Lulu Posted July 4, 2008 Report Posted July 4, 2008 Wodin seeks to make war on the shades. Not far from here he trains an army for this purpose. We attack them on sight, also, trying to improve our access to parts of this world and to improve the abilities of the creatures ttached to us. But no measure of understanding is sought. We encounter one shade who tries to communicate - it gives us a small cube into which we are imprisoned; it seems to carry us to a different version of this place where the spirits of the dead can talk. Marind speaks to us then in a fae carnivale. At no other time do the Shades speak in this realm. We wonder about the nature of the Shades. Some call them evil - and yet they have never attacked us directly. Some call them morally neutral but dangerous - the Knator Commander is in this camp. Other say theyseek only power and energy. None name them beneficient. The nature of the shades may reflect our own nature. We do not know how we came to be in this place; is this the heaven or hell of another plane? Limbo? Why do we start formless then gradually develop bodies? If we can answer questions about the shades, perhaps we will know more about ourselves. Thus we stand by the gates of Necrovion, exhorting the Shades to contact us. We offer them energy - if they need heat, we have it; if they can feed on eggs, we have them. Our vigil is steadfast. - Khalazdad (Plainer speech by Glaistig:) I agree with Khalazdad. We know very little about the shades, only given the story of various adventurers from Marind Bell. Yet the first real task in tutorial is to defeat these shades, without any attempt to communicate our need to cross the path they are blocking. Shades are cute. I will not stand to begin a war against them until I know the purpose and necessity of it. In order to attract the attention of these shades, we are asking players to gather before the Howling Gates to stand vigil and offer eggs (birds preferred) as sacrifice. Please spread the word if you'd like to join the mission. Also, we're interested in recruiting the help of omegaweapon, simplyzero and Morpheus. Out of all, only simplyzero has logged on in the past few days, so please contact Khalz if you see ome or Morpheus. EDIT: Yeah, this is Glaistig who accidently posted on Lu's account n_n; It's okay, she can add her own thoughts here, I guess. Prince Marvolo, Mallos and death ray 1 1 1
Khalazdad Posted July 4, 2008 Report Posted July 4, 2008 This is well said. I would make one correction, however: this is no longer my mission alone. Here is a partial list of those who have committed to help that I remember (I know there are many more I was remiss in recording) - please add your name to the list if you also wish to help. *Glaistig* Holy Alucard Braiton GlorDamar Khalazdad Lulu Old One Rand alThor Sage Mc Quincy SaintDane dst emowarrior w0tp Evoker MorganJade reggaeman Sacred Fire eigger La Muerte BrainUpdate Gargant Ledah Khalazdad death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
Yami no Sakura Posted July 5, 2008 Report Posted July 5, 2008 I have posted a legend in my thread that may be of interest to some. Prince Marvolo and death ray 1 1
Khalazdad Posted July 5, 2008 Report Posted July 5, 2008 The adventure is concluded for now. Here are the annals of our journey. After much community effort of offering sacrifices, exhortation, and expenditure of energy, we were transported within Necrovion. We took a moment to regroup as we had been scattered. Some powerful figures joined with us for their own purposes – Jonn, Simply Zero, SmartAlekRJ; we also discovered BigC trapped inside, weakened from his injuries. A bit of exploration led us to a boundary place, a cave linking inner and outer Necrovion. There were no shades, but this seemed a likely place to make contact. We camped and did inside what we had done outside: chanted, offered sacrifices, and were patient. One of us offered a few drops of blood and heat. Our patience was rewarded as a Shade Sentinel appeared from the cave. It initially sneered at us and the confusion was palpable. Some wanted to taunt the Shade, others to offer it battle, most just to ask it questions. The elected leader of the group asked for cooperation and settled the Shade with some dialogue and the offer of provender. The shade accepted. In the ensuing quite, each had a chance to speak. The Shade was uncomfortable with our presence. It said we upset the balance; the Shade would go on to discuss balance in detail. What follows is a rough transcription of the dialogue. Some assumed the Shade was lying, or holding something back – and this was wise; we take nothing at face value. However, this seems a good place to start. These people were present Shade Sentinel *BigC* *Glaistig* *Shoeps* Braiton EZEebs Elsdragon Khalazdad Lulu Mr Item OneRain Vilinec Yoric dst tampa db w0tp *phrog* .Muratus del Mu GlorDamar The description of the Shade is as follows: “Nightmares for some, fascination for others, Shades rule the obscure side of this world, balancing for all that is opposing them.” We asked what the nature of Shades was; how they came to be and how they filled