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Boss HC signup + sanctuary + leftover heads


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Due to a combination of BHC signup having started extremely early and me getting hold of a couple of leftover heads. I can farm any other signed up participants in sanctuaries through giving them heads and then attacking to get them back.

Nothing major but a little bugged nonetheless ;)

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you have got heads from MUR's birthday... however you don't make score until the start of the contest... I have started sign up so soon because I wrong date of start of competition, that was 13th day of the monthbt now is 25th of the month... sorry for this...
however I'm quite sure that heads that have got BHC partecipants before the start of BHC will get reset at the start of it as last time... need to ask to partecipant of last contest...

confirmed... all BHC partecipants that have got heads before the start of the contest will lose all heads that they have got... so there will not be problems...

Edited by MRAlyon
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You missed the point Alyon ... by much.

The point of "sanctuaries" that are supposed to be sanctuaries when there is no HC.

As the competition is not started, it is your duty to take care of the heads & competitions.

I think you should be able to change the settings so that the heads would dissapear by themselves.

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