Popular Post Fyrd Argentus Posted August 16, 2011 Popular Post Report Posted August 16, 2011 (edited) Announcing the first MagicDuel Archives Festival! [Note: Organized by Innocence, I'm just posting - Fyrd]. Starting at 0:00 on the 24th of August, a Day of Tranquility, come explore the Archives to meet others, play games, and have FUN! The theme for this celebration is “Fun with the Adventure Log.” As such, there will be several events and games that touch upon this theme. The Adventure Log has been a part of MagicDuel since its beginnings and embodies its soul. Though the AL lies dormant for the time being, it’s important to know where we’ve been and how we’ve ended up where we are now, but that doesn’t mean that we have to be all dour and studious about it… So let’s have some FUN!! Scheduled Events: 0:00-2:00 To start the celebration, Awiiya will be hosting a Story Night. Using the theme, bring your best parody or satire of a portion of the AL! Would you like to see an expanded version of the epic struggle between Bootes and MRD? Have you wondered what other books were available for RJ to read when he was in the Drachorn Lair? Perhaps you want to tell the story of the shades who were on the other side of the gate from Khalazdad? Now is your chance to inject a little humor or a different perspective into a part of our history. 4:00-6:00 Everyone has questions. Everyone has answers. But… what if the two really don’t have anything to do with each other? That must mean it’s time for… Silly Questions and Sillier Answers!! A simple event that requires no real preparation, join Innocence in the Indexed Room of Memories for what is certain to be a lot of laughs! The catch, of course, is that you must prepare your answer before the question is asked by stealing a line from the AL. Who knows what questions might come up? Innocence might ask about anything from your favorite color or food, to advice on handling knators, to what sort of guidance helped you most when you first arrived in this land. The only way to know is to show up. One this is certain, though, it’s going to be a lot of fun! 8:00-10:00 You have what it takes, you have what it makes to be a poet? Then come and show it! Keith Moon will be hosting a Poetry Slam in the Great Hall of the Sun, so bring your best meter, rhythms, and rhymes! Free form? Couplets? Sonnets? Perhaps some rambling epic? Everyone is encouraged to attend and to participate. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover that the soul of an artist lies within you and is looking for a chance to let the world see! 18:00-20:00 What would a [noun] be without a bit of [adjective] fun? Come and join Innocence in the Great Hall of the [noun] to [verb] to a different style of Adventure Log that you’ll help create! Take a seat or [verb] against the wall and toss out all sorts of [adjective] words! Then all you’ll have to do is [verb] while Innocence [verb ending in –s] the tale. While [verb ending in –ing] and laughing, try to keep your [plural noun] about you so newcomers don’t stare at you too [adverb.] 21:00-21:45 22:00-22:45 Do you think you’re smart enough to be able to track Burns? Do you think you’re clever enough to catch him? But, most importantly, do you think you’re good enough to keep him? Welcome to Burn’s Grand Chase! Two events—back to back—will feature Burns running around the Archive lands while others are welcome to try to stop him. Will you dig a pit? Will you drop a cage? Can either really hold someone like Burns for long? It’s time to find out in an exciting mix of tag and capture the flag… only… this flag can move and outwit you! Note: Lower viscosity leads to a better event. (The MDA guilds and their membership cannot be held responsible for singed eyebrows, ripped clothing, busted armor, bloody noses, broken bones, hurt feelings, or anything else that might be inflicted during the course of this event. Thank you.) Non-scheduled Events: —Registration Pairings and Riddles, “Door Prizes”— As the celebration begins, and throughout the day, contact either Je Suis Oeufs Fous or Kyphis (schedule still to be determined) to receive a “name tag,” that will be part of a pair, along with half a riddle. Your goal is to seek out the match to your tag, put the two halves together, and to solve the riddle. Those who succeed will receive a small prize. Also, as people register with Je Suis Oeufs Fous and Kyphis, random “door prizes” will be given away. Who knows what you could get? —MD-Style Clue, Multiplayer— With a mood of celebration sweeping through the Archives, one of the members of the MDA lands got a little too excited and snatched something and hid it away for others to find. Did Curiose take a Jar of Pickles and hide it at the MDA Main Gates? Or perhaps Marind hid a Watering Can at the Gazebo of Silence? It’s up to you and your group to figure out who took what and where it was hidden. Contact Innocence to get started on this mystery and play as many times as you want! Minimum group of two required. Further details will be available from Innocence. —MD-Style Clue, Single Player— With a mood of celebration sweeping through the Archives, many members of the Archive Lands got a little too excited and decided to play pranks on each other. Who hid the Sealed Diary in the Indexed Room of Memories? Rendril Revant left behind a Green Cube as a calling card, but what did he take? Tackle a maddening logic-style problem to match up the thieves to their loot, their hiding place, and their calling