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Awesome bunny =D Can it do The Finger Of Death. and you have to do some fan art of me, Ledah, The Loveable, Yet Sometimes Dispiseble Noob, otherwise this topic is worthless y'know, without me :)

Teh ph34r Master Ledah: :)

Minions: :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Glaistig: :) Mehhh Or whatever noise a goat makes.


... Fanart of the likes of MB n_n; what has the world gone to? Now, if he were truly awesome, he would be like Metal Mario in Super Smash Brothers, except as a lop-eared bunny. Hind-leg kick! Kirby-style spin-drill! Forepaw hit! Bunny pounce! Bunny-hop-onto-ledge-above! Jiggy puff-style charm (no music, just the gooey eyes)! Long-range pebble attack! You know, pebbles as in-

:D Reverse direction from target..

Anyway, Yami, I dunno what Manu would say to that. It was in the Gazebo of Equilibrium last time I checked.

@Ledah: I'm not a goat. You know, if rpcs can abuse their editing powers ingame, I'm tempted to change your post. >_> You can be sure any chance of me drawing you, which would undoubtedly be a great honor considering who I am and what you are, has been greatly diminished.

@Ledah: I'm not a goat. You know, if rpcs can abuse their editing powers ingame, I'm tempted to change your post. >_> You can be sure any chance of me drawing you, which would undoubtedly be a great honor considering who I am and what you are, has been greatly diminished.

Abuse the power and turn my writing ingame pink! =D If your not a goat, what are you, a squiggle :D

If your not a goat, what are you, a squiggle :blink:

Why does everyone think I'm a goat? D: I bet somehow people got the wrong idea when certain persons kept on calling me "Glai goat" because Wodin used the spell on me so many times..

I'm not a goat. For your information, a glaistig is a fae creature, hag-satyr, which hides its features under a green robe and pretends to be a pretty fairy so it can lure travelers and eat them. And it acts like a shepherd to livestock. According to wikipedia, anyway.

I don't even know why I picked the name.. it's always such a pain when it comes to choosing playernames, so I just randomly looked up some keyword or the other and picked the first okayish-sounding thing that I saw. Wikipedia is pretty unreliable, too, so I'm not even certain that's what a glaistig really is.

But it isn't a goat. </end rant on namesake>

I'm not a goat. For your information, a glaistig is a fae creature, hag-satyr, which hides its features under a green robe and pretends to be a pretty fairy so it can lure travelers and eat them. And it acts like a shepherd to livestock. According to wikipedia, anyway.

So... your a maneater? :) Wouldn't wanna run into you :D So uhh, fancy drawing me Glai :D I knew you weren't a goat.. Your too nice :)

Why does everyone think I'm a goat? D: I bet somehow people got the wrong idea when certain persons kept on calling me "Glai goat" because Wodin used the spell on me so many times..

I'm not a goat. For your information, a glaistig is a fae creature, hag-satyr, which hides its features under a green robe and pretends to be a pretty fairy so it can lure travelers and eat them. And it acts like a shepherd to livestock. According to wikipedia, anyway.

I don't even know why I picked the name.. it's always such a pain when it comes to choosing playernames, so I just randomly looked up some keyword or the other and picked the first okayish-sounding thing that I saw. Wikipedia is pretty unreliable, too, so I'm not even certain that's what a glaistig really is.

But it isn't a goat. </end rant on namesake>

Just submit Glai Goat. It's not like we always get to choose who we are. We can choose who we become...but that's different. This is like being indignant because I wasn't born a horse. :D:P

Just submit Glai Goat. It's not like we always get to choose who we are. We can choose who we become...but that's different. This is like being indignant because I wasn't born a horse. :D:P

Indeed, submit goat!


Bunnies be awsome!


errm...hehe taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glaistig

yes i went on the Wiki page on the creature thing called Glaistig

...Her lower half was that of a goat...who was cursed with the goat's legs and immortality...hag in the shape of a goat...
so Glais, you are in fact part goat :P

Yes, I am part goat; do you not know the meaning of "satyr"? That is why I said I am a hag-satyr. A hag with the legs of a goat. But that most certainly does not mean I am a goat. That would be calling a griffin a lion, you know.

