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Meeting the Shades


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Yeah, I noticed that too :)

I forgot to mention that the shades are inter-connected..their share their power, and also they share their thoughts (not all the minor details).

They also have an interesting hierarchy...I'll try to get more info about it the next time I'll meet the Shade Sentinel :D

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After a quiet conversation with Wodin that turned into an angry confrontation, Khalazdad turned to the Shades, joining the Necrovion Guard.

He stalks the land now, still barred from Necrovion and full of hatred and hunger for power. He recruits in the places where the disaffected gather in the shadows. Many have commented that he seems... changed...

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Today I met again BigC...and he told me some interesting things.

1. By joining humans to their alliance, the shades are getting weaker ;) .

As a consequence, BigC has started to regain his strengths :D

2. Long time ago, humans defeated the Tainted Sages of Necrovion B) . According to BigC, the shades want to attack the human realm only for REVENGE !!!

3. The shades can enter the human realm only if they found no resistance in their path. Perhaps this is how they entered Loreroot and set the place on fire.

Some questions are still without answers:

1. Why the shades need humans as allies ?

2. I heard rumors about a powerful weapon inside Golemus : Kelle'tha Cannon.

The same rumors said that only humans can activate this weapon, so perhaps this is the reason why the shades are using humans as allies: these allies should be used to activate the weapon.

Only that...what exactly does this weapon ?!?

3. The Shade Sentinel said : "we are just a result of your tendency to unbalance things".

What exactly is so greatly unbalanced on the human realm ?

Perhaps the fact the Wodin was resurrected by the Golemus Wizard caused this unbalance issue ?

If someone has some answers, please share with us ;)

Lord Venger

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The place of Shades in the Quest for Balance

Recently, many people have taken strong stands on how to deal with the issue of shades in our land: From presenting them with gifts and pandering for peace, to a cry for all out war and destruction of the shades, not to mention the “shades“ of grey in betwixt them. I feel it is important to remember that in all things our quest is for balance, which is neither black or white; war or peace; good or evil, but the careful consideration of our actions, and their consequence. In our lives there are bad results from good intentions, great works committed in the name of evil, and despair in the midst of our best triumphs, and it is this balance that shapes the human experience as we know it.

As much as we have in recent times learned of shades, we know in total very little. Most of what we do know is a second hand report of the shades own words from a small group of people on opposite ends of the spectrum. It is best that the little we do know is taken with a grain of salt. Whether reported by those with good or ill intentions toward the shades, humans are fallible, and through no fault of their own cannot accurately represent the truth of what shades are and what their purpose might be. An example of this may be found simply from leafing through the artistic representations of shades from people who have seen them. Some have bones, some only skulls. Some skulls float from shadowy bodies, while some are linked by chains. The only thing we can be sure of is that no one is for sure.

One of the most interesting theories I have found is that of Khalazdad, who states that

“Necrovion is a mirror. It reflects Marind's Bell and the No Man's Lands…If Necrovion is a mirror, the Shades are the images that appear when we look into the glass. They are not a reflection of each of us but rather a reflection of our actions. They are created by our strivings for good or for ill, our obsessions, temptations yielded to and resisted. If we are hostile, they are hostile. If we are meek, they are meek (although uncomfortable in this state). If we seek dialogue, they seek dialogue.”

If we accept that shades do mirror us, we must accept certain other facts. Our reflection is both an accurate image of ourselves, and an opposite or “mirror” image in which things appear on the opposite. We must accept that shades while very similar are juxtapositions of ourselves. As with anything different and foreign, they elicit fear and hatred. Their very similarities to us make them even more insidious. But if we were to remove them, what would be in the mirror? If indeed you could kill your own reflection, it could only be a step into madness. If a shade is truly a reflection of ourselves and the choices and actions we take, to take hand in their destruction will surely be our own suicide.

Shades seem indifferent about the possibility of war, It does not seem that they feel it is possible to obliterate their species. Strangely enough their feelings on peace are much the same.

“Peace..hahhahaa..that will be your doom, human, you need WAR to survive, peace with the shades will only make you more...faded".

Words of a shade p 116 Adventure log -Weaver Jared

“let’s put it this way, if you seek strength then the shades will be stronger , if you seek peace then the Necrovion gates will be open and your world will be gray ... shades want what you want , you want to defeat us , we want the same, you want to be at peace with us and assimilate us then we want the same, its more of your decision since from our point of view things are the same. The balance is kept”

-Words of a shade reported by Khalazdad

“...its all summing up against us ...but you will never be able to defeat us...defeating the shades will only cause more unbalance and more shades ...and since we leave for that, the war is something we embrace.”

