Rophs Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 (edited) Ann. 3311 - [2015-01-20 02:46:31 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett The medals that you have attained are visible on the medals part of the profile page (leftbar profile link). We need the descriptions written for every medal, please collaborate on the forum and write these. Many thanks. Medals: a25.gif artworks.gif award2008.gif award2009.gif award2010.gif award2011.gif award2012.gif award2013.gif award2014.gif award2015.gif bosshc.gif forum.gif fossil.gif goldartworks.gif goldaward2008.gif goldaward2009.gif goldaward2010.gif goldaward2011.gif goldaward2012.gif goldaward2013.gif goldaward2014.gif goldaward2015.gif goldbosshc.gif goldforum.gif goldfossil.gif goldheads.gif goldlho.gif goldmech.gif goldpuzzle.gif goldveteran.gif heads.gif king.gif kingslayer.gif lang_de.gif lang_en.gif lang_es.gif lang_fr.gif lang_it.gif lang_nl.gif lang_pl.gif lang_po.gif lang_pt.gif lang_ro.gif lang_sv.gif lho.gif lucky.gif mechstar.gif music.gif public.gif puzzle.gif script.gif server.gif spacer.gif spender.gif subscriber_bronze.gif subscriber.gif subscriber_gold.gif subscriber_silver.gif veteran.gif writer.gif Descriptions needed! (If I miss a medal send me a ForumPM so I can add it to the list.) Edited January 20, 2015 by Rophs Eagle Eye and Sasha Lilias 1 1 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 (edited) Suggestions: a25.gif: Has used Autumn2050 tools in the past to create or implement something in the realm. lho.gif: Managed to become Live Help Operators and help new players. goldlho.gif: Is a senior LHO and has been serving MD well for a long time. veteran.gif: Has a fair amount of experience in MD, and is aware of many aspects and how they work. goldveteran.gif: Has a significant amount of experience in MD, and is knowledgeable in many of its aspects. heads.gif: Awarded to those who managed to achieve top positions in the Heads Contest. goldheads.gif: Awarded to the one who achieved first place in the Heads Contest. bosshc.gif: Awarded to those who managed to win the Boss Heads Competition. king.gif: Has or had kingship rights over one of the lands. fossil.gif: Is deemed worthy of getting special mention due to still existing despite being a very old player. goldfossil.gif: To mark those who's age has passed even beyond that of fossils. forum.gif: In charge of administrating or moderating the forum. artworks.gif: Has shown great talent in drawing and has produced beautiful artworks for the realm. award201X.gif: Winner of one of the categories in the MD Awards. goldaward201X.gif: Winner of at least two categories in the MD awards. Edited January 20, 2015 by DARK DEMON Quote
Rophs Posted January 20, 2015 Author Report Posted January 20, 2015 Veteran: To mark those who have a lot of experience in MD, and are aware of most many aspects of MagicDuel and how they realm works. I added what (are in my opinion) improvements to your desc for the Veteran medal. Sasha Lilias and DARK DEMON 1 1 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 I added what (are in my opinion) improvements to your desc for the Veteran medal. Repetition of MagicDuel after MD sounds weird :P How about "Veteran: To mark those who have a significant amount of experience in MagicDuel, and are aware of many of its aspects/concepts and how they work"? Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted January 20, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted January 20, 2015 Please use the codenames for each medal, as shown on the medal medal list for help:king kingwriter writergoldfossil goldfossilgoldveteran goldveterangoldforum goldforumscript scriptgoldlho goldlhomechstar mechstargoldaward2009 goldaward2009award2011 award2011goldmech goldmechgoldheads goldheadsgoldaward2013 goldaward2013goldaward2014 goldaward2014 Quote
No one Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 [spoiler] Suggestions: A25: A symbol of recognition of those who have used Autumn2050 tools in the past to create or implement something in the realm. LHO: To mark those who managed to become Live Help Operators and help new players. (kinda like the achievement) Veteran: To mark those who have a lot of experience in MD, and are aware of most aspects and how they work. Heads: Awarded to those who managed to achieve top positions in the Heads Contest. Bossheads: Awarded to those who managed to win the Boss Heads Competition. King: To mark those who have or had kingship rights over any land. Fossil: To mark those deemed worthy of getting special mention due to still existing despite being very old players. Forum: In charge of administrating or moderating the forum. Art: To mark those who have shown great talent in drawing and have produced beautiful artworks for the realm. [/spoiler] @DD: you should also consider shorter tags. There is simply no space for huge compositions and for obvious things (like "A symbol of recognition of those who have", "To mark those who managed to", "To mark those who have", "Awarded to those who" ) Try something to the point like :Bossheads: Awarded to those who managed to win Won the Boss Heads Competition. Fossil: To mark those deemed worthy of getting special mention due to still existing despite being Acknowledged as a very old players. / As old as a fossil. Art: To mark those who have shown great talent in drawing and have produced beautiful artworks for the realm. Skilled in arts. Anyway, here is my suggestion for the list provided by Chewett: king : Royalty material. (as it could be also queen) writer : Skilled writer. goldfossil : Really old player (almost dust) goldveteran : goldforum : script : Can script MD. goldlho : mechstar : Can understand MD mechanics. goldaward2009 : Yearly Award in 2009 award2011 Yearly Award in 2011 goldmech : Master of mechanics. goldheads : Master of Head Competition. goldaward2013 : Yearly Award in 2013 goldaward2014 : Yearly Award in 2014 dst and Chewett 2 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted January 20, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted January 20, 2015 Probably all medals:Ideally they should be shortish descriptions, something likescript - Given to those who have achieved proficiency with MDScript demonstrated with an exceptional use of their ability.a25.gifartworks.gifaward2008.gifaward2009.gifaward2010.gifaward2011.gifaward2012.gifaward2013.gifaward2014.gifaward2015.gifbosshc.gifforum.giffossil.gifgoldartworks.gifgoldaward2008.gifgoldaward2009.gifgoldaward2010.gifgoldaward2011.gifgoldaward2012.gifgoldaward2013.gifgoldaward2014.gifgoldaward2015.gifgoldbosshc.gifgoldforum.gifgoldfossil.gifgoldheads.gifgoldlho.gifgoldmech.gifgoldpuzzle.gifgoldveteran.gifheads.gifking.gifkingslayer.giflang_de.giflang_en.giflang_es.giflang_fr.giflang_it.giflang_nl.giflang_pl.giflang_po.giflang_pt.giflang_ro.giflang_sv.giflho.giflucky.gifmechstar.gifmusic.gifpublic.gifpuzzle.gifscript.gifserver.gifspacer.gifspender.gifsubscriber_bronze.gifsubscriber.gifsubscriber_gold.gifsubscriber_silver.gifveteran.gifwriter.gif Quote