space. It replied, “I am not interested in such complicated matters ... and we do not want to balance anything, but certain things that happen outside make us react in different ways , so probably its all about some sort of...balance… as you call it”. The Shade asked if we experienced individual memories, to which we confessed. This led us to ask about how Shades remembered – as the land itself? Forward and backward in time? The Shade replied that they could indeed remember into the future, and “that’s why I can also change it ....I heard that is something you cant do ...but then again, there are many things you cant do ..” Confused by our linear way of thinking, it went on, “its strange we fear you so much and how weak you are comparing to us ...but I wonder why that might be.” We asked after the Shades’ intentions towards our lands. The Shade replied, “is Marind that is causing all this. She kept her identity when she died ... and she is simply destroying our balance. and now Wodin ...its all summing up against us ...but you will never be able to defeat us...defeating the shades will only cause more unbalance and more shades ...and since we leave for that, the war is something we embrace.” The Shade was asked if they were spirits of the dead, if dying or violence made them. It answered, “oh, nono way ...Marind is dead ... we still exist ...we are the effect to the cause ...and the cause its called by you balance.” We asked if the Shades were good or evil or even thought in those terms. It replied, “evil or good, that is so uncertain both in your world as well in mine I don’t think I can consider all of you evil, or all of us evil, that has no meaning in this situation.” The Shade again stated that our presence was causing the balance to go wild as we did not wish to redress it. We offered to leave and wondered if it could be contacted in the future. The Shade demurred as to how we had gotten there but said this would not be our last contact as it could remember a future in which we spoke again. Regarding the existence of right and wrong, the Shade said, yes ... but its also dependent on a third thing its like left and right ... but comparing to what road? Sometimes the goal is just a state ...a way to be ...not a precise purpose...then right and wrong are relative to that state you seek.” In response to the question of who built Necrovion and the observation that the buildings look as do ours, it said, “Necrovion is divided in two I am just a sentinel of the first circle ... deep inside Necrovion there are other things ...” In response to an unheard question regarding the House of Liquid Dust, the shade said, “there is no turning back to what happened there. Shades outside Necrovion, that is worse than you can think. some thing you should know about us is that the lack of memory makes us to be different based on the world we are in. We asked if it were possible to recruit a shade as a traveling companion; the Shade demurred, saying “I heard such things that Golemus managed to capture a shade and train it as a personal companion...such a danger to the balance is an atrocity, I can not allow that.” This being one of the few unequivocal statements the Shade made, we quickly moved on. When asked how it became a Shade, the Shade answered only, “I do not recall a beginning to this.” We asked if, since it could remember the future, its efforts would turn out to be successful. It said their efforts were always successful but that success was a mutable term. In response to I know not what question, it said, “let’s put it this way, if you seek strength then the shades will be stronger , if you seek peace then the Necrovion gates will be open and your world will be gray ... shades want what you want , you want to defeat us , we want the same, you want to be at peace with us and assimilate us then we want the same, its more of your decision since from our point of view things are the same. The balance is kept” We asked how the Shades viewed Wodin. It said, “wodin is like a strong light that is causing a lot of shades[sic]. in our eyes, your Wodin is like a sum of many little lights together.” Perhaps on the same subject, it said, “I don’t see what you are trying to achieve with this fight of yours, for us is a natural thing for you it seems like an unfortunate event, but it will always happen, regardless of what you do .. although some tried to do certain things and it didn’t turn up well” When asked how Shades fight, it replied, “in fighting it all has to do with the immediate balance , not the global balance, so if you will fight a lot of us in a close space then all our strength is divided and it seems we are weak, but if you fight just a few and rarely then we are indeed a sum of all our strength. Remember we think of us as connected, not only in memory but also in strength.” When asked about the social structure of the Shades, it replied, “you heard of dark water? [the waters of the underworld? at the fountain of dark vibrations?] Our social ranks as you call them are given not for a individual shade, because our identity is shifting, but is more like this.. you have 1000 drops of