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Posted (edited)

Some unexpected bits and pieces came up so I wasn't able to release this when intended, however here it is, I have changed the schedule to reflect a delay.


By a difference of one, Most Improved Player was added as a new category, whilst retaining Rookie of the Year. So below is a list of categories, please go ahead and nominate accordingly!


Please be aware of the following when Nominating:

- You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself (this not only means hard-coded, but also those people considered part of certain lands). "This is an MD awards event, if a person deserves one of the awards, it is on the global level, not on local level, however capable the person is, which justifies the ban of the land nominations , possibly votes too". If you note nominations slipping through this, please let an organiser know.

- There will be a minimum of 3 players nominated for each category, no maximum.
- Past winners will be allowed to be nominated again
- You may only nominate one person per category. If you nominate multiple people, none will be added.
- You may not nominate yourself, or another account you play.
- No editing posts in the nomination thread - purely because I'll potentially get confused.

- To be nominated a player must be active, they must have had an observable presence within/throughout the year.



Adventuring Award
For the person most dedicated, or who perseveres most at quests. Not necessarily for completing, or winning the most.

- AmberRune [Rophs]

- Asthir [Syrian]

- Vladan [Aethon]


Best Beautification

Given for the highest quality of artistic contributions given to beautify the realm, be it personification of papers, contribution to avatar gallery, or item depiction.

- gonzalocsdf [MaGoHi, dst, Dark Demon]

- MaGoHi [AmberRune]

- Neno Veliki [Aethon]


Champion Fighter
For the person considered to be the best fighter in the realm, this does not necessarily have to be the strongest fighter in the realm, but the one that uses the combat system to the best effect.

- Asthir [Aeoshattr, MaGoHi, Dark Demon]

- Clock Master [Sunfire]

- Eon [Chewett]

- Fang Archbane [Ars Alchemy]

- Sunfire [Aethon]


Fossil of the year
For the player who has been around so long they have turned into a fossil. The player must be visibly active over the past year, and on the veterans list in game.

- dst [Jubaris]

- Lintara [Aethon]

- Miq [Sunfire]

- No one [dst]

- Sunfire [Dark Demon]


Helper of the Year
For the player deemed to have been the most helpful. The area of helpfulness the player focusses on can vary. The voter should realise that even though they may not get on with, or have been helped by one of the nominees, this does not mean that the player is not indeed helpful.

- Asthir [dst]

- Sunfire [Syrian]

- Syrian [Aethon]


Most Addicted
For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix.

- Aethon [Rophs]

- Asthir [Jubaris]

- MaGoHi [Dark Demon]

- Nadrolski [AmberRune]

- Syrian [Aethon]


Most Improved Player

The player that the community things has grown the most in the past year. This can be a rookie who set feet on the ground quickly and got walkin' or an oldie who had been inactive but picked up a lot of momentum and did some cool things.

- Aeoshattr [Jubaris]

- Aethon [dst, MaGoHi]

- Jubaris [Dark Demon]

- MaGoHi [Syrian]

- Rophs [Kyphis]

- Wideberth [Aethon]


Most Popular
Given to that most charismatic player who has attracted the largest and most consistent following. Not to be given to the most powerful or prestigious member of the realm, but rather the most well-loved.

- AmberRune [Sunfire]

- Chewett [Jubaris]

- Mur [Chewett]

- Ghostlord [Chewett]

- Nimrodel [MRWander]

- Sunfire [Syrian]


Outstanding Service to MD
For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field.

- Asthir [Sunfire]

- Chewett [dst]

- Mur [Chewett]

- Neno Veliki [AmberRune]

- Zleiphneir [Aeoshattr]


Pre-eminent Role Player
For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character.

- Aeoshattr [Aethon]

- Aethon [Syrian]

- Azull [Jubaris]

- Klawdees [Rophs]

- Rophs [AmberRune]


Prime Quest
For the player seen as creating the best quest over the past year. Just because a voter did not manage to complete the quest, does not mean it was a bad quest necessarily, the voter is asked to take this into account when voting.

