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Wanted: Twitter/Facebook Admins

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  • Root Admin

We are looking for people who are interested in running the twitter and facebook for Magicduel. Those who are interested should contact me stating what experiance you have, what you wish to do, and anything else you feel is important.


It is likely that those that apply will take turns performing this duty.

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  • Root Admin

For this role we would want someone to promote the pages and add content to it regularly.

This would involve adding current information, quests and contests. Ideally both twitter and facebook would link together and work on similar items.

The job is open to whatever you want to make of it, If you have an idea to run a facebook/twitter related event then you should go for it.

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  • 1 year later...

As from now on I shall be active basically every day. So I shall also place my name forward for this.


Though I may be new, I am also very able -- at least I like to think so.


Edit -  I could do both twitter and facebook -- I have had lot's of experience managing (personal) social networking's..


Facebook and twitter should contain both "exclusive" information and also general information -- exclusive information would give others (mainly veteran/serious players) a reason to follow. I.e. Mur's posts of "Un-seen scene drawings".

Edited by Aethon
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Can you clarify what the goal of MDs social media is? If the advertising stuff hasn't re-started then I would assume it isn't to gain publicity - in which case, is it to keep players looped in to information via an easy access feed?


In addition, do you currently use any tools in conjunction with it?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Can you clarify what the goal of MDs social media is? If the advertising stuff hasn't re-started then I would assume it isn't to gain publicity - in which case, is it to keep players looped in to information via an easy access feed?


In addition, do you currently use any tools in conjunction with it?




I assume, and from my personal opinion, its like a must have. If an interested player tries to search on most rescent social media sites like FB, and doesn´t find MD or an up to date site, he might get disappointed and deinstered therefore. I was a bit shoked to see the FB page quite ...old...without new content. But I agree, advertisment is a must.


So I am offering my help for facebook as well!

Edited by Blackwoodforest
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I can do Facebook and twitter . I currently run two blog pages one one FB and the other twitter and they have been going well. I also have access to my computer almost all day every day. So i will be able to handle Posting / or editing ect, whatever is needed. 


Currently i still Follow the MD facebook page and check up on it , but not many things ever get posted there any more it seems. I would gladly volunteer my services in helping manage the MD facebook and twitter page. Im also very active through out most of the MD days (MD st time)


Just let me know :)

Be glad to help bring life to MD 

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