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new shop offers


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due to some discussions about other topic [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12353-combat-system-redesign/"]Combat System Redesign[/url]

it came to mine attention that if combat gets changed, initially md funds gonna drop, since hottest thing in md shop is stats, ya get both coins and stats yummy, and its obviously to most players only thing thats worth using shop reset for

also shop is full with useless things that dunt help anybody (or almost anybody) anymore

so we need shop offer reswamped as well, if combat gets changed how to change shop so ppl still have somethin thats worth spendin money for

also in whole shop offer only thing thats useful for rp folks (which are increasin while combat folks are decreasin in number most likely cuz lack of action cuz combat system sucks atm) is coins, and nuthin else, imo they should get somethin more in there to buy

hmm when i look in down again, whole md needs to get reworked >_> so many things aint good atm

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well atm timed boosters and many of powerups are completly useless, they need to get changed into more useful fashion, folks aint motivated to spend bunch of creds/rl money for 100 useless stuff just so they could buy soulweaver for example, which they could acquire much cheaper by trade, so really no point

but for all this part of shop thats combar related maybe its best to wait for combat system redesign (if it happens) and then see about shop, also with those perm stats boosters, they might still stay yummy even with system change so we will see

pure rpers asaide from coins and features dunt have anythin much of interest in shop, they can acquire all they need pretty fast and free by votin, and there is nothin much for them aside for coins to buy on shop reset, they probably spend most of their creds on avy shuffle thingy

personally i would like for others to speak up wut they would like to see in shop aside from combat related stuff

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Since the game is meant ot be playable at similar "level" by not spending a single cent or peso, or rupee, I think the shop is fine.
Ading "useful" things tends to widen the gap between players who spend credits and those who may not.

That said, I understand the argument that tokens and such are "powerful/useful" but still, they can be gotten through trade with voting credit-coins alone so are still not "needed". I don't want to see a market for credits undermine certain flavours of the realm anymore than they already may.

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I can already think of a few things you could offer which shouldn't drive a huge wedge between paying and non paying players..

For one, You culd add in a non-shared, but limited uses, resource gathering tool. Give it say one item in the shop (so one per reset), have it determine randomly from the basic resources (so not memory stones, etc) what tool it gives you, and give it a relatively low number of uses before it expires, say 8 like the wiiya bubbles (which also don't expire by time, but only by use)

Another thing you could have, which you could have multiple of, is basic resources. Say stacks of 6 lumber, water, herbs, etc.

Yet another item that is supposed to be available to all are the Fenth gathering items, so they would also be a candidate for this sort of thing.

You could add memory stones that grant one cast and don't produce sand on use that already contain basic spells like heal, locate, ghost.

There are plenty of other things you could do as well, those suggestions are only about items and MD has a lot more than that for RPers.

For example, the structure of the Powerups and Recharges branch doesn't take into consideration Viscosity. There is a lot you could do with that alone.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1337982570' post='112876']
I can already think of a few things you could offer which shouldn't drive a huge wedge between paying and non paying players..

For one, You culd add in a non-shared, but limited uses, resource gathering tool. Give it say one item in the shop (so one per reset), have it determine randomly from the basic resources (so not memory stones, etc) what tool it gives you, and give it a relatively low number of uses before it expires, say 8 like the wiiya bubbles (which also don't expire by time, but only by use)

Another thing you could have, which you could have multiple of, is basic resources. Say stacks of 6 lumber, water, herbs, etc.

Yet another item that is supposed to be available to all are the Fenth gathering items, so they would also be a candidate for this sort of thing.

You could add memory stones that grant one cast and don't produce sand on use that already contain basic spells like heal, locate, ghost.

There are plenty of other things you could do as well, those suggestions are only about items and MD has a lot more than that for RPers.

For example, the structure of the Powerups and Recharges branch doesn't take into consideration Viscosity. There is a lot you could do with that alone.

That drives a wedge... peolpe buy resource collecting items for money, i would be totally against something like this...

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The Idea of changing parts of the shop is a good one. So many things changed in the last 2 years and I doubt that the shop has been altered in the same way. So the suggestion of modifing the structure and parts of content is something wich would, if handled carefully, help everyone. Take things out wich lost their usefulness and add things like real items. For example the whole idea of weapons and armor is something wich could be of real use. In every game I ever played (mostly RP`s) these kind of items have a significant role in gameplay and for most they are collectables and visuals too. In MD they are not more than a weak visual effect. They have no meaning nor do they have a real use. How about putting some parts of rare set´s into the shop and make them tradedable. In addition to this the rest of those set´s are only achivable through ongoing quests. And even this idea is expendable in the way of making those quest´s available for different MP levels. And of course reshaping the whole idea of armor and weapons as it is at the moment in the game is a must too.

For weapons one could even smile about the idea that you have to collect parts of broken and lost weapons. Collecting those weapon parts through quests, WP shop and of course the credit shop itself would add another motivation to vote (for all nonepayers) or to even invest small amounts of money to support the server and game itself. The balance must be there but as far as I can say about myself as long as it looks achievable with "normal" time-investment noone should have problems with it. Take the voting part. Voting is 0,2 $ per day at the moment. 5 days 1 $ - 100 days 20$ - 1 year more than 60$ - so if something is buried 50$ deep in the shop everyone can achieve it in 1 year. This is not fast - not at all - but it´s possible with patience. If it is a gold coin wich you can get much easier by trade, it´s not worth to vote 1 year for it (some years ago it was I know), but if it is something you work the whole time for by solving quests and collecting all the other parts of an armor set or the piece of broken weapons, I´d say it´s worth it. We are all waiting 365 days to see the Lv of santa or to get WP´s for activity day´s, same principle there.

The whole idea is much bigger in my head but I´m better waiting this time before letting it all out again (could be a waste of time).
My 2 cent.


Edited by Menhir
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about unreleased equipment i planned to ask murry about those, well thats disscussion for another topic...

i was thinkin why not put some of casual rp items into shop that would be unusable, just there in inventory to add to flavor, like sleepin bag, spoon, fork, plate, etc those unimportant items that are used on daily basis, i bet rpers would love somethin like this

and i dont propose to widen the shop even deeper, there would be no point in that, rather mix it up, for example put one item onto some powerup in shop, so player buys for example regen 20 creats to full health and as bonus he gets one random item he dont yet have (if he sells it he can get it again and if he got all then he randomly gets another random one), lets say spoon for example, as long as they aint too far inside shop, they are relatively easily accessable, and wouldnt be expensive to buy be it with silver or creds, and they would spice up game and made some parts of shop interestin again

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