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First research topic: [b][color=#ff0000]Frankenstein! [/color][/b]

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[i][b]Frankenstein[/b][/i] is a failed monster experiment that produced something closely related to and influenced by the concept of Golem.
His creator, Victor Frankenstein, was obsessed with studying outdated theories of science that focused on achieving natural wonders: he studied the works of Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus and Albert Magnus. At university, he excelled at chemistry and other sciences and, after studying galvanism, a phenomenon discovered in the 1790s, developed a secret technique to imbue inanimate bodies with life.
While the exact details of the monster's construction are left ambiguous, Victor explains "I collected bones from charnel-houses and disturbed, with profane fingers, the tremendous secrets of the human frame." Another statement, "The dissecting-room and the slaughter-house furnished many of my materials", suggests that some elements of Frankenstein's creation may not be from human bodies. Frankenstein finds himself forced to make the creature much larger than a normal man — he estimates it to be about eight feet tall — because of the difficulty in replicating the minute parts of the human body. His creation, which he has hoped would be beautiful, is instead hideous to his eyes, with dull yellow eyes, and a withered, translucent, yellowish skin that barely conceals the muscular system and blood vessels. After bringing his creation to life, Victor is repulsed by his work: "I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart." Victor flees, hoping to forget what he has created, and attempts to live a normal life. His abandonment leaves the monster confused, angry, and afraid.
Part of Frankenstein's rejection of his creation is the fact that he does not give it a name, which gives it a lack of identity. Instead it is referred to by words such as "monster", "demon", "fiend", "wretch" and "it". When Frankenstein converses with the monster in Chapter 10, he addresses it as "vile insect", "abhorred monster", "fiend", "wretched devil" and "abhorred devil".
Seeing its reflection in a pool, the monster realized that its physical appearance is hideous compared to the humans it watches. The monster compares itself to Lucifer from Milton's Paradise Lost, one of the books it has read.
The difference between Frankenstein's monster and the Golem are mainly about the matter and energy used to bring it to life, but the consequences of the creation and the development of the stories are somehow akin.
While Frankenstein's monster was made up of different materials, including corpse's portions, and animated thru electricity; Jewish Golem was built out of clay, and animated thru the name of God ('emeth' = 'truth'), scribbled on his forehead or under a pendant of his. To return him to a bunch of clay it was sufficient to erase the first 'e' from the word 'emeth', turning it to 'meth' (= 'death').
A noticeable aspect is that neither Frankenstein's creation nor the Golem were good or bad themselves... In Chapter 17 of Mary Shelley's novel, where the "monster" speaks to Victor Frankenstein he says: "My food is not that of man; I do not destroy the lamb and the kid to glut my appetite; acorns and berries afford me sufficient nourishment." Earlier in the story, through observing the De Lacey family, the monster has also become educated and self-aware. It had discovered a lost satchel of books and learned to read. Solitude, isolation, the lack of an identity, the repudiation of his creator were the main causes for the monster's demise.

[img]http://i0006.photobucket.com/albums/0006/findstuff22/Best Images/Holiday/frankenstein2.jpg[/img]

edit 12.19: I forgot the picture!

Edited by lashtal
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Originally the name of the creator of an artificial human, now a name used to refer to the being itself, which is a man-made monster, having been infused with lightning to make it alive. The process on how it can be created is not so clear, however it is a combination of science and alchemy, the whole process being possible through galvanism.

However, right after the creator witnessed it coming alive, he discovers what a horror he has made and flees from it. The being thus abandoned and frightened searches for something to help him understand the world.
By hiding out, he begins to learn speech from a peasant family and later on, when he does decide to reveal himself to the blind patriarch of the family experiences kindness from him. When the family returns however they drive him away, because they see him as an ogre-like figure, with a yellow skin that cannot disguise the vessels beneath.

When he tries once more to make contact by saving a girl who is about to drown, he instead gets shot by a man chasing him away. The creature thus denounces humanity and decides to take revenge on his creator.

