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Fate of the Necrovian people


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Four years we were guests in Necrovion. We were given much freedom by the Shades and we built a strong and enduring society. But all things come to an end.
Events in Necrovion have shown us that perhaps the time has come to move on. Other lands have their reflection in this land. In the land as well as in the people at the core of it's society. Thus we become landless yet, in a way, part of all lands. We'll travel the roads of this realm and make our camp where it suits us. We become nomads. But we won't forget where we came from or what Darkness taught us.
Syrian and I relinquish all rights to the crown. I don't know what the future holds for Necrovion. That will be in the hands of others, what- or whomever they may be. I do know this will be a new chapter in MD and that will be interesting.
former King of Necrovion
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