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Quest: the reasons behind Mur's murder


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To stir up the realm or get it tensioned. "There's a killer on the loose!" 

To send a warning the other land-leaders. 

Because he/she can. 

To ruin Mur's plans.

Because there is no very active revivalist these days.

Because Mur didn't give him/her what he/she wanted. 

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Killer wanted to defy Mur.

And cause killer wanted Az* to post a loooong painful post with tons of philosophy that I will never ever read nor will ever understand hence I will feel stupid erog killer wanted me to feel stupid.

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It was colonel mustard in the kitchen with a candlestick




He did it because Mur is sort of already dead and they wanted to see if they could do the impossible by killing him while he was already dead

He wanted to prove that Mur is mortal

He wanted to speak with molquert

Mur is finally going to stop taking charge of MD (not trying to make it sound like I want that lol)


Who said it was a he, anyways, where's the double standards :p

Edited by Sir Blut
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The person who killed Mur was Mur himself.

Why? Becasue:
1. He wanted to discover if he is the Mur he thought he is.
2. He wanted to the remind himself the feeling of catharsis.

3. He wanted to see what  kind of effects will his death have on this Realm.

4. He excpected that Land itself could be altered after this act.

5. He understood that logic is such a liar.

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By killing a god (demi etc) the killer tried to free himself since humans are made to be dependent, God-worshipping beings.

Removing (killing in this case) a god, opens up for human creativity to flourish and fully develop. Instead of always turning their eyes to a supreme being and a supernatural real, they will start acknowledging the current world aka  killer aspirating to become hmmm...an Ubermensch :D

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By killing a god (demi etc) the killer tried to free himself since humans are made to be dependent, God-worshipping beings.

Removing (killing in this case) a god, opens up for human creativity to flourish and fully develop. Instead of always turning their eyes to a supreme being and a supernatural real, they will start acknowledging the current world aka  killer aspirating to become hmmm...an Ubermensch :D


Definitely on the right track, but sometimes less is more!

I consider your psychological interpretation a bias, the risk is that you follow the right track on the wrong direction!

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1.   The killer wanted to remove Mur from his position as (demi-)god.

2.   The killer wants MD to (be able to) continue/move on without a god like being.

3.   The killer wants to change MD.

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Over thinking here (having my own particular fun and spamming you :P):

1) Killer murdering Mur (a demon), makes the Killer something evil. BUT sometimes things changing into their opposite: ice (hard) melts and turns to wate (soft). Harmonies are created by high notes and low notes (in music). In life harmony is achieved by good vs evil. Killing an evil leads to killer becoming evil to achieve balance.

Killer is the demon hence killer is the ruler of the East :P

2) If there is a demon, there is also a god (or demi-god) out there. By killing the demon, the god should appear since it cannot exist without its counter part. Hence Killer wanted to expose the gods of MD.

3) Killer applied the "always do what everybody would like to follow"  so he set an example of how people should act (in this case, banish/kill what we believe is wrong).


More...next time...

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