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In this competition, anything is allowed. Spells, tokens, stats, whatever, you name it, you can use it. You just have to fight, stopping each other from doing that is not allowed.

The specialty in this event is that it will be a team competition. All participants will have to split in two teams. Also, a captain for each team has to be appointed.

The point is NOT to defeat the whole other team, though. I'll use a randomizer to create pairs of people and the desired outcome, win or loss. Team A will be asked to produce exactly that pattern, while team B's objective will be to prevent that. The attacking team doesn't have to stick to any schedules for their attacks, they can immidiately do them all, or postpone them for a bit. In the case of uneven teams, one player might have to attack more than one opponent, or defend against more than one opponent, so you'll want to get even teams to prevent that, for example, one defender has to lose and win in the same pattern. The attackers are not obliged to announce which attack they'll do when, and they are not limited to just one attack. Only the first fight between the two opponents matched for that pattern counts, though. For example, you can send somebody else from your team to test the defence, but you can't call it a test if you tried it yourself.

Example: My randomizer says that eon has to lose against dst in his teams attack. So, Eon will attack to lose, and dst will defend to lose. If Eon manages to lose, his team scores, is dst makes him win, her team scores.

The team with the higher score after 3 such rounds, each consisting of 2 patterns, one with team a attacking, one with team b attacking, and each taking place on a saturday evening in the marble dale park, wins, and the captain will get a bunch of prices to give out to his or her comrades.

You will want to have a nicely mixed team of all MP-levels. If you have too little players from a level, the few unlucky ones will have to do more fights, and probably get into the situation of wanting to win and lose an incoming fight in the same round. You can guess that this won't go too well.

You have 1 week for the registration. I suggest you start as soon as possible, and keep the list or participants from your team up to date, including their MP-level, so the other team can recruit some matches in time. Having too little players of a level is a slight advantage in offence, but a big disadvantage in defence.

The times will be set in accordance with the team captains. I plan to give you half an hour per pattern, so this event will take 3 sessions á ~65 minutes.
Yes, it sounds all complicated, but it really isn't. We'll run a trial edition a few days before starting with the first real contest, so don't worry.

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Would you folks please give me a rough idea if this is interesting and if it will take place? My first 2 events both had a bunch of entries in the first day, are you not planning to take part in this one, or just secretly preparing two teams behind my back? <.<

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It strongly depends on timing... I may be online quite a lot, but more 'organized' playing, with rits set-up and concentration is much more limited - usually 2100-2300. With this disclaimer - sure why not :-)
xrieg mp5

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I'm interested, but timezones are a problem to me :< Last time I participated in the SG event I weren't even able to do a single battle since I can't meet my designated opponents online. That said, if anyone is interested in forming a team for people who are online around 18.00-20.00 server time, please let me know.

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Well, i'd have hoped for more participants, but that'll do. More rewards for the people who play.

Udgard and xrieg are appointed leaders.

Please pick your team members, Tipu will be left out unless you find one MP4 for the opposing team, and let me know a time that suits both of your teams.
It's fine with me if you recruit more people, but the rewards are fixed now. Quite a big bunch for so few people... :D

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Ah, one thing I'm still not sure of: how many person should a team be consisted of? I was under the impression that it's a 3 vs 3, but I can't really find it stated anywhere xD Or is it freely decided by the team leaders?

PS: recruiting team members, those interested to join my team please PM me.

My current team:
Udgard (mp5)
Phantom Orchid (mp5)
Shadowseeker (mp5)
Paracelsus (mp4)
Crankz (mp3)
Quashen (mp3)

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Udgard, any number is acceptable, i don't limit my competitions. As indicated in the first post, you really want to have the same number as your opponent of each MP, else your team will easily lose points in defence.

Shadow, it will be a full week by midnight.

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Are we allowed to sign our self and our alt? As I have a fully capable MP3 alt for this.. if we can find an MP3 for the opponent.

Edit: I'd like to apply the following to xrieg's team if he'll accept me.
Lone Wolf MP5
lone wolf pup MP3

Edit 2: I can be on at any time as long as I get a day ahead warning.

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If you think you can handle it, sure. Nobody is going to wait for you to change characters, though.

Also, just for clarification: The two leaders can pick their team mates. You don't have to accept people just because they want to play if you don't want them to play for you. It's completely up to you.

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Thank you :-) Let's move and try to set up our teams :-) *bows to Udgard*

team beauty (beast team is Udgard's I guess to fit)

xrieg MP5
Lone Wolf MP5
Nimrodel MP5

Tipu MP4

lone wolf pup MP3
Master of Magic MP3

please let me know if you are interested :-)

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Actually i'd have liked to have finished teams by yesterday night, but as it seems that people needed a little push to start working, i'll give you another week. Not entirely as planned, but hey, things rarely turn out as planned.

[s]I wish that both Udgard and xrieg finish recruiting by friday 24:00, and post a list of all their team including their MP-levels by then.[/s]
Why, actually, scratch that, since things never run as planned, you can pick people from the spot for all i care. I won't need lists since i won't be doing any reward giving this time, i just need to give stuff to the captain :))
I don't expect all people of both teams to show up, they never do, so we'll have to handle the pattern ad hoc... which will be quite a pain, but not impossible.

I'd like to play the test round, which i actually wanted to play tonight, next saturday instead. If you two captains manage to find a good time, fine, else it'll be my pick. I'm not awake between 01:00 and 09:00, everything else should be fine (god bless free saturdays :D)

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let's see how the week evolve - I may be perfectly available all saturday (most likely) or quite unreachable (probability 20%)

and of course team beauty is recruiting (welcome another teammate: Master of Magic, MP3 section :-))

LE: just learned that most probably will not be able to make it most probably :-(

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