dark water, 500 of them are the shade army that is used to balance the small things in the world outside, 300 are 100 demons used to rule those shades (3 drops for a demon), and 200 drops are a few powerful shades that rule.” When we began to part ways, it said, “after such a long time together, I don’t know who got more close ..I towards you or you towards the shades ... but for sure I don’t like this situation, this mixture makes me sick, I like nice fighting and refreshing wars ... It asked us some questions, also. What do we fear? If we had to choose black, white or grey, with the accompanying symbolism, what would we? To these questions each answered in their way. The meeting then dissolved. One of use followed the Shade when it left, tracking it to a sacrificial altar rather like Fenth’s Press, which we had used to try to attract their attention. The writer of these notes, who was also the inadequate leader of this party of worthies, fell prey to exhaustion then and remembers naught else. Most remiss: he does not recall if we removed Big C from his imprisonment in Necrovion. Despite his maniacal hatred, I rather hope we did. - Khalazdad of the Desert Prince Marvolo and death ray 1 1
Glaistig Posted July 5, 2008 Report Posted July 5, 2008 I'm quite sure BigC was returned to his pit. I was tracking the shade, as was Braiton, and found both him and the mutilated infirm in the Trial of Agony. I told him that his honor was in the negative before following the shade to the Eternal Toiler, where he retreated. I don't think the shades would allow BigC to be saved without interference. I think a rescue party would be a different sort of quest, with an objective contrary to that of respecting the shades' wishes while on their territory in return for knowledge. I, for one, wouldn't want that, although I'm not adverse to helping him. EDIT: I just returned to Necrovion and confirmed it: BigC is still in the Trial of Agony. Prince Marvolo and death ray 1 1
Khalazdad Posted July 5, 2008 Report Posted July 5, 2008 A Truth about Necrovion There is no truth, only relative points of view. The following is what I have learned from my adventures in Necrovion. It may not be true to you. I have provided all the evidence on the Forum so you may decide for yourself. The Nature of Necrovion Necrovion is a mirror. It reflects Marind's Bell and the No Man's Lands - and possibly the Archive lands. It does not seem to reflect Golemus or Loreroot but this is undetermined at this time. Now 'mirror' does not mean in the usual sense that everything hree is reflected there in reverse. The outline, the geography, the architecture are individual. And yet things there do reflect things in the rest of the world. Ours is a world of sunshine, bright skies, endless day. Theirs is a world of oppressive darkness. And, in the middle, a small group of people willing to embrace ambiguity. The Nature of the Shades If Necrovion is a mirror, the Shades are the images that appear when we look into the glass. They are not a reflection of each of us but rather a reflection of our actions. They are created by our strivings for good or for ill, our obsessions, temptations yielded to and resisted. If we are hostile, they are hostile. If we are meek, they are meek (although uncomfortable in this state). If we seek dialogue, they seek dialogue. They see us a strange, small, isolated creatures, short on abilities. And yet they have curiosity about us - which probably reflected our curiosity about them. The Nature of Marind's Bell The Shades do NOT see outside lands as a reflection of their own. We are not what they see when they look into the mirror. My studies were not successful in answering any of the abiding metaphysical questions about the nature of us - how and why we come to be here, why we begin formless then accrue form, why we can attach these creatures and armors to ourselves, why we fight without dying. War If one would war with the shades, one might as well war with ones' self. Wodin and his army are reflected in Necrovion; the stronger he becomes, the more willing are the Shades to fight him. His bright light casts many Shades. Perhaps no harm would come of a war - the balance looks after itself. But what damage do we do ourselves making us capable of the atrocities of war? What paucity of spirit to we embrace when we fail to embrace the darkness? For to battle the darkness is to become lost in the light. The Next Mission I will seek in the future to have deeper contact with the shades, an expedition to answer the leftover fundamental questions of our existence. - These are the words of Khalazdad of the Desert, Eater of the Weak, Student of the Grey Path Ackshan Bemunah, death ray, Prince Marvolo and 1 other 3 1