Based upon papers he took from the laboratory, he begins to learn of his own creation and learns about where to find him as well. When he meets a young boy who denounces him, he learns he is related to his creator and kills him, framing it on the maid of the family. She is later sent to the gallows, innocent.

The creator Frankenstein realizes it must have been the monster he made and retreats into the mountains, where the monster approaches him and tells him his story. When he agrees to the wish of the monster for a companion, he stops just before the final step out of fear for a monstrous new race. He flees, but not before the monster can swear for more revenge.

The best friend of the creator and his bride soon get killed- when his father also dies, Frankenstein (creator) tries to hunt the monster down, which finally ends in the artic circle. However, he dies. When the monster hears of this, he is overcome with grief and decides to kill himself and burn even the ashes, so that no new being can be made like him, to vanish forever without a trace.

The whole personality of the depicted monster is an intelligent, empathic creature. The film adaptations later make him bestial and mute, or childish and innocent, but also clumsy.

There is much to say about Frankenstein, he is one of the most famed Hollywood monsters- ranking together with vampires, werewolves and the like, being a classical monster.

There have been at least 40 movies that were properly published about this monster, and many many more mentions in comics, books and myths generally speaking. One could say Frankenstein, the giant with his strength and desperate search for humanity has been engraved into our lore.

At the same time, it is incredibly sad how everyone rejects him solely based upon his appearance, although he does his very best to be helpful and friendly to the humans.

Edited by Shadowseeker
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Pumpkins are a large orange vegetable. They produce a yellow like flower, that turns into what the Greek derivative means "large melon". They originated as best of knowledge from North America. . The oldest evidence, pumpkin-related seeds dating between 7000 and 5500 BC, were found in Mexico. I being one to grow my own vegetables every year, enjoy greatly the hardiness of such a elegantly shaped gourd. They require large amounts of land to grow, but little else. A very hardy plant type. Though they seem most best known for decoration around the USA Halloween time, they have a large variety of uses. Pumpkin core and pulp is mashed, and cooked into a filling for pies. It's shell is often times ground up with other vegetables such as corn, for meal for animals. Pumpkin seed oil is another product often times used in cooking. It is often made into salad dressings, or added to ice-cream for flavoring. Its medical properties often times are known to help with prostate problems, as well as help constipation issues in animals.

Besides all these common uses, they also prove to be very useful in games. In the USA they are often carved into decorative faces, and then illuminated at night. Around harvest time, many gathering happen for throwing pumpkins. People build their own trebuchets, to launch these large gourds long distances. The winner is often times the person who launches their pumpkin the furthest. The leftover are then gathered up and sent off to be ground up into animal food.

Pumpkins have a long growth. Their ripening is often looked at as the end of the Harvest season. Many different countries have pumpkin festivals to celebrate their bountiful harvest of not just pumpkins, but of all crops. The search for the biggest pumpkin seems never ending and a multicultural event. The biggest pumpkin known to record often changes, as each year scientist find better ways to fertilize growth. The record pumpkin happened as of this year. Jim and Kelsey Bryson from Ormstown, Quebec, Canada. They brought their record breaking 1,818.5 pound giant pumpkin to the Prince Edward County Pumpkinfest weigh, on October 15, 2011. 334

Due to the pumpkins general involvement with Halloween, it has also made it's way into the movies. A star role in many movies such as 'The Headless Horseman', in which the undead apparition from the civil war era, wears a pumpkin on fire in replacement for the head he is missing. In some variations of the movie he flings the pumpkin twards his victim. In "Cinderella" it is turned by a fairy into a beautiful buggy in which to go to a ball. 415

Over all, though often we don't realize it, the common pumpkin affects out every day life. Ether it is to feed our home pets for digestive problems, or feed chickens during the cold months to help egg growth. To eat as delicious delicacies or have an event to see who can throw one the furthest. Made into oil for medicines, or for a tasty dressing. A movie star and great center of entertainment at Halloween. They are a great addition to the world economy, and each and one of our households.

