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First MDA Festival - Aug 24th

Fyrd Argentus

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Some of the prize sponsors (summary of posts below plus other communications):

Innocence has an MDA fund containing a 10-gold note, 12 gold, and 14 silver.
Innocence is also donating two Imperial Aramors and one Joker
Mighty Pirate donates 2 (colored) sharp-shooters.
DST offers 3 credit codes worth 5 credits each.
Passant the Weak offers a set of Raw Glass, and an aged Angien.
Burns is offering a Pimp and a charged memory stone.
Grido is offering a collection of moderately aged creatures.
Tarquinus says below - there will be a wishpoint!
xreig has offered a 10M heat infused creature.
Windy is donating two teacups.
Phantom Orchid is offerin, 1 gold, 8 lumber, BP Archer (age 539), Pimped Grasan (age 151), 2 Angiens (age 506), 2 Tormented Souls (age 286)
Stipple is donating an unholy priest.
Neno Veliki is donating 5 silver.
Fyrd will provide creature prizes for the winning Mud Race team.

And of course there will be abundant pickles.... And other grand surprise prizes.

Let us show our appreciation -- thank you!

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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  • Root Admin

Thats what i love to see.. people supporting an event with their own goods, impressive.
My donation was told to the organizer, its not as great as yours however :)

When you give out the rewards please do mention who porivded them, their donnors deserve that.

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[u][size=5][b]About the Poetry Slam[/b][/size][/u]

The Poetry Slam consists of three segments: the reading of pre-prepared works, including one by yours truly; the extemporaneous challenge; and the chain poem.

[b]Pre-prepared works[/b]
Anyone can submit poems already written. There is no restriction on the form or theme. Length is preferably fewer than 2 typewritten pages or thereabouts. This section is [u]not[/u] mandatory for participants, though entrants who submit such work will be given a little extra consideration. Poems written about segments of the Adventure Log will also be viewed preferentially. We will read these poems for the first half hour or so. If you can't attend, send your poem to Keith Moon (always at Storm Coast) or to me via Forum PM, and I'll read them for you.

[b]The extemporaneous challenge[/b]
This is really the heart of the poetry slam: how well can you perform under pressure? Each contestant will be assigned a specific section or series of events in the AL about which s/he must create a poem in a limited amount of time (usually 5-10 minutes, depending on attendance and general consensus among participants). This challenge will determine most of the prizes to be awarded.

[b]The chain poem[/b]
This part is really more for fun than anything else. I will start the poem with a line, and participants will add a line in turn until we get tired of the thing. Previous chain poems have been pretty funny. It's traditional to rhyme with the line before yours, though alternation is encouraged: for example, Participant 1 rhymes with my line, Participant 2 sets a new rhyme, Participant 3 rhymes with 2's line, Participant 4 starts a new rhyme, etc.

[u][b]Award categories[/b][/u]
I hate having to judge poetry, which is a very personal thing, really, but some criteria must be set for the giving of awards. These are:

[*]Best structured poetry (ie, uses rhyme, meter, or a known form such as haiku)
[*]Best free verse (ie, no restriction on rhyme or meter)
[*]Most original or striking imagery

Be warned! I judge meter pretty harshly and free verse even more harshly. In short: feel free to break the rules, but give me some idea that you know what they are.

Consideration will also be given to poets writing in their non-native languages.

See you at 8:00 server time!

Edited by Tarquinus
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