BFH Posted August 15, 2012 Author Report Posted August 15, 2012 For now this topic will remain open, but I won;t post here until I have all mp3s reactions. Chew is totally right. We need to know what they think first.Note: There might be a possibility that I post soon a survey as well Quote
Kaya Posted August 15, 2012 Report Posted August 15, 2012 First I think I should post this here: It might be a bit older, but I think it hasn´t lost it´s validity yet. With the tutorial I think you shouldn´t try to rush the players. Don´t try to make them understand everything at once, cause they won´t. Patience is one of the most important aspects of the game, so we shouldn´t try to stuff everything there is to know in them at once. Therefore I like the idea of a longer ongoing tutorial. Tokens should not be added to the tutorial. All that would do is make the game look commercial and scare people away, giving them a feeling this is yet another game in which you can´t become strong enough to really enjoy it without paying. Story mode is like a double sided blade. While it might scare some away for others it might be a reason to stay. When I first started playing I quitted after a month or so, however the artwork, the magical atmosphere, and the story kept lingering in the back of my head causing me to return about one and a half year later. Perhaps it starts to soon, but without the story I doubt I would be here now. lashtal, Ivorak and Watcher 2 1 Quote
vampir Posted August 17, 2012 Report Posted August 17, 2012 [b]Most fun i had here didn't require me to move further then the free roam.[/b] Though with a single exception - when i jumped from MP3 to MP5 in a couple of minutes, dismantling one of the heaviest grinders present back thenin the realm. Then i realised MP5 is no fun at all. Neither is MP4. Anyways, not to wander too much offtopic for you law-obiding folk.. My eyes almost liquified, vision blurred with tears of joy when i checked again (purely out of professional reasons) to see something is about to be done with the single worst MD feature in my opinion at least. The "tutorial". I underline - [u]tutorial is bad, story is just fine![/u] First. If MD is going to live, why does it care about it's players or even it's "newborn" in it's [b]SEVENTH year of decline[/b]? The "Council" !? Mur gave up? Ok, enuff of that. The resolve i see: Make one grand entrance for all, everything the same. Just do not allow locked features to continue while you "have to wait/pick what you like but don't know etc". In more words - every player should enter paper cabin, and be free to exsist in this magnificent world, [b]unconditionally![/b] Let people learn by themselves how to move, and where to click. Hand out those scrolls, hand out the icons on the slide bar. Remove the stupid land guardian. Freeeedoooom!! If someone wishes to click on sigil under the VP/AP/EP what ever it is called, perhaps they cannot see daily bonus, but certainly could see a nice looking orange-gold arrow pop-up and say "This, my child, you will be able to temper with when you have X Active minutes/hours/days, slap your first enemy, make through 20 rooms etc. When someone is in a fuss, sees a blindingly beautiful LIVE CHAT button usually gets disappointed when it turns out NOT to be live chat Although one can play fancy with the LHO guys to an extent, i guess Imagine a new person feeling confused and alone.. Rarely there is anyone actively present there, with declining numbers even less likely. They eventually hit the LIVE CHAT, even go through writting the message (providing it doesnt screw up on the hourly expiration) and then waits for any sign of life. Not dissing LHO guys, they have their real lives too, i guess Why not allow fighting unrelated to the story? You still _need_ story to advance, for those eager enough haha. No need to switch and slap people about, every single thing in game can have a pop-up tooltip, aye? And whats with these token-talk? Surely some quest can be made during story to give out token or two, not likely that will debalance the entire system. I'm having so much fun writting this, and i'm straight as an arrow! So tokens sure, not that anyone would care for jealousy of older players? *snicker* I really hope BFH gets well soon, seems that he cares for the community a lot. Dunno about who makes the "council" and where Manu's eyes are looking right now, but i see an effort to restructure MD on greater scale that i really salute to. One great experiment hopefully wont evaporate into nothing. Should just be more fun and less "experiment" Well, if i can be of any help..i'm around. Who knows, maybe good restructuring brings me back daily, i know i'd like that. There are some fine minds around. Quote