-Words of a shade reported by Khalazdad

In the second quote the theory of shades mirroring our actions is intensified. Our wants and desires are the same as though as the shades. What then causes so much conflict but our inability to agree amongst ourselves? The third quote insinuates that it is impossible to truly remove shades from our land, and the very process of war with them will multiply their numbers. No matter which side of the fence you are on this is truly an intimidating thought.

No matter what we believe, it is fact that shades predate us in Necrovian lands. There is much that they can teach us, and much we need to know to protect ourselves. Consider this quote.

Shade Sentinel: you really think you are the only creatures out there .... then you didn’t heard about the angiens yet

-As reported by Venger

No only must we seek balance in our relationship with the shades, but respect the balance and buffer they provide between ourselves and other as yet undiscovered species in this strange and wild land. We have no idea of what dangers may lie in the wilderness, an alliance with shades can teach us a great deal, and may be necessary to deal with the dangers that lie ahead.

As for myself I must urge caution, and patient consideration. The decisions we make today will stay with us, and shape this world for future generations. Even with great thought and care, wrong choices can be made, and great unbalances can be wrought. The very nature of shades seems to indicate that it would be foolish to seek friendship, or a human relationship. They are not human, and their very thought process is foreign to us. It is also clear that destruction of the shades (if at all possible) could create a huge imbalance. I do not think that war is the answer to this problem, nor do I think peace is an option. We must seek balance here as in all things.

I propose that Necrovian lands be recognized as the territory of the shades. Those who do dare to enter are welcome to attempt a peaceful peaceful passage, and may try to form relationships with shades, but must understand the risks that they take. In the human world death has been a common and accepted end to trespassers. We should not seek to avenge those who are killed or imprisoned in the commission of such an act. In the same our lands are our own, and shades who enter ought to be perceived as threats to our way of life. Even the shades tell us that their presence in human territory is an abomination.

In response to an unheard question regarding the House of Liquid Dust, the shade said, “there is no turning back to what happened there. Shades outside Necrovion, that is worse than you can think. some thing you should know about us is that the lack of memory makes us to be different based on the world we are in.

-As told by Khalazdad

If we are to believe what the shades themselves have told us, they are incapable of peacefully coexisting with us in our world.

I fully advocate war with shades in human territory. In balance conflict is also necessary. I also advocate exploration of Necrovian lands by those brave enough to do so. It is even possible that they will allow us peaceful passage into the lands beyond our current sphere, and be of assistance to us.

I fear that by bringing war to the shades we create a larger problem for ourselves. There is no indication that Necrovian shades intend to invade, or bring harm to us. Should they be pushed to do so by outright invasion, it is unknown whether we could repel their numbers.

To me the most important clue in this debate is mention of the angiens. If they exist there is no telling whether they mean to do us good or ill, but for the time being the shades are what stand between them and us. I fear that if we do succeed in suppressing the shades, we may unleash an even larger threat against us.

“For a man blinded by a fake purpose, anything can take the shape of his enemies.” p 45 Adventure log -Weaver Jared

As to the facts about shades, we have very few. Despite this there are many purposes inspired by a myriad of emotions; chief among them fear. It is my hope that together we can use cool thought and logic to make a careful decision, rather than let a handful of renegades run loose fueled by little more than the passion of the moment.

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meiche, the Angiens do not by any means stand between us and the shades. The Angiens are sort of like the natural enemies of the shades. Humans aren't the overbearing lightness that the shades seek to balance. Those with certain actions can be seen as light, but human nature also applies a balance within themselves, such that some create light, and others create darkness.

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I am trying to stay that shades are what are between us and the angiens. I certainly don't think that humans are any source of overbearing lightness. I agree that we are both light and dark, and suggest that shades have similar qualities.

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I know I am not very strong, nor have I been playing his game long. But after reading all this about the shades and your impressions of what they are or are not, and what there intents are, I am inclinded to say that they may be, as its so put "mirroring" ..lol don't think thats a word, but for my purposes I will say reflecting what us as players are doing in the MagicDuel world, as each of us know it. I personally think it is a wonderful world full of hope and promise,the only thing that will keep us all from achieving what we want from it is our imaginations and thoughts, whether those be good or evil. But I stray from my original intent here. There are imbalances in the MagicDuel world, and as long as they are there, I think that we will continue to feel the presence of the shades as a foreboding one.

Respectfully said ..Godesstda

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a thought just occured to me, perhaps the shades consider it an abomination that shades are outside Necrovion because in that way they then reflect upon themselves, if it isnt the shades directly which are reflected upon but Necrovion (the shades take on the reflection but only when within Necrovion), then the shades outside will reflect upon those inside, causing something 'dodgy' as a reflection of themselves upon themselves sounds like an ''abomination'' to me.

