. Upvote
    Mysticeti got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Dom - First Experience   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1366290224' post='135026']
    I wasn't interested because it take too long. I enjoy DnD on a sunny afternoon with a crate of beer and chips, but it usually goes on til midnight. With all the people doing nothing but that, and all communication happening very efficient (shouting louder than the rest, mostly).
    Imagining that inside MD... Where people have a few minutes at a time, and then 2 hours of business... And are in different time zones... No way i'd stress myself into that.

    Though I agree, that's sadly unavoidable... All turn games take too long, but it think that there might be a way to streamline the turn system to make it better. I have no idea how at the moment, more testing is needed of course.

    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1366287769' post='135025']
    To summarize: your quest looks complicated and I don't have enough time to concentrate on it right now. I prefer the other quests because even if they might require the same amount of time to complete them, they defo are better from the point of view of rules/restrictions.

    I agree, i think that as a standard quest this is not feasible. I doubt you could even get the sponsoring needed to make it worhtwhile for anyone but a hardcore player. My view of it is as a forum game rather than a quest.

    My experience with it so far:
    A very fun way to spend an afternoon if played via chat. My busy schedule makes it unplayable for me on forums.
    I lost 5 turns just yesterday due to inactivity... Which I couldn't really help since I can't acces the forums with my cellphone and I didn't have a computer with a working internet connection around. And making moves in advance works, but only if you're planning on moving, which if you add the fact that there was a character that could move 5 scenes in one turn, and several other that could attack twice... Well, planning your moves in advance becomes really difficult.
    I must admit that I signed in knowing that I did not have much time to play, so i can't really blame anyone but myself.
    That being said i believe that improvements could be made to enhance the forum gaming experience. My personal suggestions would be:
    -Smaller map. This is a sad reality... A bigger map means longer travel time and no encounters up until further in the game. Like turn 9, which would be fine if it didn't take 3 days to get to turn 9...
    -Character Classes... The bane of any original RPG, but they are useful. It makes choosing simpler and allows a player to not worry himself to death by mixing and matching mods. A custom class coud be reserved for players that want a deeper experience.
    -Adapting the turn system to enable busy people to enjoy this nice game as well... This one pretty much speaks for itself, although i admit this is more a personal wish rather than an actual suggestion. I believe the turn system could be improved though.

    All in all, as with all games in their early stages, DoM is a really nice concept but needs to be worked upon. There's still much room for improvement and it needs testing both in chat and in forum...
    I have no doubt that Dan will rise to the challenge, and have faith that this game will be a nice contribution to the MD Community Forum once it's done.

  5. Upvote
    Mysticeti got a reaction from Sunfire in What is life?   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1361747265' post='133152']
    Life is life. Life is really there to be lived.

    Life is Life. Na naaa naa na na
  6. Upvote
    Mysticeti got a reaction from Tarquinus in What is life?   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1361747265' post='133152']
    Life is life. Life is really there to be lived.

    Life is Life. Na naaa naa na na
  7. Upvote
    Mysticeti got a reaction from lashtal in Funeral for Friend   
    It was a lovely ceremony, and while I did not know him personally I regret i could not stay until the end. I intended to share a little poetry at the ceremony, a couple of stanzas that I felt were not only beautiful but fitting as well.
    These are the two final stanzas of the poem "June" by William Cullen Bryant:

    [i]"I know that I no more should see
    The season`s glorious show,
    Nor would its brightness shine for me,
    Nor its wild music flow;
    But if, around my place of sleep,
    The friends I love should come to weep,
    They might not haste to go.
    Soft airs, and song, and light, and bloom
    Should keep them lingering by my tomb.

    These to their softened hearts should bear
    The thought of what has been,
    And speak of one who cannot share
    The gladness of the scene;
    Whose part, in all the pomp that fills
    The circuit of the summer hills,
    Is that his grave is green;
    And deeply would their hearts rejoice
    To hear again his living voice."[/i]

    Rest in Peace Molquert, as I'm sure you will.
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