Kaya Posted August 23, 2012 Report Posted August 23, 2012 I've seen several things I think require some attention about the tutorial. First of all I think the introduction is a bit long and requires you to read quite a lot. Point to the top menu, tell them they can read it later if they want to, there'll be plenty of time to do so. After that the current tutorial requires you to walk back and forth a lot, I'm sure it would be possible to teach them how to walk and look at the map in a few less steps. Furthermore something that's quite frustrating are all the traps along the road, there are several places with high viscosity (PC balcony, Gate of Ages, Weapon Smith and often even the Aramory) where you might get stuck, you could get sucked into Necrovion or when you click a public meeting link you'll end up at some random place on the map (GoE now) If you get stuck at the Weapon Smith, then at the Gate and then have to wait in the story I'm not surprised you'll stop. Finally after recruiting if you don't check your scroll you can exit the Aramory and go back to the bull without meeting the shades or getting into story mode. Quote
BFH Posted August 23, 2012 Author Report Posted August 23, 2012 I'm waiting for something to begin survey. Quote
DARK DEMON Posted August 24, 2012 Report Posted August 24, 2012 I'll be happy to answer any questions you have, BFH . . . if I do qualify for a noob XD Quote
BFH Posted August 24, 2012 Author Report Posted August 24, 2012 During this week I'll be focusing on new players tutorial Expect a concrete plan on it here in some hours/days. I'll exclude tokens on New players tutorial. We might include them at MP4 one. Quote
DARK DEMON Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1345839398' post='120967'] During this week I'll be focusing on new players tutorial Expect a concrete plan on it here in some hours/days. I'll exclude tokens on New players tutorial. We might include them at MP4 one. [/quote] Yes, introducing tokens in the MP4 tutorial would be best. Quote
Tom Pouce Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 (edited) If we are talking only of tutorial and not story changes just have the newplayer at cabin with the portable map already there, and all options there for clicking on someting or to highlight someting with an cursor, or on arrow to move ... every players know how to already what is not ordinary in MD is getting one orientation, and if one as the map already its help ... and all he need for all others things, if you make a page like what Grido made that explain all what it its with pictures .... just make it accessible with one clic (if yu dont want that, just make an optionnal mouse over hint thing over each part off the interface)(optional as an experience player will want to disable the hints with mouse over ) a player dont need interminable force moved like now remove the land monster, just have the player teleport to get his grassan or aramor, and combat the shades directly ... or even better made all that tutorial skipable and then switch to the story ... (story need to remain like it is, its MD soul, and one can always take 1 min intead of 24hres waiting) i made recently an alt to see that , and its a pain all that walking take map and so forth ... Edited August 25, 2012 by Tom Pouce Quote
BFH Posted August 25, 2012 Author Report Posted August 25, 2012 [b]New Players Tutorial:[/b] [b]Marble Dale Park: ‘MP2 Stage’[/b][list=1] [*]New players will enter the game as MP2. [*]They will appear at the Marble Dale Park (no walking arrows should appear) and immediately a fight will be unleashed with a Bot. Completely automated. [/list] As the fight progresses things like “This is your opponent. These are the opponent creatures. These are your creatures. You Won/Lose should appear. First Major Change affecting everybody: [list] [*]Fight animations: fights should be very animated, such as lifesteal, other abilities should show any sort of animations which will make the new comers get surprised and eager to fight. [/list] [list=1] [*]They will get to fight a second bot. This time they will have to search for him on the scene, among all players and click the attack button. [/list] They should be guided. Maybe with a floating box telling them their active task: “Search for Fight Dummy, click his name, and hit “Attack this Player.” *They will get to choose from a predefined list of rituals. (Random selection should not appear). They are guided (again with any arrows or thing floating) and they will unleash a first attack by their own After he finishes and fight window closes, they immediately see a page explaining most of the things (That page should be added to help pages and LHO Faq)[list=1] [*]They get to fight a third/final Bot. This time they should be only shown the active tasks. (Eg Find BFH and attack him) They will get to choose from a group of predefined creatures [NOT only aramory ones, idea is for them to notice there is a huge variety, so that when they recruit their first creatures they get interested in getting others] and they will have to create their ritual and attack. This