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  • Root Admin

I intend to use all needed methods to exchange the notes of those that want them in cash. I mention this again ...coins will not be cloned. Consider it my fixation, but i want this issue solved from a MD point of view not from a technical point of view.

For this, first step is of course to use my own coins, and second step is to put up for sale several things that are not usualy for sale. I like to view this as an opportunity for traders and not as "MD is for sale" type of things. First of all, these things are not for sale for money, but for coins. Coins you can acquire through trade, rewards, gifts and free credits not only through actual payments. In fact some of the richest players in the realm never paid for those coins. So don't even think to start with comments in that direction because i thought of this well before going this way :)

Several things will be put up for auction, the tk will continue the creature auctions and i will do something unprecedented. I accept coin/notes "offers" for various things that are usualy not for sale. You name your price, i will decide if that thing you ask for is for sale or not, and i will post it public if i think it could be 'sold' for anyone to see and anyone to bid more. [b]I am accepting both coins and notes![/b] but only of one sort. This means that if the sale starts with silver, your bid must be in silver.

any questions write here. I will post the "unusual bids" in separate threads.
One example of what i mean for such a thing is "ownership of a location in md" , or "a usable item that can define a role" ..things like that, things that are not for sale, exactly because this is a very unusual situation and it should be an opportunity of some sort, like any unusual situation.


Silver notes can be exchanged anytime by sending a request to the TK. (I just realsied i have over 300 silver myself, enough to solve the silver notes issue).

Since this announcement, states the issue can be resolved, does that mean this topic is no longer valid?

  • Root Admin

[quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1326936007' post='101124']
One example of what i mean for such a thing is "[b]ownership of a location in md[/b]" , or "[b]a usable item that can define a role[/b]" ..things like that, things that are not for sale, exactly because this is a very unusual situation and it should be an opportunity of some sort, like any unusual situation.

I wrote a pretty lengthy post disagreeing with you here, But while getting some tea i relised that i dont really care (severely edited to make this "forum friendly") about the people who have the coin to buy rare items, creatures and all these magical prizes that come off on these auctions.

Good Luck, Spend your coin, Buy what we will never be able to attain...


@chew: any of us had opportunity and ability to get rich and always will have

and i wonder this ownership of location.... i guess only thing ya will be offering would be some tribunal location, since it would make no sense to sell loreroot location to necro citizen for example, thereafore location from different land tier like tribunal which doesnt effect balance would be only option... not sure about mda land though...


hmm I have some gold and have an idea. Do i send an email, pm, or just post here. Also I would like sort of a referance sheet for what things may be worth.


You want a value reference sheet for what things are worth? Things that have already been stated to not normally be for sale, and so don't actually have a standing value?

As for contacting, I would ~guess~ manu@md with a clear message header like "Coin Gathering Season" or some such, but shrug.

  • Root Admin

yes email,or pm, and tell your playername, the thing you wish and the gold amount you want to start your bid with.
I WILL MAKE THE REQUEST PUBLIC IF I ACCEPT IT AS SELL-ABLE and anyone else can bid more if they wish it. as soon as the gold ammount needed is reached i will stop this and even void ongoing auctions if any (nobody loses anything ofc)


[quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1327020923' post='101302']
as soon as the gold ammount needed is reached i will stop this and even void ongoing auctions if any (nobody loses anything ofc)

So by the current threads, about 4 to5 times the gold needs to be moved before it ends.


[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]oh, thanks SS, managed to forget that part :)[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]but then... [/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1327020923' post='101302'][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]... and even void ongoing auctions if any (nobody loses anything ofc)[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]means the rest of auctions will be just canceled? just making sure, as the answer to this would answer the one in Eon's shop reset thread too :)[/font][/size]

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