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The Necrovion Sentinels decided to fill their last council seat based on problem-solving ability. Thus a series of riddles were devised. The field quickly narrowed to two minds who would compete for the last seat. perrobotillo and Bad Sun Bath bot easily solved each of the riddles presented them. Now as the riddles get harder they spend more time considering their answers, knowing that the only prize for second place is losing.

Here are the riddles they have solved so far:

Find me in your shadow

No matter where you go

I'm the first and last

In existance, you should know.

Banish me with sparks or flames

Or suns high in the sky

But though I run from your chasing games

I never really die.


You need me but you fear me.

Use me but don't come near me.

My hunger cannot be sated,

Nor my rage abated.

What am I?


They are into the third riddle now. When the battle is done on this one, I will post it, too.

It is over. Bad Sun Bath won the riddle battle (I suspect by having more time online as perrobotillo confessed to having a life). Nonetheless, he is the newest of the Dark Lords.

And here is the third riddle in the cycle.

I cover a place where once you were weak

And you become weak there no longer.

You may not like acquiring these plates

But adversity makes you stronger.

You can hide me away or wear me with pride

Or purposefully acquire me

I have an equivalent on the inside

Where others fail to see.

Still stumped? Hree re two more verses.

I am proof - of your pain

I attest - that you live

I assert - yet again

That revenge - you may give

Injuries seem to come and go

But I think that you will find

I am the livid little thing

Injuries leave behind.


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  • 2 weeks later...
The Necrovion Sentinels decided to fill their last council seat based on problem-solving ability. Thus a series of riddles were devised. The field quickly narrowed to two minds who would compete for the last seat. perrobotillo and Bad Sun Bath bot easily solved each of the riddles presented them. Now as the riddles get harder they spend more time considering their answers, knowing that the only prize for second place is losing.

Here are the riddles they have solved so far:

Find me in your shadow

No matter where you go

I'm the first and last

In existance, you should know.

Banish me with sparks or flames

Or suns high in the sky

But though I run from your chasing games

I never really die.


You need me but you fear me.

Use me but don't come near me.

My hunger cannot be sated,

Nor my rage abated.

What am I?


They are into the third riddle now. When the battle is done on this one, I will post it, too.

It is over. Bad Sun Bath won the riddle battle (I suspect by having more time online as perrobotillo confessed to having a life). Nonetheless, he is the newest of the Dark Lords.

And here is the third riddle in the cycle.

I cover a place where once you were weak

And you become weak there no longer.

You may not like acquiring these plates

But adversity makes you stronger.

You can hide me away or wear me with pride

Or purposefully acquire me

I have an equivalent on the inside

Where others fail to see.

Still stumped? Hree re two more verses.

I am proof - of your pain

I attest - that you live

I assert - yet again

That revenge - you may give

Injuries seem to come and go

But I think that you will find

I am the livid little thing

Injuries leave behind.


Was the answer to the third one


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  • 3 weeks later...


Listen to me

i challenge you all

find my face

behind the wall

as you rise

so you should fall

Will we accept this challenge?

If we find his weakness, things will be much more easier.... Don't you think so?

...he offer to find his fase behind the wall. If he located in Necrovion, then his face, (one who reflect him), located "behind the wall" - in No man lands or in Marind Bell.

But I don't understand the last phrase: " as you will rise, so you should fall"..... I don't have any suppositions. How about you? :D

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:D Yap, your right, but how that related with his face?

I beliefe that when we find "his face" - that's part about "as you rise", then will hapen something unpleasure for us - "so you will fall".... maybe the one who reflect Sentinel is a good person and we can't do anything about him.... or something like that <_<

Any other theorys?

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:D Yap, your right, but how that related with his face?

I beliefe that when we find "his face" - that's part about "as you rise", then will hapen something unpleasure for us - "so you will fall".... maybe the one who reflect Sentinel is a good person and we can't do anything about him.... or something like that <_<

Any other theorys?

What about water, when u r in it, u rise and fall with the tidal movements?

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Thoughts about the riddle...

find my face

behind the wall

Find out his real identity, the one behind the mask, the one 'in' the shade

as you rise

so you should fall

Death. body's fall (die) and our spirits rise

this could mean 2 things

1- The shade once was alive

2 -One of us should die to find out who he is.

I think option one is the best explanation

Renevoid told me that Marind's father, Azazel became a shade himself, and he himself caused the demise of Marind. It's also possible he was an angien. A 'faceless' one.

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