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A pumpkin is a gourd-like squash of the genus Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae (which also includes gourds). It commonly refers to cultivars of any one of the species Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita maxima, and Cucurbita moschata, and is native to North America. They typically have a thick, orange or yellow shell, creased from the stem to the bottom, containing the seeds and pulp.
In Australian English, the name 'pumpkin' generally refers to the broader category called winter squash in North America.
Pumpkins are commonly carved into decorative lanterns called jack-o'-lanterns for the Halloween season in North America. Throughout Britain and Ireland, there is a long tradition of carving lanterns from vegetables, particularly the turnip, mangelwurzel, or swede. The turnip has traditionally been used in Ireland and Scotland at Halloween, but immigrants to North America used the native pumpkin, which are both readily available and much larger – making them easier to carve than turnips. Not until 1837, does jack-o'-lantern appear as a term for a carved vegetable lantern, and the carved pumpkin lantern association with Halloween is recorded in 1866.
In the United States, the carved pumpkin was first associated with the harvest season in general, long before it became an emblem of Halloween. In 1900, an article on Thanksgiving entertaining recommended a lit jack-o'-lantern as part of the festivities that encourage kids and families to join together to make their own jack-o-lanterns.
The story of the carved vegetable as a lantern comes in many variants and is similar to the story of Will-o'-the-wisp retold in different forms across England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. An old Irish folk tale tells of Stingy Jack, a lazy yet shrewd farmer who uses a cross to trap the Devil. One story says that Jack tricked the Devil into climbing an apple tree, and once he was up there Jack quickly placed crosses around the trunk or carved a cross into the bark, so that the Devil couldn't get down. Another tale says that Jack put a key in the Devil's pocket while he was suspended upside-down.
Another version of the story says that Jack was getting chased by some villagers from whom he had stolen, when he met the Devil, who claimed it was time for him to die. However, the thief stalled his death by tempting the Devil with a chance to bedevil the church-going villagers chasing him. Jack told the Devil to turn into a coin with which he would pay for the stolen goods (the Devil could take on any shape he wanted); later, when the coin/Devil disappeared, the Christian villagers would fight over who had stolen it. The Devil agreed to this plan. He turned himself into a silver coin and jumped into Jack's wallet, only to find himself next to a cross Jack had also picked up in the village. Jack had closed the wallet tight, and the cross stripped the Devil of his powers; and so he was trapped.
In both folktales, Jack only lets the Devil go when he agrees never to take his soul. After a while the thief died, as all living things do. Of course, his life had been too sinful for Jack to go to heaven; however, the Devil had promised not to take his soul, and so he was barred from hell as well. Jack now had nowhere to go. He asked how he would see where to go, as he had no light, and the Devil mockingly tossed him an ember that would never burn out from the flames of hell. Jack carved out one of his turnips (which was his favorite food), put the ember inside it, and began endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern", or Jack-o'-Lantern.

OOC: Pumpkins are also used in north India to build the sitar's main gourd (toomba)!


Edited by lashtal
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They are pumpkins.you can pump them because they are pumpable.since they are pumpable they are named pump for short.they are also kins.but kins of what.we don't know we only know they are pumpable kins.not one but lots of kins.hence pumpkins.

Pumps are kins that pump themselves to the point of sweet orangeness.like every other pumpkins on the realms thy like to pump and have intense fun by pumping pumpement is pumpy for pumping pumpyness and pumpness so pumpable and pumpastic.

Are they pompous.YES THEY ARE.they are pumpous vegetables that like to be pumpfull of themselves and give goose pumps to their unlucky victims who are scared and weak caus they ran out of any pump juice to drink and be strong.you can get GODLIKE power by leaving these pumping vegs in the dark and drink their juices after 1 year 5 hours 2 minutes and 3 seconds later.

Any jokes aside these insane and mad pumpkins like to wet themselves 1000 thousand times a day and swim in their artifical lake that they created by pumping their excess pumpkin juices.If you see any of these lakes just jump in them and swim in it because by doing so you will gain absolutely nothing.it's not even warm and they smell bad,you will puke all around be unable to walk without farting for 99 random days of your life.