time they can either win or lose. Bot shouldn’t be piece of cake. [/list] [list=1] [*]After third fight, they will be asked to click their Scroll Copy (left panel, first icon, means that task is eliminated from MP3) and they will advance Mind Power (to Mp3) and teleported to the Paper Cabin. [/list] [b]Mind Power 3: Paper Cabin[/b][list=1] [*]At the Paper Cabin they should see the floating box telling the Active Task of Clicking the Glowing Scroll. [*]Immediately a page should appear explaining what everything does. It should also be included in help pages and LHO’s faqs. [*]Continue and… [/list][list] [*]Tasks of finding the “Scroll Copy” should be eliminated, it should unlock on MP2 stage after 3[sup]rd[/sup] fight. [*]Task of Finding Copy of MD Map should be eliminated. Let them have it from beginning of mp3. [*]Jump all the tutorial, skip lad guardian, up to “Explore the Southern area of the Map” It should go something like this: Use your map [Map Icon Image] to explore the Southern area of No Mans Land. [*]Skip liquid dust House warning and task since it is continue exploring. [/list] [indent=1]Alternatively to all the previously mentioned points just make the Main task (it can be put as float also): “Go outside and use your map to explore No Man’s Land and find the Aramory”.[/indent][list=1] [*]When reaching the Aramory, make it clickable without the need of clicking the scroll and ask them to enter. Right now it can be very confusing since there are no instructions telling “YOU NEED TO CLICK THE SCROLL TO ENTER”. After they enter, they should be given the task to recruit at least two different creatures. They should not get out of there having 3 barrens… This means that: “Congratulations you recruited your first creat” should be eliminated and should appear after they recruit two different creats. [*]When they face the shades, they should face a real target, currently shades are piece of cake. I also believe they should not have the “choose random option” They should be forced to use the system to create and use their own rituals. [*]After fighting any shades, screen should auto refresh for the other shade to appear, currently it is leading to many: “This action is locked.” [/list] [b]Story Mode Options:[/b] Analyze very carefully the statements I’ll be giving here, because this is the major problem. Option 1:[list=1] [*]After they fight the last Shade they get to choose between starting story mode right away or start it later. [/list] [b]If they start story mode: [/b][list] [*]Principles should show some sort of small summary. (Currently if you click info they do show some sort of summary, I think it should be made “Show on top” [*]Waiting intervals should be smaller or none. As I said before, the longer they wait, the most they will leave. There are currently 6 waiting intervals, before free roam. Multiply by 15 and it means too much time, which is nothing good for a new player, and our player base. [/list][list=1] [*]A question for community: What about if free roam is given right from the beginning of story mode? We can give them some base stats and remove them conform they advance in story. [*]Immediately after story I think they can be allowed to choose an avatar. Give them to option to directly exchange one of their free credits for the feature or simple give it free. [*]Spelling errors. I believe Grido can make a group to find and fix them. [/list] [b]If they pick not to start story right away:[/b][list=1] [*]Story could be started any moment directly from their scroll or pc’s one. [*]They get to see fight and profile icons. [*]They receive some minor stats, which should be removed at the moment of them starting story. [/list] [b]This option fixes the part of waiting without wanting. Presenting the real game, making them stay. Making MD’s playerbase bigger.[/b] [b]Option 2:[/b] They start story mode right after last shade.[list] [*]Principles should show some sort of small summary. (Currently if you click info they do show some sort of summary, I think it should be made “Show on top” [*]Waiting intervals should be smaller or none. As I said before, the longer they wait, the most they will leave. There are currently 6 waiting intervals, before free roam. Multiply by 15 and it means too much time, which is nothing good for a new player, and our player base. [/list] [indent=1]** A question for community: What about if free roam is given right from the beginning of story mode? We can give them some base stats and remove them conform they advance in story.[/indent][list] [*]Immediately after story I think they can be allowed to choose an avatar. Give them to option to directly exchange one of their free credits for the feature or simple give it free. [*]Spelling errors. I believe Grido can make a group to find and fix them. [/list] [b]So improve this plan, since I need concrete things now. I’ll edit according to community opinions and based to logic.[/b] Quote
