Trahern Posted June 4, 2008 Report Posted June 4, 2008 Grido said: The answer is simple, 42. What is the question? How many balls are there? What do the blue hued balls spell out? If each column represents a binary digit, and red hued columns represent 1, what do you get? What do the yellow hued balls spell out? (XLII actually, which is 42 in Roman numerals) What value does the barcode represent? What is the meaning of life? So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Glaistig Posted June 4, 2008 Report Posted June 4, 2008 @Morgana: heat? Although really heat is the most chaotic form of energy and also called entropy.. but heat is pretty usable ingame. o_o
Eldrad Posted June 4, 2008 Report Posted June 4, 2008 Pi, yup that's it. As mentioned before Rendril's answer was so close and yet so far.
Grido Posted June 5, 2008 Report Posted June 5, 2008 @trahern, i said do NOT post if you already know/googled it, that way others would have to work it out for themselves The last answer you gave is wrong anyway, your answer has no connection to the pic, the answer does
Metal Bunny Posted June 5, 2008 Author Report Posted June 5, 2008 I forgot that I wanted to post hints or the answer to that train from hell riddle a long time ago, so here goes. By now it's obvious Bob is the one who could prevent the blind man's death. How you ask? You should ask yourself, what condition is needed to prevent his death and why is this condition set apart from all the other distractions that the most awesomeness Metal Bunny put there for his own amusement?
Morgana Le Fey Posted June 5, 2008 Report Posted June 5, 2008 yes it was heat my clue would have been it is a part of the game aswell
Trahern Posted June 5, 2008 Report Posted June 5, 2008 Grido said: @trahern, i said do NOT post if you already know/googled it, that way others would have to work it out for themselvesThe last answer you gave is wrong anyway, your answer has no connection to the pic, the answer does You only said not to post if you googled it. I did not google it. Also, nothing says the answer had to be connected to the picture.
Trahern Posted June 5, 2008 Report Posted June 5, 2008 Metal Bunny said: I forgot that I wanted to post hints or the answer to that train from hell riddle a long time ago, so here goes. Bob smokes, so he should have a lighter or matches which he could have lit, or if he were already smoking then the cherry of the cigarette could be visible to the not-so-blind man. Alternatively, you might have been able to prevent his death by trading seats with him. Since the train is moving in the opposite direction you are looking at, you should see the ambient light from the end of the tunnel.
Grido Posted June 5, 2008 Report Posted June 5, 2008 @Trahern, edits post the last answer has something to do with the book, and the picture oh and for bonus points find the other 4 answers which arent published on the net, Douglas Adams said there were 10 answers
Rendril Posted June 7, 2008 Report Posted June 7, 2008 @Eldrad I must be missing the blatantly obvious but as far as far as I can see, my answer was the same as that of Sacosphilz, my alternating method of dealing coins is the same as his, could you explain to me where they differ?
Eldrad Posted June 7, 2008 Report Posted June 7, 2008 Rendril, You stated the alternating pattern which is correct for an odd number of pirates. You said you'd pay the lowest pirate one and then alternating every other. This means you'd pay 99 one... clearly 99 is always going to vote to kill 100 because then 99 will get the captains share. Similarly if you do it out everyone you suggested paying would get 1 gold if 99 were the captain so they'd vote to kill just to see blood.
Metal Bunny Posted June 8, 2008 Author Report Posted June 8, 2008 Lol, the answer is correct When the cigarette is lit, there should be fire, and thus light
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 10, 2008 Root Admin Report Posted June 10, 2008 (edited) [Redacted] Edited December 18, 2012 by Chewett Redacted
Grido Posted June 10, 2008 Report Posted June 10, 2008 not quite chewitt, but it is to do with that ball yeah, which is the earth on the of chance you didnt already realise. the earth doesnt equal 42
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 10, 2008 Root Admin Report Posted June 10, 2008 (edited) [Redacted] Edited December 18, 2012 by Chewett Redacted
Grido Posted June 11, 2008 Report Posted June 11, 2008 near enough chew the ''official'' answer is What position in the grid does the computer that calculates the Question to the Ultimate Answer (the Earth) occupy?
Trahern Posted June 11, 2008 Report Posted June 11, 2008 Metal Bunny said: Anyway, the problem is that an unknown person has a STD (remember, can't spell stud without std . It could be you, could be first woman, or the last one. Luckily you have condoms, sadly enough, you only have 2.What do you have to do, so that you will have the all holy fornication with all the nice ladies, without risking an infection, or transferring it? I know there's been a correct answer to this one, but I may have another: Use the first condom on the first girl, and the second condom on both girls 2 and 3; assuming from the description that girl 2 is clean. I initially thought I had a second alternative, but found the phallacy mid-posting.