That's the story of pumpkins who can talk and walk around act like normal peeps but when you look at them you will se absouletly nothing cause they are doing it in a way only you can understand.they are having their fun and you are not needed in there cause you are just a magic dueler without even A PUMPKING CREATURE that shouts and warns when eon teleports you to goe and attacks you for hours:you have been trolled you have been trolled.yet you don't see any of these pumpkins in all MD lands so how could you recruit them.in this research i'm gonna tell you how.

You just go at goe and write on rocks 50 times i love chopped pumpkin after that go to tea market and back 100 times don't forget to everytime you see eon on the way throw a pumpkin on his face.imaginary pumpkins of course since you don't have any,but it woud be cool if you could.but you won't get any crits if you read this and did the instructions as above cause i forgot to add you need to say i love raw pumpkins or cooked pumpkins not just plain old pumkin that's just weak dude.

I am hungry i'd like to eat some pumpkins and get nice.DON'T DO THAT cause Eon will eat all pumpkins and leave you pumpkin bombs inside the little pumpkins makets she did to have super fun watching your ass blown away to the location 9x9_9_9_9x9 where you can't get any pumpkins for the rest of your life and soon die of pumpkin underdose.

The end.

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Women who practice magic. Men can be witches too, however they are usually referred to as Warlocks rather than witches. Witches are generally seen to practice magic involving nature or sometimes they are seen as consorting with the demonic. Their spells usually take the form of curses or potions. They are classically portrayed as using cauldrons to brew potions or spell casting. Also associated with black cats and flying around on brooms. An unliked or nasty woman may be referred to as a witch. Especially if she happens to be your mother in law (Hey, don't shoot me, it is what some people say!) :P .
Thats all I can think of right now without just copying stuff from wikipedia.

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Witches are women who practice dark magic with only 1 intention: to bring back the souls of the damned from the beyond.

Witches can be recognized by their black clothing and certain specific items like : the black cat, their "love" for halloween, their broom or the cauldron with the strange goo. Now a little about why these items are in corelation with the witch.

1. The black cat : It is said that the black cat is a reincarnation of a hell's or a witches' soul trying to break free. They are considered to be the familiar because they often are more active at night and because of the gloomy eyes in the dark.

2. The "love" for halloween : It is said that on the night of the halloween a gate opens from the beyond allowing the trapped souls to come out into the real world. And the witches can catch the souls withing their cats to use for a later ritual or the have a better affinity with the pet.

3. The caouldron is a "device" to get the souls faster out of the abyss. With the circular spin of the spoon within the cauldron's liquid because of the centrifugal force the sides tend to go upper than the center and this represents the posibility of the souls to climb from the middle to the top and eventually exit their prison. Also, the cauldron is very much used on the halloween's days.


4. The broom (not the flying broom) : Witches are solitary persons and they prefeer to stay in the woods. They will have to cut their way clear of all the vegetation there by using a stick. But they don't have a stick, so the use the long end of the broom instead. Because of people's fear for the witches they have given the broom supernatural powers with would allow the witch to fly and scare people.


Also the pumpkin may be reffeered as being a witches' tool, because on the night of the halloween they guild the souls with their light.

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[quote name='lashtal' timestamp='1320329952' post='95213']
A pumpkin is a gourd-like squash of the genus Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae (which also includes gourds). It commonly refers to cultivars of any one of the species Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita maxima, and Cucurbita moschata, and is native to North America. They typically have a thick, orange or yellow shell, creased from the stem to the bottom, containing the seeds and pulp.
In Australian English, the name 'pumpkin' generally refers to the broader category called winter squash in North America.
Pumpkins are commonly carved into decorative lanterns called jack-o'-lanterns for the Halloween season in North America. Throughout Britain and Ireland, there is a long tradition of carving lanterns from vegetables, particularly the turnip, mangelwurzel, or swede. The turnip has traditionally been used in Ireland and Scotland at Halloween, but immigrants to North America used the native pumpkin, which are both readily available and much larger – making them easier to carve than turnips. Not until 1837, does jack-o'-lantern appear as a term for a carved vegetable lantern, and the carved pumpkin lantern association with Halloween is recorded in 1866.
In the United States, the carved pumpkin was first associated with the harvest season in general, long before it became an emblem of Halloween. In 1900, an article on Thanksgiving entertaining recommended a lit jack-o'-lantern as part of the festivities that encourage kids and families to join together to make their own jack-o-lanterns.