To be certain, being a goat is not offensive. Goats are very cute in my opinion (and not at all mean, Ledah.) What is offensive is being called something you aren't. Why do girls get offended when called masculine, and boys offended when called feminine? Switch the roles and such characteristics are perfectly acceptable.

Have no fear, however, my mercy is vast and my temperament mild. Frustration is useless. Should you call me a goat, I only record thy name in my omniscient brain so as to make another name than what is displayed. Ren is Rennedy, MB is Tzuki (or Rabbit? still trying to think of a better one), Paul is Paularu, with more attached "u"s to make it more aggravating. Brilliant, are they not? Of course, I am a most just person, and when they discontinue their stupidity, I stop my retribution as well.

Note to self: I am reverting to previous way of typing.

No, really, I'd rather she not draw me. :P Lu is the only one I'd allow to draw my magnificence now. She is the only one capable of discerning my image, so bright and glowing that it burns the eyes of other artists. She's the only one who deserves the honor of drawing me.

If anyone drew some picture of a goat and called it me, you can be sure it isn't.

I'm not a goat. For your information, a glaistig is a fae creature, hag-satyr, which hides its features under a green robe and pretends to be a pretty fairy so it can lure travelers and eat them. And it acts like a shepherd to livestock. According to wikipedia, anyway.

But it isn't a goat.


Jeh~ no soy artistica, y no dibujo, pero. . .

I doodled. I'm afraid I didn't include Glaistig's "magnificent" part-goatness.

What? What goatness? There's no goatness! I only did her uh, human torso! Honest. . . !

Again, I don't draw, so no complaining. Well, I drew the body's shape first, and then I remembered the robe, and uh, I was doodling in pen (obviously), so I scribbled it in, and some places have lines that shouldn't be there :-D but I don't draw, I'm free.


Brilliant! My dear pet~ Doing this on her own volition, like a true artist, and so very talented. It accurately portrays in me in all my burning glory. My long, elegant nose; beautifully lank hair; shapely ears; wise, sadly contemplative eyes; high brow; arched neck and small, modest lips. I'm not sure quite what it is in and sticking out of my mouth, but no matter. I eat anything, you know, so as to not waste. I'm not some sort of spoiled, particular fool.

Well! I beckon you to praise Lu as she deserves to be. Indeed, I must say, she's surprisingly better than all the other artists here, who didn't deign to draw me when they had the chance. Can you not sense my greatness exuding from the solemn representation..!..?..!!


Ah of course... It is also clear to me now that their meek attempt at quaint victorian-like, if not mere simple eloquent wordplay is also a satire, it has to be.

Why else would they pretend to be erudite and converse in a manner which would allow them to abuse their vocabulary of infantile proportion? As if they wanted to appeal to their vanity, like only a child would do. Hah, how silly of me to think that they would even have such a demeaning demeanor.




That is a really nice portrait of Glai ^^ Maybe it could be his avatar in-game.

EDIT: Maybe it could be his avatar in-game. Not sure @_@


Yay, Glor I Love your Avatars B)

I need to Try Drawing again.... I'm terrible from My Imagination though....


Hmm.. I considered ignoring the comments of MB and Pi, because they're very awkward. But I tend to want to respond to everything so: yes, mostly I dress my words in jest. But everything I say (or imply) is partly genuine in feeling, or else it wouldn't occur to me to say it. Besides that, when I speak so, I express my feelings in a way that renders emoticons unnecessary, which makes me a happy person. I'm tempted to start behaving this way in default, in honesty.

@Glor, a very flattering image, although I can't say it accurately depicts me as Lu's. But understandable; no one knows me as Lu does. Thank you~

Your words are foolish but honest.

@Sol, I believe Valentina promised me a glaistig-like avatar. I don't know if it will happen or not, but I am attached to my fairy.. as to my gender, if only to make sure Rennedy won't bash me, I won't lie and say I'm sure I'm male.



that's all I have to say. those who know, know what I'm talking about.

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