- Assira the Black - Dance Contest [Aeoshattr]

- Asthir -  Heat Dumping, Tag War, Tag [dst]

- WittyLeWat - Imagination Quest [Syrian]

- Zleiphneir - En Guard, Questopolis [Aethon, Jubaris]


Rookie of the year
For the player deemed to have made the most progress since they started their account. The player must have created their account since 1st November 2014 and have more than 20 AD at the time of voting. By progress it is meant a step towards a defined role or position (not necessarily official) within the realm, or integration within the community to a large degree.

- Aethon (20.04.2015) [Aeoshattr]

- Klawdees (??.??.????) [Rophs]

- MaGoHi (20.12.2014) [dst, Aethon]


Top Techie
For the person credited as creating the most popular MD-scripted event or script.

- BFH Lightning [Eara Meraia]

- Burns [Sunfire]

- Chewett [Aeoshattr, Maebius]

- darkraptor [dst]



If you are good at art, and fancy helping out with something for this, PLEASE contact me regarding, I'll try to compensate you for your time and effort.



Schedule of Events:


Friday 30th October - It Begins (Rules Start) Here

Sunday 1st November - Categories Start Here

Monday 9th November - Rules End

Friday 20th November - Categories End

Saturday 21st Monday 23rd November - Nominees Starts Here

Tuesday 1st Wednesday 2nd December - Nominees Ends

Friday 4th December - Voting Begins

Monday 14th December - Voting Ends

Friday 18th December - MD Awards Ceremony


All previous MD Award threads can be found via the topic-tagging system under "MD Awards" if you don't know how to get to that, look just below the title of the thread and click on the words below the Started by.. line.

Edited by Grido

- You may only nominate one person per category. If you nominate multiple people, none will be added.


>>Most Improved Player


>>Most improved


Best Beautification

Fossil of the year
No one

Helper of the Year

Most Improved Player

Prime Quest

Rookie of the year


Most Addicted



Best Beautification



Champion Fighter



Fossil of the Year



Most Improved Player


Posted (edited)

@dst, can you please link/name Asthir's quest(s)?



Aethon and MaGoHi, could you tell me your account opening dates please?




Baring Chews multiple nominations for Improved, all above this post have been added to the initial post.

Edited by Grido

Without wanting to be rude, I thought I'd point something out.


- You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself (this not only means hard-coded, but also those people considered part of certain lands). "This is an MD awards event, if a person deserves one of the awards, it is on the global level, not on local level, however capable the person is, which justifies the ban of the land nominations , possibly votes too". If you note nominations slipping through this, please let an organiser know.

Rookie of the year

>>Most Improved Player
>>Most Popular
>>Outstanding service


>>Champion Fighter



These appear to have been taken into consideration?

Posted (edited)

If we are now allowing same land nominations I would like to nominate:


Champion Fighter - Darkraptor


Top techie - Darkraptor




Outstanding Service to MD - Kyphis


If not, ignore the above.




Fossil of the Year - AmberRune

Edited by Aethon
Adventuring Award
Pre-eminent Role Player
i would also like to point out, while not relavant to current topic, we still havnt been given the item trophies for last years rewards, something that also happened last year

If we are now allowing same land nominations I would like to nominate:


Champion Fighter - Darkraptor


Top techie - Darkraptor




Outstanding Service to MD - Kyphis


If not, ignore the above.




Fossil of the Year - AmberRune

We are not allowing same land nominations, I have ignored this post as a result, please feel free to post again with revised nominations.


Everything else above this post has been added, some same-land nominations have been scored out - they are still visible for if any non-land members find it appropriate to nominate them.


Beautification – MaGoHi (audio in papers)


Addicted – nadrolski


Service – Neno (common item images)


Role player – Rophs

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