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Leaving MB for a while


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  • Root Admin

I am exceptionally saddened to be writing this but today I must leave Marind Bell. Due to a number of unreconcilable differences, refusal for additional discussion and to preserve our friendship I am leaving the land.

One day I will return, if the land will have me back, but for the moment I must leave to let him rule how he wants.

I will do what I can to help my friends in MB, and still am a member of the land in my heart. Advice is freely given when asked, so if any MB citizens want help, advice or anything else, you should still contact me, for I am one of you.

I plan to accept an invitation to SoTIS that Mur gave me for my work in MD if the offer is still open.

To Rhaegar: Rule your way, you shall no longer have me to disagree with where I think you are being unfair.

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