Metal Bunny Posted June 15, 2008 Author Report Posted June 15, 2008 In bold are unsolved. 1. Example ’What am I?’ riddle –By me 2. 1st ’What am I?’ riddle – By me 3. 2nd ’What am I?’ riddle – By me 4. 3rd ’What am I?’ riddle – By me 5. 4th ’What am I?’ riddle – By me 6. The buttons and the lightbulb riddle – By me 7. The dead man in the field riddle – By me 8. The prisoners and the three crowns riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 9. The television game show riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 10. The 10 numbers riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 11. The room with a door to life and death riddle – By Grido 12. The train riddle from hell – By me 13. 5th ’What am I?’ riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 14. The cube and the box riddle – By phlegmtheorem 15. The man, his wife and her death riddle – By phlegmtheorem 16. The fake coin and scales riddle and her 2 other variants – By 5acos(phi/2) 17. 6th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas 18. 7th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas 19. 8th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas 20. The 5 pointed star riddle – By phlegmtheorem 21. The 100 coins riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 22. The epic Einstein riddle – By phlegmtheorem 23. The $50 bill riddle – By phlegmtheorem 24. The bottle, coin and cork riddle – By me 25. The jars filled with marbles riddle – By me 26. The awesome human devouring bunny island – By me 27. 9th ’What am I?’ riddle – By me 28. 10th ’What am I?’ riddle – By me 29. Big Ben Bells riddle – By Grido 30. 11th ’What am I?’ riddle – By 5acos(phi/2) 31. Unusual paragraph riddle (Which I didn’t see and posted as well ) – By 5acos(phi/2) 32. 3 Boxes 2 marbles riddle – By Rendril 33. Poker hands riddle – By Rendril 34. What gets wetter the more it dries? (It’s the actual riddle…) – By me 35. 100 Pirates and 100 gold pieces riddle – By Eldrad 36. 12th ’What am I?’ riddle – Rendril 37. Awesomeness condom riddle – By me 38. 13th ’What am I?’ riddle – By Morgana Le Fey 39. ‘42’ riddle – By Grido 40. Lame kitten king and cool glorious awesomeness bunny riddle – By me An… artistic version of a (well known?) riddle. Long, long ago, on a far away and forgotten island, already swept away by the smoothing salt sea waves, was a society undiscovered by the awesomeness of bunnies. On it ruled a primitive lame kitten king, unbeknownst to all of bunnykind, and he ruled with fluffy iron fist. One day a cool adventurous and wise bunny had to crash land into this island, because his plane was damaged by killer monkey’s that were mad at him for stealing their banana honey. He was captured after slaying thousands of kittens, by shrewdly setting the honey, which he couldn’t eat anymore, on fire. It was a glorious evening, but still, he got captured because even he had to go to sleep at some time… The king, afraid of his glorious masculinity, gave him an offer, because those foolish kittens thought he was, like this, awesomeness killer god of slaying, which he kind of was. The king said: ’L0lz, yuo are 1337, we sux0rz, we let yuo go if yuo proof to us yuo be the awesum, yuo have to dr4w a wite st0ne fr0m bag, 0ther b4g has black st0ne. Yuo dies if black st0ne, dr4w1ng will h4pen at meating.’ In his awesomeness the bunny understood the primitive language and knew what had to be done, but he also knew that the kittens were vile critters and would always try to cheat, placing black stones in both the bags. What did the bunny do in order to survive? And yes the bunny did survive.
Grido Posted June 15, 2008 Report Posted June 15, 2008 i'm not spoilering on the grounds that if it's right i'm going to laugh, lots does the bunny just kill the lame kitten king? and the rest of them
Metal Bunny Posted June 15, 2008 Author Report Posted June 15, 2008 He, doesn't kill them, lol... He is outnumbered and they do have weapons at their 'meating' I mean, else he would've killed them when or before the king was having his 'epic speech'. A bunny wins through strategy and such , he was just tired...
Sacosphilz Posted June 16, 2008 Report Posted June 16, 2008 Wow, it must be at least a decade since I last heard that riddle :lol: , although the version I know is very culturally localized, and it's not about a lone brave bunny and some primitive kittens, but about a girl unwillingly facing arranged marriage with a local aristocrat she doesn't love and her father who tried to cheat her into it. (The deal about white and black stones and their containers remain the same, of course, as well as the solution ) Makes me wonder where it really originated.
Grido Posted June 18, 2008 Report Posted June 18, 2008 noone seems to be trying your riddle much MB anywho, i felt like making one, which i havent done before, so i hope you like it, and also hope that it's not too easy 41.14th 'what am i?' riddle I am a house of lies, A flimsy construction, Changing all the time, I am the world through different eyes, I am loss, pain, and regret, I am happiness, lust, and love, I am hard and soft, short and tall, I exist in many forms, I am what you see and know, I know all, I am truth, I am known to all. What am I?
Grido Posted June 18, 2008 Report Posted June 18, 2008 i've listed that as part of the riddle, so no I am truth, but truth isn't the answer
Israfel Posted June 18, 2008 Report Posted June 18, 2008 Ok, I feel exceptionally idiotic at the moment. My bad
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