DARK DEMON Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 But then those who have just passed story mode would find it unfair cause they hadn't got the free avy . . . Quote
Grido Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1345905396' post='121033'] [b]New Players Tutorial:[/b] [b]Marble Dale Park: ‘MP2 Stage’[/b][list=1] [*]New players will enter the game as MP2. [*]They will appear at the Marble Dale Park (no walking arrows should appear) and immediately a fight will be unleashed with a Bot. Completely automated. [/list] As the fight progresses things like “This is your opponent. These are the opponent creatures. These are your creatures. You Won/Lose should appear. [color=purple]Whilst the general idea of this is fine to me, I would be completely against the first thing in MD being something, anything, completely automated.[/color] First Major Change affecting everybody:[list] [*]Fight animations: fights should be very animated, such as lifesteal, other abilities should show any sort of animations which will make the new comers get surprised and eager to fight. [/list] [color=purple]I'm pretty sure you know about server loads and stresses on player's systems that cause lag, so I'm curious why you would introduce more things that would slow stuff?[/color][list=1] [*]They will get to fight a second bot. This time they will have to search for him on the scene, among all players and click the attack button. [/list] They should be guided. Maybe with a floating box telling them their active task: “Search for Fight Dummy, click his name, and hit “Attack this Player.” *They will get to choose from a predefined list of rituals. (Random selection should not appear). They are guided (again with any arrows or thing floating) and they will unleash a first attack by their own [color=purple]Predefined how? And this being a new player, what do they know about to make their choice? Educated guess that they'll feel pretty lost and confused at this point.[/color] After he finishes and fight window closes, they immediately see a page explaining most of the things (That page should be added to help pages and LHO Faq)[list=1] [*]They get to fight a third/final Bot. This time they should be only shown the active tasks. (Eg Find BFH and attack him) They will get to choose from a group of predefined creatures [NOT only aramory ones, idea is for them to notice there is a huge variety, so that when they recruit their first creatures they get interested in getting others] and they will have to create their ritual and attack. This time they can either win or lose. Bot shouldn’t be piece of cake. [*]After third fight, they will be asked to click their Scroll Copy (left panel, first icon, means that task is eliminated from MP3) and they will advance Mind Power (to Mp3) and teleported to the Paper Cabin. [/list] [color=purple]I am of the personal opinion that fighting should not be the first thing introduced in the game, that it should be something like "Here is MD" > Fight/Quests/Explore/RP/Whatever. Having fighting as first and foremost will likely give a wrong impression to players about to start. Use a similar format, but bump it to later.[/color] [b]Mind Power 3: Paper Cabin[/b][list=1] [*]At the Paper Cabin they should see the floating box telling the Active Task of Clicking the Glowing Scroll. [*]Immediately a page should appear explaining what everything does. It should also be included in help pages and LHO’s faqs. [*]Continue and… [/list][list] [*]Tasks of finding the “Scroll Copy” should be eliminated, it should unlock on MP2 stage after 3[sup]rd[/sup] fight. [*]Task of Finding Copy of MD Map should be eliminated. Let them have it from beginning of mp3. [*]Jump all the tutorial, skip lad guardian, up to “Explore the Southern area of the Map” It should go something like this: Use your map [Map Icon Image] to explore the Southern area of No Mans Land. [*]Skip liquid dust House warning and task since it is continue exploring. [/list] [indent=1]Alternatively to all the previously mentioned points just make the Main task (it can be put as float also): “Go outside and use your map to explore No Man’s Land and find the Aramory”.[/indent][list=1] [*]When reaching the Aramory, make it clickable without the need of clicking the scroll and ask them to enter. [color=purple]Also remove arrow heading to Gates of Ages[/color]Right now it can be very confusing since there are no instructions telling “YOU NEED TO CLICK THE SCROLL TO ENTER”. After they enter, they should be given the task to recruit at least two different creatures. They should not get out of there having 3 barrens… This means that: “Congratulations you recruited your first creat” should be eliminated and should appear after they recruit two different creats. [*]When they face the shades, they should face a real target, currently shades are piece of cake. I also believe they should not have the “choose random option” They should be forced to use the system to create and use their own rituals.