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What is it?

Blackshade Rider

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Hello all. 


So last night at the gazebo i had a very interesting conversations with Mrf. This conversation was about "love".


So i am making this topic to discuss it further for me and Mrf if he wishes to still talk of it. Tell me and everyone in MD what you think love is.


What is love?

Is love Lust?

Is love an object or person?

Is love a lie and does not exist?



Post here what you feel love is. Nobody will be judged on how they feel about this so called love

Edited by blackrider
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First thing first! If you post "what is love?" everybody is forced to answer - "baby don´t hurt me..." :)


Well love could be determined as a lie, as in fact it is only a neuronal action of chemicals and electrical stimulation of your synapses. Very romantic, isn´t it? But on the other hand, everybody, who really was mad in love with someone will always tell you that there is simply "more" behind it. A deeper feeling, from your insides and so on. For some love will never exists and for some the will say it is a lie as they deny this feelings because of bad experiences from the past. Maybe in the past people wanted to have manifestion for everything like death and love so they created Amor, Venus, Aphrodite, and so on. But I, for my personal point of view, would never compare the love of a hobby or an object with the emotional love to another beeing.


just my two cents

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But if love is real would one not die for what they love? Or what if one loves something to much? They say sometimes when you love something you gotta let it go. What of that?


And i like your point of view on it. As love is just a stimulation in our brains. But pain comes from the very same place that stimulates love. So is love pain as well?

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Love can cause pain, but only as an activation of negative feelings, real pain (talking about body wounds) instead has always an event trigger (slice, blunt damage etc.) which stimulates your synapses with an electrical flow. So we have to seperate the pain you feel or might think you feel in your "heart" and "soul" or the body driven one.


Let me answer for the "if love is real and letting go etc" from my very personal point of view. I had a girlfriend quite long ago and I was really madly in love with her. We couldn´t become a couple because of some reasons and there was no right way to get this done. I was surely in the mood to die for her, for a last word of her, her eyes gazing upon me just to guide my way to Valhalla (or so). And I had to let her go because it was a deadend. But letting go is not a rational decision in this position, it is simply the realization that you have to give it up. So you don´t let someone go because you wan´t to, it´s because you know it can´t be done and you are giving it up. This causes horrible pain (this is the worst pain I EVER felt!) and therefore love and pain are for sure combined. Everybody who felt lovesickness will nod his head now. And I realized that both of those feelings just raised my understanding of how I feel love for someone or not. Both are necessary, sometimes you have to suffer to know, why you do so. But love and even pain still give you power to succed in things you never thought of. How about writing love poems? Mostly they aren´t written while you are in love, they are created because of your suffercation.


Love hurts *sings along*

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Love, is the deepest understanding and connection that one entity can have with another.

This is divided into a few categories, and i wont bother to cover them all, but the basics are Friendly Love, Family Love, and Spousal Love.

Each of these serves its own purpose in the Heart. Love does exist, but whether or not it exists to You (Not you Rider, just the person asking if Loves a myth in general) is something only You can find out.

Edited by Fang Archbane
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Love, is the deepest understanding and connection that one entity can have with another.

This is divided into a few categories, and i wont bother to cover them all, but the basics are Friendly Love, Family Love, and Spousal Love.


What of love for an object or even someone's love for music? would you say it falls under those categories? Or is love for an object or a musical tone a different kind of love? 

Edited by blackrider
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Love to an object is none existant in romantic ways, it is a favour of something you like and to simply give it a expressiv of humans limited imagination of things, we call it "love". I so love my car!=means nothing more then I know it is mine, I like it , I like cars with this shape, the features are usefull, I know about its quality and so on. But in the end, its maybe only the same procedure of neurons etc. You get bound to something where you combine emotions and fact for your brain to remember this and save it. The more you combine fact with emotions the more brain activites will be triggered and you will start to empath something, you will "love" it. I assume that those connections stimulate brain increase and activity and when you lose that certain level you will suffer like from drug withdravel, therefore the lovesickness maybe?

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Look up objectophilia, Blackwood.

Love is a simply a chain of evolutionary (involuntary) and chemical reactions.

Pheromones, neurotransmitters and dopamine levels; combined with subconscious evolutionary methods of finding the "right mate" to pass your genes onto, protect your family or even ensuring the best rate of success in birthing, is what causes this feeling of "love".

For the most part, however, love is simply a physical reaction to pheromones, increased dopamine levels and decreased oxytocin levels.

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Look up objectophilia, Blackwood.

Love is a simply a chain of evolutionary (involuntary) and chemical reactions.

Pheromones, neurotransmitters and dopamine levels; combined with subconscious evolutionary methods of finding the "right mate" to pass your genes onto, protect your family or even ensuring the best rate of success in birthing, is what causes this feeling of "love".

For the most part, however, love is simply a physical reaction to pheromones, increased dopamine levels and decreased oxytocin levels.


lets say these pheromones and neurotransmitters ect didnt exist. What would you call love then? without all these natural chemicals in our bodies could one still feel the feeling of love or would one feel nothing without these natural chemicals in our bodies


Id call that more of an appreciation for the item or art form. I wouldnt use the word love in that scenario.


I think one could love an object just as much as one can love another being. Why couldnt one do so. An object doesnt have feelings but the person does. So how can one say love for an object doesnt exist ?  Or rather an appreciation for the item or art?

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I think one could love an object just as much as one can love another being. Why couldnt one do so. An object doesnt have feelings but the person does. So how can one say love for an object doesnt exist ?  Or rather an appreciation for the item or art?

I wouldnt say that, id just know the difference between love and appreciation.

I love my family.

I appreciate good music.

Thers a fine line, but its there.

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Again, look up "objectophilia".

I hope you mean Rider and not me. I know what Objectohilia means, is, and makes one do.

It doesnt change my views on things. Some call it a disorder, others a disease, i call it perspective.

But that is the perspective of another, not mine. Rider asked me what my view on Love was, i gave my answer.

If someone else can love a chair, hey, more power to them. My only advice? Beware of splinters.

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It cause people to act differently they they would under any other circumstance.. It causes imbalances of chemicals in the brain. If you ran into a house to save a klondike bar you'd be veiwed as crazy but so it for someone/thing without blinking an eye for love. Scientists have actually found out heart break is very similiar to withdraw symptoms of cocaine.

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Actually I wouldn't if the love was true because then they would have to deal with the grief of losing you and blaming themselves I think that would be harder then dying

 Then what they just all get killed? 


I believe if it came down to it and i had no other choice i would gladly give my life for the ones i love. 

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