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Voting Voting

Fang Archbane

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I have noted as of late that quite a few New Faces
And some Returning Old Faces
Have made their way into our humble world of MagicDuel
Some for the First Time & Some to Remember

Ill make the following as short and sweet as possible

So as to make my point and save you Time

This is simply a Reminder to the Older Players
And a News Flash to the Young Blood
That Voting is your friend for a few reasons

What i mean of course is both the

Free credits (X)


Inside of the MagicDuel page

And the ever equally important



Voting page for MagicDuel itself on BMMORPG
Which you might need to make an account on
To collect the Gold per vote
(Someone correct me if im wrong)

Voting on the Free Credits page gives varying points per vote
And raises MDs standing on varying voting sites
Which in turn raises Influx of New Blood
Or the chance of that to be precise

These credits can in turn be exchanged
For a variety of goods so large
That i wont even bother to cover them


Voting on BMMORPG Loyally
(Voting for the same site day after day)
Or if you have OCD like me
Every 6 hours religiously

Results in BMMO Gold
Which can be turned in for various spoils
Such as Spell Stones Creatures
And Silver Gifts just to name a few

The only advice i can give for voting
Is to make (http://browsermmorpg.com/vote.php?id=217)
Your home page because doing so
Results in an auto reminder to vote
Every time you open up your web Browser

I hope this helps the Young Blood
And stirs up the Returning Vets
To keep up with the Young Blood
Because if a Fossil slacks
The Newbie will catch up in Time


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