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Halloween Packages


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The Treasure Keepers are offering 5 Halloween Packages for the use of Event Organizers and Quest Makers for the Halloween

We will be watching those "Events" and "Quests" that are held over the next couple days. (Until 23:59 October 31st) Afterwards, we shall distribute these 5 Packages to the E.O.s and Q.M.s so that they may... "bolster" their own rewards (if they even offer any).


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  • Root Admin

Apart from the packages distributed by the TK I will distribute an other batch, similar but as direct gifts/rewards. not for sponsoring events or contests. I am writing this here to make it clear its not part of the Treasure Keepers packages.

I will announce what they contain, maybe, before I give them, if not, after..i am still undecided :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

[quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1321020318' post='95622']
As I promised, the winner(unfortunately the TKs (not myself) have decided only one contest was worth the Package Sponsorship.)

Congrats to [b]Phantasm[/b] for creating a unique and interesting quest for almost the entire month of October!

Here you state you decided not to give out the rest, What exactly is being done with these prizes? I ask because several people asked me if i knew, and my resonse was i didnt know, and that i was confused as to what you were doing.

You said the other winners would be told of tommrow? i guess we wait?

Im sure you can understand our confusion with you being a public role and body, us as the community want to know what happens when you decide not to award such prizes ect.

I hope you can answer this question i and others have had.

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