[quote name='lashtal' timestamp='1320329952' post='95213']
The story of the carved vegetable as a lantern comes in many variants and is similar to the story of Will-o'-the-wisp retold in different forms across England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. An old Irish folk tale tells of Stingy Jack, a lazy yet shrewd farmer who uses a cross to trap the Devil. One story says that Jack tricked the Devil into climbing an apple tree, and once he was up there Jack quickly placed crosses around the trunk or carved a cross into the bark, so that the Devil couldn't get down. Another tale says that Jack put a key in the Devil's pocket while he was suspended upside-down.
Another version of the story says that Jack was getting chased by some villagers from whom he had stolen, when he met the Devil, who claimed it was time for him to die. However, the thief stalled his death by tempting the Devil with a chance to bedevil the church-going villagers chasing him. Jack told the Devil to turn into a coin with which he would pay for the stolen goods (the Devil could take on any shape he wanted); later, when the coin/Devil disappeared, the Christian villagers would fight over who had stolen it. The Devil agreed to this plan. He turned himself into a silver coin and jumped into Jack's wallet, only to find himself next to a cross Jack had also picked up in the village. Jack had closed the wallet tight, and the cross stripped the Devil of his powers; and so he was trapped.
In both folktales, Jack only lets the Devil go when he agrees never to take his soul. After a while the thief died, as all living things do. Of course, his life had been too sinful for Jack to go to heaven; however, the Devil had promised not to take his soul, and so he was barred from hell as well. Jack now had nowhere to go. He asked how he would see where to go, as he had no light, and the Devil mockingly tossed him an ember that would never burn out from the flames of hell. Jack carved out one of his turnips (which was his favorite food), put the ember inside it, and began endlessly wandering the Earth for a resting place. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern", or Jack-o'-Lantern.


You should most defiantly state said content was copied from wikipedia. Not just so that its all "fair" and good. But i am currently looking into copyright laws in regards to our forum and what our users post on it. And it would most definitely be plagiarism and punishment if you were to submit some research as your own in a technical report.

Hopefully we (being Mur, and magicduel) are not responsible for anything our users post, if it infringes copyright, otherwise the forum peoples might get annoyed... Stay tuned fokes!

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Ups sorry, I didn't realize of possible copyright problems, and I intended the "look on the forum for the subject and write a research of 500 words in max one hour" as: "be online, grab all you can find and post it, the quickest wins". :P

Edited by lashtal
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4th Research topic: [b][color=#ff0000]Skeletons[/color][/b]

Few additional notes:
-research doesn't mean copy paste from wiki.
-posting outside the 1 hour rule...is useless UNLESS nobody posted in the first hour - case in which the time is extended with 1 more hour

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Skeletons are one archtype of the typical monsters we encounter in nightmares, dungeons and graveyards etc.

They are nothing but bones. Often even showing cracks or signs of age, however still moving- which is pretty much impossible without muscles, but they are animated somehow.
The typical skeleton that we come across in dungeons (here named Skeletonis Dungeonus) is usually equipped with a shield and a scimitar or a sword of some sorts. A subtype exists which uses a bow and arrows and some reports even claim there are mage type skeletons, which albeit existing, is not seen often. I shall not dismiss it as a myth, too many reports speak of it, but I shall account for it as a rare type. Dangerous, even more than the other types however when one comes across.