Khalazdad Posted July 5, 2008 Report Posted July 5, 2008 I attempted to confront Wodin with these findings. Wodin declined to debate his position and accused me of wanting him dead. To exacerbate the poblem, several others wanted to chime in, confusing the scene greatly. My position is only that the Shades are a reflection of us and want what we want; if we want war, then so do they. And if he wants war very badly, he makes them more strongly want war. But if he wants merely to guard the land, then they want to guard the land, also. As a bright light, he is creating stronger Shades but that seems of no consequence if he remains to balance them. Wodin's position - as much as could be heard between others shouting theirs - is that he comes from a place overrun by Shades. He hates them for destroying his world and he is here to see that it doesn't happen again. I do not oppose this position. Neither do I support a war with the Shades at this time. - Khalazdad Greymantle Prince Marvolo, death ray and Ackshan Bemunah 2 1
Grido Posted July 5, 2008 Report Posted July 5, 2008 if/when you do meet the shades again, would you ask them what they know of marind and her disaperance/death? they might know something about it, marind wants us to help her after all it would seem to me if you wanted to defeat the shades it would require a great deception, so great that you even decieve yourself as to what your purpose is, if they are a mirror, they would see the deception and mirror for instance weakness or the want to go deeper into necrovion, they would mirror this being weak themselves or allowing you deeper, and when they are weak whilst still believing yourself weak you would attack them, continuing the weak thought, obviously surprising yourself when you win, or something along those lines
Khalazdad Posted July 6, 2008 Report Posted July 6, 2008 The Ferryman met with the delegation of Shade seekers outside the gate. He confirmed having seen a pillar of darkness and described it as both beautiful and terrifying but, on the subject of evil, demurred. He could not tell us much about Shades except what they themselves had revealed. He said they are reflections of us and could be anywhere. Little else was gained but fellowship was enjoyed. Grido said: if/when you do meet the shades again, would you ask them what they know of marind and her disaperance/death? they might know something about it, marind wants us to help her after allit would seem to me if you wanted to defeat the shades it would require a great deception, so great that you even decieve yourself as to what your purpose is, if they are a mirror, they would see the deception and mirror for instance weakness or the want to go deeper into necrovion, they would mirror this being weak themselves or allowing you deeper, and when they are weak whilst still believing yourself weak you would attack them, continuing the weak thought, obviously surprising yourself when you win, or something along those lines They demurred when asked how to solve her murder and accused us thinking strangely. It is not my intent to defeat the Shades at this time but to determine if they need defeating. At this time the answer seems to be 'no.' Keep thinking - your mind is agile and I would see what else it comes up with. K death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
Grido Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 they accused you of thinking strangely? it would seem to me they are avoiding the question, they say, or claim, that they see both forwards and backwards in time, as the land itself, that they are ever present as they cant remember a time when they werent a shade, they are a mirror of our actions in marinds bell, the archives, and no mans land, therefore they must be aware on at least some level of what is going on in those parts at any given time, the disaperence of marind from marinds bell would cause quite an effect because it either started or almost started a war, fogive me i forget my lore sometimes, and the shades would notice this impact in the reflection, so they muct at least know something about marind and the time when she went, a reason why the shades might shy away from the question might be if they had something to do with it, though i do find this unlikely unless they wanted to provoke a war which they seemingly so enjoy, ask not how to solve her murder, but what they know of it i am unsure as to the need of attacking them, i was just stating a possible way to achieve such
Khalazdad Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 Your argument is vulgar and convincing. Mental note made. What else do people think we need to know from Shades? K death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
Glaistig Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 Why they have skulls. D: I thought they were supposed to be pretty much immaterial and insubstantial, as if made from shadows. I'm disillusioned and repulsed by Necro-shade-world now. I think I'm going for RJ's little people instead. They're pretty cute, like miniatures of what I previously thought shades were like. Let's go to Golemicus next!~ Prince Marvolo and death ray 1 1
