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Pain Tournament - idea for Halloween contest

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Posted (edited)

So, today I had another idea (you might like it this time :P): A Pain Tournament.

The idea came while talking to someone about Mur's pain festival from a couple of years ago. We had a lot of fun during that time (or at least I had). Then since even if I don't fight anymore I am still a fan of fighting I thought of such a tournament.


To organize one is quite hard (see Krioni's one during LR festival) but apparently "automatic ones"  were quite popular (see Alyon's last one) I received the permission  to organize one using the BHC interface (no, I will simply send the parameters, I am not the future BHC master). Thank you Chew for your future help :D


And being a Pain Tournament, I shall apply LOTS of restrictions: null stats, all mp levels attack-able, no alliance.

Now, I am not decided about duration (I want it to be painful but I want also people to play it and I know time is an issue for everyone).


I aim to run it during Halloween (or to start it then) since it's pain and suffering. However I might not be able due to some business trip at the end of November so in case this happens I want to run it during the first week from December (I will know more in about few weeks so plenty of time until then).


Rewards (for now): 1 WP for the winner and 1 Windy.

                                : 1 WP from Nimmy if there are more than 10 participants. - guess 2nd place will receive it


If anyone wishes to sponsor with more, I shall be using those for 2nd and 3rd place.


I want to see as many people fight as in the old days. I know we have more restrictions due to viscosity but I am still hoping to see some blood shed.


Would you join such an event? Do you have other ideas on how to better the contest? I am opened to suggestions!


LE: I think I am inclined to run it only if I get at least 6-7-8-9 or more participants. Otherwise I feel it would not be fair.

Edited by dst
Posted (edited)

So basically the guy who is most lucky with freezes wins (unless you also restrict it to non-freeze creatures)

Yes, this is how it is and has always been. It's so nice of you to come NOW and point that out when this is how all BHCs and HC and basically any combat tournament have been held.




And you get pissy when I wonder for which hole you crawled up...

Edited by dst

I aim to run it during Halloween (or to start it then) since it's pain and suffering. However I might not be able due to some business trip at the end of November so in case this happens I want to run it during the first week from December (I will know more in about few weeks so plenty of time until then).


I'm pretty sure this halloween mumbo jumbo is the night before all hallows (hence them calling it hallows' eve, no?), which would be the last of october, not november. So, if your trip is in late november, it shouldn't interfere with your halloween plans?

Posted (edited)

Hmm... I'd like to know some details regarding what is and isn't allowed.


I'll assume that spells and tokens are out of the question. What about, for instance, Angiens? While they could prove useless at first glance, since the bar is to be set to 0, people can always prepare themselves beforehand with max comboed Angien rituals.

Edited by Myth

It's a BHC/HC contest type.

I cannot restrict crits or ve or pray power.

Spells will work like in any normal BHC: some restricted, some allowed.


I will remove stats. I will only allow non allied players. I will make all mind power levels attack-able (so mp5 can attack mp4 and so on).


Wait...isn't Oct for Thanksgiving and Nov for Halloween? O.o


If it's Oct then we need to hurry :D


Exactly the other way round, us civilized europeans have thanksgiving when we're done harvesting, those new world brutes wanted to have it in the middle of winter :))


It is Oct 31st, and they celebrate thanksgiving at the end of november.



When you say un-allied, do you mean you can make the system consider our allies void for the duration of the event, or that people actually have to drop their ally-badge for the event?

Posted (edited)

Then 31st Oct it is!


Non-allied means you have to drop badges...Pain Festival. You need to feel some pain (and I am hoping to be able to inflict some more as well as add some more rewards based on the inflicted pain).


I will allow only No Man's Land people to join (since apparently I have this option).

Edited by dst

As Asthir asked, does null stats mean that personal VE isn't applied inside combat?


DD, I'm confident that one can outplay freezes on this equal ground. Remember the whole point around HC is not to win a fight, it's to gain Victory and prevent opponent from getting it. I can play around with you whole day and you can win every single fight against my defense yet you will only take single head each time.


I think VE is not affected. By personal stats I understand attack, def etc.

The same restrictions regarding stats were applied during the last contest held by Alyon and won by Krioni few weeks ago so maybe one of the participants can enlighten us.


DD, I'm confident that one can outplay freezes on this equal ground. Remember the whole point around HC is not to win a fight, it's to gain Victory and prevent opponent from getting it. I can play around with you whole day and you can win every single fight against my defense yet you will only take single head each time.


Outplaying freezes I can understand, but how does an MP3, with its limited ability of creature upgrades, outplay the various skills of an MP5s upgraded creatures?


New info (thanks to Eon):


No stats means "no extra ve" as well.

Also there is a feature that allows you to GIVE your heads to an oponent.

All you need to do is type *give head(s) to <playername>* - need to check if syntax is correct (if it's head or heads and if should add * or not but i believe you do...)


I'm personally getting some ideas, however I can't be sure because I don't know how will HC work with MP3 fighting higher level, will both win and victory outcome exist for MP3 fight? If yes, then you have chance I think, still you would be at big disadvantage indeed. Logically rules of attacker are applied I think (no clue just speculation) in that case you have chance in defense and while attack you need to win regardless of % since then your rules would apply so you are basically countering their defenses that are meant to give empty win to attacker, since every MP3 win is actually victory.


Again I'm just speculating by my own logic, I have no experience about this contests. I think that serious problem for you is no lifesteal on MP3 unless *SPOILER*.

Posted (edited)

I know, and I'm not inclined to *SPOILER*. :P But your first speculation needs clarification, because the rules of engagement differ from MP to MP and obviously get you different results. :P


Edit: if more then one set of rules applies, we basically need one defense against 3 separate types of play.

Edited by Myth
Posted (edited)


Outplaying freezes I can understand, but how does an MP3, with its limited ability of creature upgrades, outplay the various skills of an MP5s upgraded creatures?

This takes us back tin 2008 and maybe until 2010. This is how the fights in Willow's Shop used to be, allied mp3 would challenge mp5 people and the results would stun you. But the again, I do not recall we had the level requirements for the creatures.


How about tokens? Included?

Edited by Peace

Also there is a feature that allows you to GIVE your heads to an oponent.

All you need to do is type *give head(s) to <playername>* - need to check if syntax is correct (if it's head or heads and if should add * or not but i believe you do...)


*gives <all> heads to <playername>*


is plural (heads) and does require the *


I cannot remember for sure if there was an option to give a certain number of heads, or if it was just all.


No, it's mind game as well as playing tag combined with combat :D nice mix.


I guess only fossils can clarify how exactly it works. Alternative is to go to GG and play with Aramors. They are MP2 so all levels can attack them, watch logs, you need to fight them both as MP5 and as MP3 and then compare the logs and see THEIR fight outcome not just yours. It could be helpful, but it still could be different from MP3 vs MP4/5 fights.

Posted (edited)

Tokens unfortunately are included (from what Eon tells me the "no stats" was suppose to nullify the tokens as well but somehow it was forgotten..). But since most are based on personal stats they should not pose too much of a threat.


Thank you Nimmy :D I shall update the first post with the reward.


Also thank you Intrigue for the confirmation!

Edited by dst

There's an option to remove tokens too (as was in Alyon's event)

An automatic one? I highly doubt it.


On the token matter, are principles and age considered stats?

Principles yes, are considered stats. Age doesn't matter no where in combat so it doesn't matter how "old" you are.


An automatic one? I highly doubt it.


Yes, as far as I remember, none of the tokens counted. (at 0% VE the tokens should have had 100% effect, but they were also reduced to 0%).

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