In nightmares, the skeletons tend to be still having pieces of rotten meat or the likes, increasing the horror effect. (Skeletonis Nightmarus) There is not much to say, they scare the people more, could even be classified as a rotten zombie subtype. The pale bone still partially covered by flesh and such would be indeed a scary sight- they also especially like to stay in the dark, popping out from nowhere. Since they rarely use weapons aside from their own limbs (especially if torn away from them), they are not as dangerous.

The third one and most scary one IS a zombie subtype. The Skeletonis Graveyardus is the most dangerous, considering the bite will infect other people. Usually appearing first by sticking a bony hand out of the graveyard; we can speculate the Tormented Soul is indeed one of these, but luckily it does not bite us directly, but our creatures, which seem immune. Not fully, for the aura does steal stats, but no transformations happen.

Note how we can find an example of this specimen on the Berserkers Charge. Usually the flesh is still halfway existing, but still bits of dirt and insects like worms will be crawling around inside. Since it is in fact a skeleton, it will only feel the damage to the bones, not the flesh.

These skeletons can all be transformed into a Skeletonis Flammatus, thereupon losing all previous attribute and just turning into a flaming, burning skeleton. Dangerous touch, they at times wield weapons or just their flame. The flame is extinguishable by crushing the skull. Otherwise, it may be reduced, but will light up again.


To fight against skeletons, one needs to dismantle their bones- by hand, weapon or whatever. However one risks them forming back again, which has happened far too often in tales for me to disregard. The first recommendation as weapon is a mace, to smash the bones apart. Blunt damage, not cuts, inflict much more damage. Fire only works so far, but also risks the transformations into the Skeletonis Flammatus. However, it removes all the flesh and then can be put out and by an expert macewielder trained in the arts crushed apart.

The other best weapon you could use against skeletons is holy water- note however that it does no permanent damage, it will only slow and paralyse them, depending on their strength.

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Skeleton is the supporting structure of most of the living beings and can be divided into 2 main branches: endoskeleton (for vertebrates) and esoskeleton (for invertebrates).
Endoskeleton is an internal support structure, it's made of bones (which are living tissues, constantly evolving trabecular structures that adapt to the weight and forces applied to them), and supported by ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage.
Bones are constituted by 3 different kind of cells, one being responsible of bone birth and maturation, the second being responsible of their conservation, the last one being responsible for their consumption and replacement. Cyclicity obviously appear in this mechanism, as in the greatest part of the biological systems and functioning.
Exoskeleton (sometimes called "carapace") is an external support structure, providing protection and enclosing of the soft tissues and organs.

After death, the skeleton is the most enduring part of the human body and thus became somehow to represent Death itself.
Skeleton images has been used throughout history to remind people of the transience of life and material luxury. In many cultures their images and representations is intended to avoid the viewer to live a frivolous life, as death is always potentially around the corner (Memento Mori).
Mostly during the fifteenth century, the "memento mori" meditations transposed into art and architecture, producing several depicts of decayed corpses and deceased, together with shaped cadaver tombs and so on. One of the most, still nowadays, influential concept and image regarding this topic is the "danse macabre", a danse led by Death itself (depicted as a hooded Skeleton, holding a scythe and sometimes an hourglass) and carrying off rich and poor alike.

When looking at skeletons as undead creatures, which means dead creatures "resurrected" or "reanimated" thru magic, one would notice an interesting aspects: since they've finished rotting, since they should have no more muscles or tendons, they should require more magic power to be animated since it also have to hold the bones together.
Depending on settings, and on his magical powers, the typical newbie necromancer's questions, while trying to animate and raise an undead skeleton, would be: will I need to assemble the skeleton before I re-animate it (with all the orthopedics style bone-reductions and alignments), or will the bones simply fly and bind together to each other from a pile? Will each hit scramble the bones of my creature, or will the magic bindings provide the necessary strength to keep the bones united?

[img]http://blueraytshirts.co.uk/images/Scary Skeleton.jpg[/img]

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