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During the past few weeks I've walked into the PC several times to find it empty except for some confused new players. Sometimes there is not even a Live Help button on the right because there are no LHOs online!

I'm not sure what's going on, but I'll try to spend more time there - hopefully some others will as well.


Where possible, I do arrange so, unfortunately sometimes there are indeed periods where no LHO are able to cover. Any non-LHO, are more than welcome to spend their time there looking out for new players, particularly if they want to become a LHO.

Any issues with LHO, or lack thereof in any particular place where someone feels they should be, should be sent directly to myself via any means of communication that can reach me. I see absolutely no reason to post this on the forum, certainly not prior to speaking to myself regarding it.


Grido, the purpose to putting it on the forum is to ask the community to pitch in where available. If she does indeed spend time there and encourages others to do so as well, then her primary intent is not to take a run at you or the LHOs. Would you not agree that asking everybody to try to come and help out for a bit is a good thing? Most likely not something that could be done with a private message.

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