[color=purple]Why? Not everyone comes here to fight[/color] [*]After fighting any shades, screen should auto refresh for the other shade to appear, currently it is leading to many: “This action is locked.” [color=purple]This might confuse a couple people for a simple matter of fixing slowness in loading the new state, but meh[/color] [/list] [b]Story Mode Options:[/b] Analyze very carefully the statements I’ll be giving here, because this is the major problem. Option 1:[list=1] [*]After they fight the last Shade they get to choose between starting story mode right away or start it later. [/list] [b]If they start story mode: [/b][list] [*]Principles should show some sort of small summary. (Currently if you click info they do show some sort of summary, I think it should be made “Show on top”. [color=purple]Suggestion of who to paraphrase them? Presuming Mur is unable, I mean[/color] [*]Waiting intervals should be smaller or none. As I said before, the longer they wait, the most they will leave. There are currently 6 waiting intervals, before free roam. Multiply by 15 and it means too much time, which is nothing good for a new player, and our player base. [color=purple]Removing the necessity of patience in players...awesome[/color] [/list][list=1] [*]A question for community: What about if free roam is given right from the beginning of story mode? We can give them some base stats and remove them conform they advance in story. [*]Immediately after story I think they can be allowed to choose an avatar. Give them to option to directly exchange one of their free credits for the feature or simple give it free.[color=purple]You need to first unlock the avatar option in the shop, that is more than $5 deep, you would be removing that shop feature if that happened.[/color] [*]Spelling errors. I believe Grido can make a group to find and fix them.[color]Well the group is anyone that fancies emailing/messaging me, everyone is welcome to do that.[/color] [/list] [b]If they pick not to start story right away:[/b][list=1] [*]Story could be started any moment directly from their scroll or pc’s one. [*]They get to see fight and profile icons. [*]They receive some minor stats, which should be removed at the moment of them starting story.[color=purple]Why remove?[/color] [/list] [b]This option fixes the part of waiting without wanting. Presenting the real game [/b][color=purple]It doesn't entirely, but I'm in a rush to elaborate atm[/color][b], making them stay. Making MD’s playerbase bigger.[/b] [b]Option 2:[/b] [color=purple]see above comments for below section[/color] They start story mode right after last shade.[list] [*]Principles should show some sort of small summary. (Currently if you click info they do show some sort of summary, I think it should be made “Show on top” [*]Waiting intervals should be smaller or none. As I said before, the longer they wait, the most they will leave. There are currently 6 waiting intervals, before free roam. Multiply by 15 and it means too much time, which is nothing good for a new player, and our player base. [/list] [indent=1]** A question for community: What about if free roam is given right from the beginning of story mode? We can give them some base stats and remove them conform they advance in story.[/indent][list] [*]Immediately after story I think they can be allowed to choose an avatar. Give them to option to directly exchange one of their free credits for the feature or simple give it free. [*]Spelling errors. I believe Grido can make a group to find and fix them. [/list] [b]So improve this plan, since I need concrete things now. I’ll edit according to community opinions and based to logic.[/b] [/quote] Quote
BFH Posted August 25, 2012 Author Report Posted August 25, 2012 [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1345906078' post='121035'] But then those who have just passed story mode would find it unfair cause they hadn't got the free avy . . . [/quote] based on your statement then most of the new things wouldnt have been released. We need to advance. Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted August 25, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted August 25, 2012 I see it as a VERY bad idea to just introduce combat as the first thing. I don't know what you aim is BFH, but mur did NOT want MD to become this massive combat generic game. He has said time and time again that if he wants he could make it massive, addictive and whatevber, but by doing that he would make it like every other generic type of game. What your changes effectively do is value number of players over MD's unique points and i think Mur would not like it at all. Your aim as an advertiser might be to get as many uniques as possible, but that's not what MD should be about, and i think you haven't considered this at all when thinking about the changes. Quote
