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Everything posted by ugauga

  1. Ups.. nope.. toata lumea care vrea sa vina e invitata
  2. Ok.. so.. this message is basically for the ones that live in Romania in Bucharest and want to come to a metting with Manu and the rest of the staff, the rest can ignore this post:P Se incearca sa se faca o intalnire cu Manu si ceilalti implicati in proiect asa ca daca sunt doritori nu trebuie decat sa spuneti aici ca vreti sa veniti si sa spuneti si o ora dupa care ati fi disponibili sa iesiti la o bere/suc/cafea/whatever. So.. doritori?
  3. Check out my new head banging thingy and it will make you more to want to do the same :D

  4. There. Uploaded a new head bangin' thingy :D

  5. Yup, got more head bangining thingys :D

  6. My bad, I took it literally. Well, then I agree with you Act
  7. Actually I don't necessarily agree on that, because you need a lot of age from lvl 3 and up on most of the important creatures, so I don't really think .1 or .01 values will do. I don't really see why I would want to exchange my time invested (age) in values so small when I can use them in fights and get much more. If it will be like that I only see that as an losing xp feature and nothing more.
  8. Just imagine players with 4k of VP that go rampage and buy BS when they don't need the VP and then when they have a creature to upgrade they will go and sell all the creatures they bought before and gain huge values of VP to upgrade the creatures => This is not OK. If you need just some VP, let's say 300 or so to upgrade your creature I think it's just fine to sell a creature so you can upgrade another one, that is if you can't find anyone to fight and get some VP but stocking up on VP(low lvl creatures) doesn't sound right to me.
  9. Thanks :D but I got more mwahahaha

  10. Act, I'm rotfl here beside Antitalent
  11. Meh.. we know..we know.. we were just drooling while trying to imagine how magic will be :lol:
  12. How come you don't like my head banging thingy? :(

  13. Yes, it's only obvious you will lose the experience that creature has gained through combat.
  14. Magic? Where's the magic? Where? Where? Gimme gimmeeeeeeeeeeeeee magicccccccccccc! Necrovion and Fenths Press FTW
  15. No they don't give attack/defence bonus or other bonuses! Please use the Search feature before you post something! Thank you!
  16. No, unfortunately you got it wrong. It has nothing to do with intelligence whatsoever. Enthropy is not like stamina, either. Enthropy will lead to "destruction or manipulating the speed with which Enthropy acts". So no, this is not like "other games". Some of this stuff it's hard to understand or even really hard to understand but that's just how this was intended to be.
  17. Welcome Shozbay and if you need anything just ask. Ana-Maria, please do tell
  18. I think bonuses should be permanent but each alliance must get some bonus, regardless of how small the bonus will be. If only the best alliances get something only those will get better and better each time and will become unbeatable. Also I think it will be better to have a winning alliance in each land and an alliance winner for all lands. And maybe add some bonus land points and let's say when you get 500 points all players that are from that land will get a bonus, 1 point in regeneration or something like that. I think it is better to have it once every 3 days and maybe at different time intervals, more players will be able to join in, I say this having in mind that we have players from US and Asia also, not just from Europe and we're on different time frames. I'll get back with more later on. Cheers
  19. Who's arguing? It's perfectly ok to talk in this "Hello" post, I wasn't referring to this. I was referring in general to all the post made by Shin'tai. Shin'tai it was just a friendly warning not a real one (this time).
  20. Next time read more carefully as I was not wrong at all. Don't mislead peoples to wrong conclusions.
  21. This is one example Also, one word replies are considered spam, if you can't find anything good to add than just one word then don't reply at all, the forum is for discussions not one word posts and don't make me look for posts because with each post that I find like this I will give you a warning and belive me there will be more than one posts. Consider yourself warned.
  22. Well.. spaming the forum can do that and she kinda aboused that feature.
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