Faraday Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 Khalazdad said: The Ferryman met with the delegation of Shade seekers outside the gate. He confirmed having seen a pillar of darkness and described it as both beautiful and terrifying but, on the subject of evil, demurred. He could not tell us much about Shades except what they themselves had revealed. He said they are reflections of us and could be anywhere. Little else was gained but fellowship was enjoyed. They demurred when asked how to solve her murder and accused us thinking strangely. It is not my intent to defeat the Shades at this time but to determine if they need defeating. At this time the answer seems to be 'no.' Keep thinking - your mind is agile and I would see what else it comes up wit [/quo Ok when u n ur group changed into multicoloured shade like creatures, could ur essense/core of u/intent be what powers the flame at Mt (forgot its name). Same as if u have have lesser motives, that powers the dark pillar. Something along those lines anyways, sorri can't remember all the names lol Where exactly did u go when ur essence changed? Or is that the only path into that land,but i notice others seem to be able to come n go. What is/was the purpose of the change, please direct me to any relevant info if this has been explained death ray, Ackshan Bemunah and Prince Marvolo 2 1
Khalazdad Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 You will see a similar event in the Legend Teller's stories. The connection is currently not known. K death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
killerplox Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 Ask if they want peace. Live together without war, buy stuff from eachother and things like that. Also ask them why they attacked us (begin of the story) and if they are connected with the murder of Marind. death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
Grido Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 @killerplox, technically speaking they didnt attack us, they just blocked our way from moving, also, the shade within necro said that they were a different sort of shade and didnt want to speak about them much from what i remember reading Ackshan Bemunah 1
Yami no Sakura Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 Grido said: they accused you of thinking strangely? it would seem to me they are avoiding the question, they say, or claim, that they see both forwards and backwards in time, as the land itself, that they are ever present as they cant remember a time when they werent a shade, they are a mirror of our actions in marinds bell, the archives, and no mans land, therefore they must be aware on at least some level of what is going on in those parts at any given time, the disaperence of marind from marinds bell would cause quite an effect because it either started or almost started a war, fogive me i forget my lore sometimes, and the shades would notice this impact in the reflection, so they muct at least know something about marind and the time when she went, a reason why the shades might shy away from the question might be if they had something to do with it, though i do find this unlikely unless they wanted to provoke a war which they seemingly so enjoy, ask not how to solve her murder, but what they know of iti am unsure as to the need of attacking them, i was just stating a possible way to achieve such I remember the Knator Commander saying something about Marind's murder; however, I shall refrain from making any spoiling and inaccurate comments. In any case, it did not seem to be the Shades' doing.But what I will say is that the previous war with the Shades was caused by Marind, or at least, that is what I have heard if memory serves. death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
Khalazdad Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 This is the head of the Shade Sentinel. I don't recall it having a body - perhaps its dead eyes were so hypnotic I merely did not notice. Nonetheless, this is what I recall. Feel free to add, subtract or change if you remember it differently. K Prince Marvolo and death ray 1 1
GlorDamar Posted July 8, 2008 Report Posted July 8, 2008 There was more to it. I had some kind of necklace that seemed to link it to the body. Its form seemed to be a blacker black than its surroundings and it had hands of some kind. I don't remember it having a jaw though, it seemed to glow inside its skull, giving off a dead light from its eyes and where its mouth should have been that pulsed as it spoke to us. The thing was strange. This is how I remembered it: Have I forgotten anything? death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
Braiton Posted July 9, 2008 Report Posted July 9, 2008 Heres a screen of the shade, for those who cant remember it, i took it in one of my many "close" encounters alone. Regards, Braiton death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
Ren Posted July 9, 2008 Report Posted July 9, 2008 I feel like I should point out that the little skull icon is very similar to the other alliances. It's probably just the necro symbol. death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