BFH Posted August 25, 2012 Author Report Posted August 25, 2012 [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1345907768' post='121036'] Whilst the general idea of this is fine to me, I would be completely against the first thing in MD being something, anything, completely automated. [/quote] First battle. Something that will make them eager to fight. It should be automated, how are them supposed to build all by themselves if concepts aren't initially explained? [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1345907768' post='121036'] I'm pretty sure you know about server loads and stresses on player's systems that cause lag, so I'm curious why you would introduce more things that would slow stuff? [/quote] MD fight system is just a bunch of text. That makes you eager to fight? Compare to other games MD is unique but can get better, animation is a good way to conquer the minds of new players, lag should not be the excuse. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1345907768' post='121036'] Predefined how? And this being a new player, what do they know about to make their choice? Educated guess that they'll feel pretty lost and confused at this point. [/quote] Rituals already set. The choose from a list: aka: +2 Fighters + 2 healers + 3 healers + 3 fighters let them get involved in choosing just a list. [quote] I am of the personal opinion that fighting should not be the first thing introduced in the game, that it should be something like "Here is MD" > Fight/Quests/Explore/RP/Whatever. Having fighting as first and foremost will likely give a wrong impression to players about to start. Use a similar format, but bump it to later. [/quote] Current tutorial is very bad Grido. Players appear at the paper cabin. They say what the hell is this about and just close the window. Fighting, making do something interesting is a very good option. If you guys are against it, please suggest something. [quote] Why? Not everyone comes here to fight [/quote] Because they will get the impression that they are here just to win. Losing is also part of the game. [quote] This might confuse a couple people for a simple matter of fixing slowness in loading the new state, but meh [/quote] It is better than having them confused with the: "I already fought this shade" [quote] Suggestion of who to paraphrase them? Presuming Mur is unable, I mean [/quote] Shouldn't be an excuse Mur is not here. Council have his same authority. [quote] You need to first unlock the avatar option in the shop, that is more than $5 deep, you would be removing that shop feature if that happened. [/quote] Indeed, this is an idea and suggestion. It changes nothing, so if council/community do not agree it can be removed. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1345909440' post='121039'] I see it as a VERY bad idea to just introduce combat as the first thing. I don't know what you aim is BFH, but mur did NOT want MD to become this massive combat generic game. He has said time and time again that if he wants he could make it massive, addictive and whatevber, but by doing that he would make it like every other generic type of game. What your changes effectively do is value number of players over MD's unique points and i think Mur would not like it at all. Your aim as an advertiser might be to get as many uniques as possible, but that's not what MD should be about, and i think you haven't considered this at all when thinking about the changes. [/quote] Ohh believe me I have considered the hundreds of times I spoke with Mur regarding this. I'll make him read this and post don't worry. Quote
vampir Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 I see you make a big deal with patience. I say give the free roam to all, for free. Leave all the rest as it is. Seems to me you fighting about making the transition appear as an immense change instead of rooting out the dumb thing(s) and allowing for faster immersion into really nice ones. All things considered i'm not for either option 1 or 2. Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted August 25, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted August 25, 2012 (edited) [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1345910468' post='121040'] Ohh believe me I have considered the hundreds of times I spoke with Mur regarding this. I'll make him read this and post don't worry. [/quote] Oh yes... great idea, im sure he hasn't got anything more important at the moment to do than read a topic that hasn't even been read through and argued with the community yet... oh wait, mur [censored] You say you have considered it, it doesn't seem like it at all. You seem to be totally changing the nature of the intro to magicduel... Mur spent time on all his filters, do you have the power to just decide we are going to remove them all? You will face competition against it, and i will fight against it to remove this into essentially a fighting sim. Edited August 25, 2012 by Chewett Quote
