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Greetings MD-ers,

Since Necrovion closed itself for the outside world many things changed. The land is said to be filled with mysteries, rare resources and secret treasures. Many of you were trying to get there and were mercilessly slayed by Death Patrols.

From now on things change for those of you who are interested in Necrovion trips for harvesting, research, sightseeing or other purposes. Regular trips to Necrovion are available for all MD citizens disregarding their gender, age or land affiliation.

Of course, as every valuable thing, this trip has a price. Price for entering Necrovion is a sacrifice… a creature, your heat, even your own blood. 

Those who will fulfill 1 of the 3 requirements will be granted an access to Necrovion for 1 week, with the right to use 1 Necrovion shared tool of their choice (either a bone shovel, an unbreakable trowel or a sand melter). The use of the shared item won’t be granted if already in possess of an identical independent one.

During said week you will be movebound to a Death Patrol and kept under strict surveillance. Any deviation from their rules will get you killed.

Since there is only a limited amount of tools in Necrovion, we can only let up to 3 people a week. So eventually there will be a waiting list. If you are willing to enter more than once, you will be put on the bottom of the waiting list after your first trip.


As said before you have to sacrifice something dear to you to enter. 

1)     Sacrifice heat. You have to infuse enough heat into the Fountain of Dark Vibrations to fulfill this requirement. The exact amount depends on your MP. This feature is not functional yet.

2)     Sacrifice a creature. You have to sacrifice a creature once you are in Necrovion. The age or amount of stored heat won’t matter as long as your sacrifice produces 3 fenths. If you produce more than 3 fenths - you can pick up the rest, leaving 3 required ones at the altar. Leaving more than 3 fenths will not give you the right for another entry in the future. For that you will have to sacrifice another creature. So, if you dont want to waste fenths - make sure you are sufficiently prepared.

3)     Sacrifice a personal item. This can be anyone of the following items – drop of blood, bottled emotions, engraved ring or autograph. Items are to be passed to me (Eara Meraia) before you enter Necrovion. (your personal items will go to the MD treasury but won’t be counted as a donation. Eventually you will be able to buy them back from an auction).

Contact me via forum pm or ingame pm for details, time-frames, tool rentals etc.

The waiting list and those who entered will be published on this thread.

Requirements to enter might be changed or adjusted from time to time, but this is to be considered a permanent way to get inside Necrovion.

First date for a tour is 9. August 2016. Every next tour will start on Tuesday. Please write down your name, player ID and date you wish to start and a type of payment in a REPLY to this topic.

Good luck!

(I am on vacation till 5 August, so if you have any questions till then, please contact lashtal or samon).


Edited by Eara Meraia
added some info regarding fenths. Thanks dst for pointing out.
On July 31, 2016 at 0:24 AM, Eara Meraia said:

1)     Sacrifice heat. You have to infuse enough heat into the Fountain of Dark Vibrations to fulfill this requirement. The exact amount depends on your MP. This feature is not functional yet.

Thanks to samon, this feature is now functional.

Aeoshattr and nadrolski, check your messages.

There's still one place available for 9 August.


I'm sorry to inform the community that Aeoshattr and blackshade rider disappeared in Necrovion 2 days ago.

Since their entrance, nobody saw their traces or heard from them anymore... :-p


Next entrance group (3 people max) will be on August 16, lasting a week.

nadrolski is automatically signed-up for this tour since he hasn't fulfilled his task in time for the current one.

So, there are 2 places available... First comes, first get lost!


Next group can gain access on August 23, lasting one week as usual.

Sunfire is automatically signed-up since he hasn't fulfilled his task in time for the current one.

nadrolski hasn't fulfilled his task for the second week in a row, therefore his application has been cancelled and he dropped to the bottom of the list. In the eventuality of a new application, it will be considered with lowest priority.

3 spots available from now, sign up by posting below.


Can I be signed up for the week after? Tis something of my birthday. I'd like to choose option number 2

2)     Sacrifice a creature. You have to sacrifice a creature once you are in Necrovion. The age or amount of stored heat won’t matter as long as your sacrifice produces 3 fenths.


Ok, to sum up:

Aeoshattr and dst are signed up for Aug 23 (in case they don't manage to fulfill the heat requirement in time, they can choose to delay the entrance to Aug 30).

Mallos is signed up for Aug 30.

Blackrider can enter again on Aug 23 only if there's nobody else (he has been inside this week already).


I'll cancel my request as I will not be able to gather the heat in 4 hours.

And I also don't think I have the time for next week.


Sorry for the mess up.



I'd love to come but currently I'm stuck in the trial of agony with no way to exit, would this make my application forfeit as I'm sure to movebind me you might have to come kill me first? I'd not allow this, I'm very against killing me and might try to kill you back you know.


I don't have to kill you in order to movebind you and I don't intend to.

If you're still willing to do your sacrifice I can get you out of Trail of Agony.


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