card! Contact Innocence to get started on these mysteries! —MagicDuel Archive Mud Race— Words are popping out all over the MDA grounds – perhaps it is a message from the spirits hereabouts. See if you can collect them all and bring them as a sentence to the Fountain of the Lost Path, faster than any other team. And yes, due to all the mud (viscosity), this is a team event. Score is based on time lapse between when the first word is found to when the last team member reports in at the fountain. Try as many times as you wish to better the previous scores – it should get easier as the mud is trampled throughout the day. Prizes, of course. More details will be found on the 3 tiles around the Lost Path Fountain - begin and play any time on the 24th.. [During the event, one clickie was incapacitated by the powers that be. Another will be substituted and the Mud Race will be allowed to continue later. Please watch for an annoucement in the Quests folder.] —Words within Words— “Rain,” “enable,” “baritone”—those are just three words that can be made using the letters within the word “celebration.” Do you think you have what it takes to find more? To begin this game, simply contact Innocence to receive your word or words. Then stretch that brain of yours as you have 15 minutes to come up with as many words as you can! Keep your pencil sharp and your mind sharper! Further details will be available from Innocence. Vendor and Artisan Booths: If you’d like to set up a space and time to sell your services or wares, please contact any of the Archivists to secure a spot. Times and places will be based on “first come, first serve.” Several areas will be set aside—mostly the Study Room and its West Wing, unnamed counterpart, but may expand, dependent upon interest—for those who want to take the opportunity to vend to the people visiting the Archives during the celebration. If you have wares or a service to sell, please contact an Archivist with your name, type of merchandise or service, and a preferred time frame in Server Time. IE: Carl Marks, Power to the People-service, 10:30 to 12:00 Please respect the time slot you are given and wrap up any pitches or deals before the end of your time. Failure to do so may limit an individual’s participation in future events. Now a word from our sponsors… That could be YOU! While the goal of this celebration is to bring people together in the name of fun, it’s nice to be able to award various people for their efforts in participating in the games and events planned herein. However, the “Archives Fund” is limited and would welcome any and all donations for prizes. If you are able to offer up anything as a prize—creatures, material resources, WPs, memory stones, credits, Avatar or Item artwork, anything at all—it would be greatly appreciated. Again, the goal of the celebration is to CELEBRATE and to have FUN and that is what’s most important here, not any potential prizes. MagicDuel is a community that should look for every opportunity and any excuse to come together to have a good time. Finally… More events may be scheduled at a later point in time, especially if you—yes YOU!—approach either Fyrd Argentus or Innocence to discuss your event or game. Games or events that can incorporate the theme will be given preference over those that don’t, but every effort will be made to include as many as possible. The success of this celebration is directly linked to the number of people participating, so bring your friends and have them bring their friends for an awesome time! After all, if the more the merrier, then the MOST the MERRIEST! Your Comments and Suggestions are welcomed. Also, please post ideas for events or games or if you are able to supply a potential prize. Thank you for your time and we hope to see the Archives packed on the 24th! P.S. Any who might be interested in performing a dramatic or comedic sketch of a scene from the Adventure Log, please contact Innocence to discuss the scene a performance time. Thank you. Edited August 24, 2011 by Fyrd Argentus Ivorak, Nimrodel, Passant the Weak and 9 others 12
Fyrd Argentus Posted August 16, 2011 Author Report Posted August 16, 2011 (edited) Some of the prize sponsors (summary of posts below plus other communications): Innocence has an MDA fund containing a 10-gold note, 12 gold, and 14 silver. Innocence is also donating two Imperial Aramors and one Joker Mighty Pirate donates 2 (colored) sharp-shooters. DST offers 3 credit codes worth 5 credits each. Passant the Weak offers a set of Raw Glass, and an aged Angien. Burns is offering a Pimp and a charged memory stone. Grido is offering a collection of moderately aged creatures. Tarquinus says below - there will be a wishpoint! xreig has offered a 10M heat infused creature. Windy is donating two teacups. Phantom Orchid is offerin, 1 gold, 8 lumber, BP Archer (age 539), Pimped Grasan (age 151), 2 Angiens (age 506), 2 Tormented Souls (age 286) Stipple is donating an unholy priest. Neno Veliki is donating 5 silver. Fyrd will provide creature prizes for the winning Mud Race team. And of course there will be abundant pickles.... And other grand surprise prizes. Let us show our appreciation -- thank you! Edited August 23, 2011 by Fyrd Argentus Phantom Orchid 1
dst Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 I'm donating 3 credit codes of 5 credits each.
Passant the Weak Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 I am donating a set of Raw glass of top quality... whenever I manage to get some spare!