BFH Posted August 25, 2012 Author Report Posted August 25, 2012 Chew what i meant is we are speaking for him. I include myself. We need him to speak because as u said tutorial is changing concepts he established. I Believe council can do the same. Since they should have open communication with him and have his same authority to change anything. And most important community. Which is the main reason this is taking place in public and not privately with a couple of players. Quote
Deleo Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 8 days old in the game as an mp3. I survived the tutorial and now I'm here to point at some things. First of all, this whole conversation being made means that the game is healthy, so I give my congrats to the developers... To the point now...BFH, I didn't like how the selection of the principles is being made until now. I mean, either you focus on fighting or RP, you have to have a clear picture of the standards in order to develop the character that you have in mind. I don't think that ppl would like their characters to be based on their intuition. (I'm still not sure if principles are crucial for the characters advancement but I think they are.) This choice is unique, it is made once, it affects the concept of your character. So I think this matter needs more/special focus because it is the closest thing to the classic "Create your character" formulas, where you are asked make some choices(this goes to the "make them stay" part ;-) ). So I read your plan (and all the post about this matter) and my opinion is to make this choice earlier in MP2 not in MP3 and only if you choose story mode. Maybe after the experience of a fight that you explain how stats apply or whatever...let that be the force of the choice or something solid like that. P.S. Please keep the fighting dummy idea alive, especially if later on works as a "whenever I want" access to the ritual management. Quote
Liberty4life Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 oh oh oh... why ya mention 6 waitin intervals in story multiplied by 15 mins before free roam? if ya checked then ya should know that mp3s can pass whole mp3 story WITHOUT waitin at all or by max wait time of 15min, its their choice, if they pick 15min then why wouldnt they wait 15min, its not forced on them, its their choice, if ya chose somethin on yoar own then ya do it no? also avy feature is already free in mdshop, one only needs to reach it, few days ago i got suprised on mine alt that once i got deep enough for avy feature it was given free, which is already very generous from md Watcher 1 Quote
BFH Posted August 25, 2012 Author Report Posted August 25, 2012 [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1345921791' post='121047'] oh oh oh... why ya mention 6 waitin intervals in story multiplied by 15 mins before free roam? if ya checked then ya should know that mp3s can pass whole mp3 story WITHOUT waitin at all or by max wait time of 15min, its their choice, if they pick 15min then why wouldnt they wait 15min, its not forced on them, its their choice, if ya chose somethin on yoar own then ya do it no? also avy feature is already free in mdshop, one only needs to reach it, few days ago i got suprised on mine alt that once i got deep enough for avy feature it was given free, which is already very generous from md [/quote] I obviously know they can skip the time interval... It was stated by mp3 in the topic that the intervals made mp3 choose the highest one because the fear consequences. Yes first avatar is free after you buy the feature. The suggestion of giving the initial avy was also posted somewhere, as I mentioned can be excluded @Community: keep up the discussion please. Quote
Liberty4life Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 no... avy feature is free, first avy still costs 1 cred Quote
Grido Posted August 25, 2012 Report Posted August 25, 2012 [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1345910468' post='121040'] First battle. Something that will make them eager to fight. It should be automated, how are them supposed to build all by themselves if concepts aren't initially explained? [color=purple]You can explain a concept and still not have it automated. Just skip your automated step, and go straight into them picking one of the rit options.[/color] MD fight system is just a bunch of text. That makes you eager to fight? Compare to other games MD is unique but can get better, animation is a good way to conquer the minds of new players, lag should not be the excuse. [color=purple]Lag is not an excuse, it is a fact. It happens. Adding extra animation will make it worse and will lead to more complaints and less people sticking around because they are no longer "taught" the patience in MD because you have removed the filters from tutorial and story.