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Retirement of a Maebius


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To all,  It has been my great pleasure in helping with various MagicDuel Council projects and discussions, however, as you all know, I have been more than idle lately.   With my current situation and life shifts, I do not have the time and willpower to dedicate to being a productive member of the MagicDuel Community.

(this does not mean I don't miss it, or leave because it's too much work!)


As such, I am hereby posting my intent to retire, effective now.


I will continue to lurk around the realm, as best I am able, but will not be doing much else.  I wish you all the best.


Be well,



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Thanks for all the well wishes.  (and hi Lashtal,  you can't kill me, I'm already dead in that Berserker's place!)

I'll try to pop in every so often, as I do really miss MD, but lately, I havn't been able to.   

Have fun, all, and keep your Light Shining!  (even if only tyo sharpen those shadows!)   :)

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