Tarquinus Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 Tarquinus will sponsor a wish point. I request that the organizers think carefully where it should be awarded, so there will be no complaints of "wish-point sharing". Perhaps it can be an award for superior performance over the festival as a whole? Phantom Orchid 1
Passant the Weak Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 we are adding an aged Angien to our sponsorship: 1 aged Angien and 1 set of Raw Glass will be sponsored by yours truly.
xrieg Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 I may donate a 10M heat infused crit, if event organizers accept it
Phantom Orchid Posted August 19, 2011 Report Posted August 19, 2011 I will donate:[list] [*]1 gold [*]8 lumber [*]BP Archer (age 539) [*]Pimped Grasan (age 151) [*]2 Angiens (age 506) [*]2 Tormented Souls (age 286) [/list]
Stipple Posted August 20, 2011 Report Posted August 20, 2011 (edited) I will donate an unholy priest Edited August 20, 2011 by Stipple
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted August 23, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted August 23, 2011 Thats what i love to see.. people supporting an event with their own goods, impressive. My donation was told to the organizer, its not as great as yours however When you give out the rewards please do mention who porivded them, their donnors deserve that. Kyphis the Bard and Phantom Orchid 2
Amoran Kalamanira Kol Posted August 23, 2011 Report Posted August 23, 2011 List of donations sent to the organizer. I'm excited about this!
Tarquinus Posted August 23, 2011 Report Posted August 23, 2011 (edited) [u][size=5][b]About the Poetry Slam[/b][/size][/u] The Poetry Slam consists of three segments: the reading of pre-prepared works, including one by yours truly; the extemporaneous challenge; and the chain poem. [b]Pre-prepared works[/b] Anyone can submit poems already written. There is no restriction on the form or theme. Length is preferably fewer than 2 typewritten pages or thereabouts. This section is [u]not[/u] mandatory for participants, though entrants who submit such work will be given a little extra consideration. Poems written about segments of the Adventure Log will also be viewed preferentially. We will read these poems for the first half hour or so. If you can't attend, send your poem to Keith Moon (always at Storm Coast) or to me via Forum PM, and I'll read them for you. [b]The extemporaneous challenge[/b] This is really the heart of the poetry slam: how well can you perform under pressure? Each contestant will be assigned a specific section or series of events in the AL about which s/he must create a poem in a limited amount of time (usually 5-10 minutes, depending on attendance and general consensus among participants). This challenge will determine most of the prizes to be awarded. [b]The chain poem[/b] This part is really more for fun than anything else. I will start the poem with a line, and participants will add a line in turn until we get tired of the thing. Previous chain poems have been pretty funny. It's traditional to rhyme with the line before yours, though alternation is encouraged: for example, Participant 1 rhymes with my line, Participant 2 sets a new rhyme, Participant 3 rhymes with 2's line, Participant 4 starts a new rhyme, etc. [u][b]Award categories[/b][/u] I hate having to judge poetry, which is a very personal thing, really, but some criteria must be set for the giving of awards. These are: [list] [*]Best structured poetry (ie, uses rhyme, meter, or a known form such as haiku) [*]Best free verse (ie, no restriction on rhyme or meter) [*]Most original or striking imagery [/list] Be warned! I judge meter pretty harshly and free verse even more harshly. In short: feel free to break the rules, but give me some idea that you know what they are. Consideration will also be given to poets writing in their non-native languages. See you at 8:00 server time! Edited August 23, 2011 by Tarquinus Brulant and Phantom Orchid 2
Burns Posted August 23, 2011 Report Posted August 23, 2011 I've just been told that i'll probably have to work tomorrow, there might be up to an hour delay to my competition. I'll try to make it on time, but i can't promise that i will.
smartalekrj Posted August 24, 2011 Report Posted August 24, 2011 Well while we are at it I might as well donate something.... hmmm what do I have to donate to this.... hmmm ok I guess it's all I got... One of my DracHorns. Untokened and never traded before... Age 925 as of right now.
Brulant Posted August 25, 2011 Report Posted August 25, 2011 This was absolutely great, guys. Thank you so much for putting it together and running it! All of you! Inno, Fyrd, Eggs, Kyphis, Burns, Keith, Awii, and all the participants that made the festival so much fun. Keep up the great work. Kyphis the Bard and Phantom Orchid 2
Seigheart Posted August 25, 2011 Report Posted August 25, 2011 Yes, I enjoyed the parts I participated in.
Phantom Orchid Posted August 25, 2011 Report Posted August 25, 2011 Yes! Thank you all so much. I had a ball! May this event provide oodles of inspiration for the rest of us.
Nimrodel Posted August 25, 2011 Report Posted August 25, 2011 though i wasn't able to attend the main events, thanx inno for the two very interesting side chalenges. I wish i could have enjoyed the other events as well. Hopefully, next year.
DarkRaptor Posted August 29, 2011 Report Posted August 29, 2011 Really great Festival, Will be posted any information regarding participants, winners or prizes?
Brulant Posted August 29, 2011 Report Posted August 29, 2011 [quote name='DarkRaptor' timestamp='1314626755' post='91004'] Will be posted any information regarding participants, winners or prizes? [/quote] Inno has been working on it, give it a little more time
Fyrd Argentus Posted September 8, 2011 Author Report Posted September 8, 2011 Prizes are now posted in the Quest Results thread. Winners and donors are requested to get together to make the transfers. Several Chat logs are now posted in MDA/Legend Speakers/Community Events thread. Watcher and Phantom Orchid 1 1
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