[/color] Current tutorial is very bad Grido. Players appear at the paper cabin. They say what the hell is this about and just close the window. Fighting, making do something interesting is a very good option. If you guys are against it, please suggest something. [color=purple]I am not arguing that the current tutorial is good. I am saying why are you forcing the fighting option on people, we will end up with a tonne of fighters, and a lack of anything at all else, because those that would've done something else will see an automated fight system as soon as they log on and will expound that thought into what the rest of the game must be like. I already said a suggestion, modify the fight bit, shift it to later on, like with the shades, and hey presto.[/color] Because they will get the impression that they are here just to win. Losing is also part of the game. [color=purple]yes....but like I said, fighting isn't everything, there's so much else to the game.[/color] Shouldn't be an excuse Mur is not here. Council have his same authority. [color=purple]I'm not talking about authority. I'm talking about understanding. I'm not entirely confident of anyone currently in game of having enough understanding of each principle that they would be able to write a condensed version of it.[/color][/quote] [quote name='Deleo' timestamp='1345913863' post='121046']P.S. Please keep the fighting dummy idea alive, especially if later on works as a "whenever I want" access to the ritual management.[/quote] There are reasons for not being able to set a ritual without anyone present, but I can't find an appropriate post to reference currently. If you look in the "New Ideas" forum area there are numerous threads with the suggestion though - search "rituals" or something. Quote
BFH Posted August 25, 2012 Author Report Posted August 25, 2012 [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1345933829' post='121051'] [color=purple]You can explain a concept and still not have it automated. Just skip your automated step, and go straight into them picking one of the rit options.[/color] [color=#ff0000]Yes it is open to improvement. Then we give them one more dummy to fight with? Or two is enough for teaching ritual setup and fight?[/color] [color=purple]Lag is not an excuse, it is a fact. It happens. Adding extra animation will make it worse and will lead to more complaints and less people sticking around because they are no longer "taught" the patience in MD because you have removed the filters from tutorial and story.[/color] [color=#ff0000]I'll request MD coders some information on the matter. There should be ways to allow animation without a significant lag.[/color] [color=purple]I am not arguing that the current tutorial is good. I am saying why are you forcing the fighting option on people, we will end up with a tonne of fighters, and a lack of anything at all else, because those that would've done something else will see an automated fight system as soon as they log on and will expound that thought into what the rest of the game must be like.[/color] [color=#ff0000]No no, I'm not forcing anything. It is the reason why this is here. So that things get discussed before they get to be final. Fight is part of MD as well as quests are and roleplay. But are quest or even rp currently in tutorial? Rp is mega hard to implement, since I don;t think we can measure rp. Quest, there are no significant quests on current tutorial. Just go back and forth. We can include a quest, why not, but which? How?[/color] [color=#ff0000]Yes I agree MD is much more than fighting, but the easiest to implement in a tutorial is fighting. Any suggestions?[/color] [color=purple]I already said a suggestion, modify the fight bit, shift it to later on, like with the shades, and hey presto.[/color] [color=purple]yes....but like I said, fighting isn't everything, there's so much else to the game.[/color] [color=#ff0000]Still Shades shouldn't be piece of cake [/color] [color=purple]I'm not talking about authority. I'm talking about understanding. I'm not entirely confident of anyone currently in game of having enough understanding of each principle that they would be able to write a condensed version of it.[/color] [color=#ff0000]There is a summary currently, put by Mur when you click info. We can condense it, set it to show on top, and problem fixed.[/color] [/quote] Quote
BFH Posted August 26, 2012 Author Report Posted August 26, 2012 Suggested solution for Fighting animations and lag: *Set Complete "new" animations as default. *Give option to set system as it is now. *Give option to set animations off. That would immediately kill any complains Good idea.Maybe this should be added to the same fight interface, so that users notice they have options in case their connection is slow. I still have to speak with MD coders to see if there are better options. Quote
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