DARK DEMON Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 (edited) Shortened, edited, updated and added a few more. Edited January 20, 2015 by DARK DEMON Quote
Aeoshattr Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 (edited) So far, the descriptions I've read for veteran and fossil don't really match, imo. Fossil is given during MD awards, and not necessarily to old players. Aeoshattr is 6 years old and he doesn't have one. I suppose NoOne's description of "acknowledged as an old player" fits better, even though seriously, to be acknowledged for that you should only need the account creation's date? I'd rather go with something like "old and frequently active" as a better description, judging by the criteria for being awarded with the fossil medal? Edited January 20, 2015 by Aeoshattr No one 1 Quote
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 I'm unsure on some of these as to whether they are access or skill so left them blank. Also, some are variable and some aren't, not sure which ones - presume king, lho and forum is an indicator of both current and past rather than removable?. po doesn't come up on the short codes list so don't know what language that represents & I thought Chinese had been done? Aeo - nearly all of these are only given at special events or by whim, maybe there should be a short general paragraph about how these medals get awarded instead? Z a25.gif – Worked on Autumn 2050 development artworks.gif – Contributed to artworks in the realm award2008.gif – Winner of a category in the 2008 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. award2009.gif – Winner of a category in the2009 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. award2010.gif – Winner of a category in the 2010 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. award2011.gif – Winner of a category in the 2011 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. award2012.gif – Winner of a category in the 2012 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. award2013.gif – Winner of a category in the 2013 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. award2014.gif – Winner of a category in the 2014 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. award2015.gif – Winner of a category in the 2015 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. bosshc.gif – Winner of the Boss Heads Contest forum.gif – Has been, or is, a forum moderator fossil.gif – Demonstrates an old enough player to warrant fossilisation goldartworks.gif – Superior contribution to realm artworks, must pass tests to achieve this. Can access certain realm-art altering tools & this medal can be downgraded. goldaward2008.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2008 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. goldaward2009.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2009 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. goldaward2010.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2010 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. goldaward2011.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2011 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. goldaward2012.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2012 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. goldaward2013.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2013 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. goldaward2014.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2014 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. goldaward2015.gif – Winner of more than one category in the 2015 Annual Magic Duel player’s awards. Organised, voted for & awarded by the players. goldbosshc.gif – Won the boss heads contest more than once goldforum.gif – Has been, or is, a veteran forum moderator goldfossil.gif – This player is so engrained in the realm by age that they may as well be a diamond goldheads.gif – Won first place in the heads contest goldlho.gif – Has been, or is, a veteran Live Help Operator goldmech.gif – Superior understanding of Magic Duel mechanics, put to use. goldpuzzle.gif – Solved more than one complex puzzle goldveteran.gif – Over 730 days activity in the realm and highly respected or popular heads.gif – Came second, third or fourth in the heads contest king.gif – Has been, or is, a King or Queen of one of the Magic Duel lands kingslayer.gif – Killed a King or Queen lang_de.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to German lang_en.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to English lang_es.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Spanish lang_fr.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to French lang_it.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Italian lang_nl.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Dutch lang_pl.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Polish lang_po.gif – ??? lang_pt.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Portuguese lang_ro.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Romanian lang_sv.gif – Helped translate Magic Duel in to Swedish lho.gif – Has been, or is, a Live Help Operator lucky.gif – Managed to achieve something difficult through pure luck mechstar.gif – Has demonstrated good understanding of Magic Duel mechanics, put to use. music.gif – Contributor to musical talent in the realm public.gif - puzzle.gif – Solved a complex puzzle script.gif - server.gif - spacer.gif - spender.gif – High level financial contributions to Magic Duel subscriber_bronze.gif – Financially contributes the third highest monthly amount to Magic Duel subscriber.gif – Financially contributes a Monthly amount to Magic Duel subscriber_gold.gif – Financially contributes the highest monthly amount to Magic Duel subscriber_silver.gif – Financially contributes the second highest monthly amount to Magic Duel veteran.gif – Played Magic Duel for more than 365 days and earned a reputation writer.gif – Dedicated and quality archive or adventure log contributions lashtal 1 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted January 20, 2015 Report Posted January 20, 2015 Well, Chew gave us an example, I think it should be like that. Aeo, Fossil of the year is during MD awards, but the Fossil medal itself isn't :P For vet medal, well, you're eligible Aeo of course. You don't have the medal, but that doesn't mean you're not a vet. Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted January 20, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted January 20, 2015 I like what Z is posting, its quite good, needs some tweaks but quite good :)Will review later Quote
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