Metal Bunny Posted July 9, 2008 Report Posted July 9, 2008 Glaistig said: Why they have skulls. D: I thought they were supposed to be pretty much immaterial and insubstantial, as if made from shadows.I'm disillusioned and repulsed by Necro-shade-world now. I think I'm going for RJ's little people instead. They're pretty cute, like miniatures of what I previously thought shades were like. Let's go to Golemicus next!~ Khalazdad said: This is the head of the Shade Sentinel. I don't recall it having a body - perhaps its dead eyes were so hypnotic I merely did not notice. Nonetheless, this is what I recall. Feel free to add, subtract or change if you remember it differently. K GlorDamar said: There was more to it. I had some kind of necklace that seemed to link it to the body. Its form seemed to be a blacker black than its surroundings and it had hands of some kind. I don't remember it having a jaw though, it seemed to glow inside its skull, giving off a dead light from its eyes and where its mouth should have been that pulsed as it spoke to us. The thing was strange. This is how I remembered it: Have I forgotten anything? Braiton said: Heres a screen of the shade, for those who cant remember it, i took it in one of my many "close" encounters alone. Regards, Braiton May I remind you that I have no interest in the lands of the shades, for now, as there is no gain for me to be had there... yet. I am acting here as an advisor as sometimes statwh--- training your army can become quite tiresome, although never dull. Which is also the reason why I sometimes come here to say 'Hiii~! U can haz welcome'. May I remind you all to... (re-)read page 29 and 33 of the adventure log. Shades, at least the most common shades, do not have bones. Also read Khal's log of Necrovion, you will find that there might factions of some kind or at least a hierarchy, namely demons and 'overshades'. The shades live in Marind Bell, which leaves a very strange connection to Marind Bell herself. Of course this could all just have been an illusion. Or part of the syndrom... Thus a warning for all of you considering going to Necrovion or even being for complete assimilation of the Necrovion lands and mayhaps even those who wish to fight them, beware of the unknown Indeed those who enter Necrovion must have strong desires that manifest themselves into a strong will... Or certain 'wishes'... ---Edit--- Also... Read page 114... Nuuuh, he broke a statue of meeeee!!!! Rj is a total meanie, join me and we shall totally vanquish him and stuff... oh and liberate the tiny people, let's not forget that.
Khalazdad Posted July 9, 2008 Report Posted July 9, 2008 At the gates today a strange sound was heard. Two or three organ notes played in ascension, echoing down as though in a vast hall or catherdral. There were no other witnesses. I went to the Road of Battles to see if any others heard the sound. They denied it. The meaning is unknown. K - update: now I know the meaning. It was notice that the Shades have offered me an alliance. They want me to "build an army worthy of Necrovion." I don't think they know me very well. I am not tempted to serve them and betray my homelands in this manner. K death ray and Prince Marvolo 1 1
dst Posted July 9, 2008 Report Posted July 9, 2008 1. I met the Shade Sentinel today...very interesting creature. Here is a fragment of our discussion: Venger: a thing cannot exist without the other Shade Sentinel: we are just a result of your tendency to unballance things ...and you will ALL pay for this *BigC*: u will find it very difficult to make us "pay"... Venger: I agree...we will pay for our decisions Venger: but we will not let you conquer us Venger: if it's not too late, we should try to balance things Venger: we need to have a set of laws Venger: saying what there should be done to have a balanced existence Venger: and in time, everybody should follow these laws Venger: Shade Sentinel, what do you say ? is it too late, from your point of view ? Shade Sentinel: the ballance will happen anyway Shade Sentinel: one way or an other Venger: I's the nature's way Shade Sentinel: but its a matter if it will happen in a world without you or a world with you ... Shade Sentinel: you realy think you are the only creatures out there .... then you didnt heard about the angiens yet ... [ I hope I'll get more info from the Shade Sentinel about the angiens ] So...we need to balance things around us, in order to calm down the shades. Suggestions are welcomed Warnings: - this shade is very powerfull while in Necrovion. I've seen with my own eyes - treat the Shade Sentinel with respect when you meet it. 2. Words inside the Shade Sentinel's Quest page: Listen to me i challenge you all find my face behind the wall as you rise so you should fall As discussed with it, it's not a quest, but a weakness: Venger: so you have a quest, for us, the mortal ones Shade Sentinel: its not a QUEST ..its a weakness 3. I also met BigC there. He's still under the shades'will...the shades are using him in order to understand the humans. I hope we'll be able to retrieve him from Necrovion soon. 4. A war against the shades is a bad idea for the moment. The diplomacy MUST be the KEY when dealing with the shades. Prince Marvolo and death ray 1 1
Braiton Posted July 9, 2008 Report Posted July 9, 2008 He is one strong guy, he needs better creatures though EDIT: Copy and paste the link Prince Marvolo and death ray 1 1
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