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Alliances, Guilds, and Clans

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Let me start by saying that I have not been playing for very long. The game is wonderful and so I am a proud supporter, and I hope no one (no not you No One) will be offended by what I write here, least of all our esteemed host. I am not a very gifted writer so please bear with me as I try to communicate this.

I would like to suggest that there be multiple MP levels of involvement in the story line of the game, which if properly implemented would add greater depth and a sense of inclusion for all the players. The way I see to do this may not even be practical from a development stand point (I am not a programmer so I wouldn't know), or may not fit well with the creators vision of what this game is to become.

Alliances are being formed, Quests are being undertaken, and a war seems imminent. It's all quite exciting, but not so much for the new mp3 players who are just trying to figure things out and who realize most of the excitement will not include them. To be fair, they are not qualified to undertake a significant role in these events, but that is the issue. to reward players who have been playing longer and earned their rightful place in an alliance is of course only proper, but what is left for the brand new player? (I am in no way suggesting that new players are being excluded)

I have read many players speaking about Alliances as Guilds or Clans, and that along with an old forum post from Manu outlining his ideas of how magic will work in the game, is what gave me this Idea. Why not make a strong distinction between an Alliance and a Guild. An Alliance is the banding together for a common cause, in this case the defense/offence of impending war. A Guild is also a banding together, but for the combining of similar disciplines and skill sets for the furtherance of knowledge and prestige. A Clan is family and friends banding together for mutual protection. I propose that Guilds and Clans be implemented so that even the lowliest player will have camaraderie, and if necessary, protection while learning about the game.

Alliances already exist and work well, so no need for me to comment.

Guilds however would be an exciting change. Because it is formed around a particular discipline, a choice could be made as to what path in the story each player wishes to follow. Everyone is different and so everyone brings a unique set of skills to the game. Let's use that and allow a player the freedom to choose what discipline he or she would most like to follow. Be it magic (Wizards Guild), or martial skill (Warriors Guild), or stealth (Assassins Guild) which could be a blending of magical and martial skills, etc... And if it were to say be the Necrovion Wizards Guild, and then the magic would tend to be slanted towards the Shades and the darkness of that land. Loreroot's wizards Guild would have spells based more on faerie and tree lore. Etc... I hope you can see the possibilities. Quests could exist at every level and every rank to allow entrance so that it was not automatic, and ranks like Pledge and Apprentice and Journeyman could exist within each Guild. So that their Guild remains strong, the older Guilders would help guide, protect, and even recruit newer members. Also a Guild Master would need to be appointed (we already have the system in place for this: the Moderators) to take responsibility for the Guilds prestige and growth. A Guild scribe could then write a weekly guild log and include all the mp levels in the story. I'm sure you will have many more Ideas along these lines. Simple battles between two players now would take on a whole new and complex meaning. When a more established mp3 guilder is protecting a new member to his Guild from being pounded by other players from other Guilds. Well you get the Idea... little mini wars on almost a daily basis between rival Guilds. I would also suggest a removal of the maximum experience for mp3 and mp4, because getting 100 won battles under this system would be more difficult.

Clans should also exist (mandatory and arbitrary; after all one does not choose one's family) to complicate things further and to keep a certain level of competitiveness between Guild members. Each player's Clan association could provide bonuses or penalties for honor or loyalty...or whatever...but the point is it would mean that one Clan member could not attack another Can member without losing some stat. any way you get the Idea.

I realize this would be a tremendous change to how the game is played but I believe it will add to the experience while detracting nothing from the rich and rewarding tapestry that is Magic Duel.

That’s it; I look forward to hearing what you think.

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Well, you can still join armies :D Both Wodin and Khalz are actively recruiting, I believe.

But I get what you mean; there should be some official documentation in the game, and features besides being put on a list of soldiers. Have you read that Manu intends for alliances to become similar to guilds? Perhaps the 10-member limit is temporary, since this is early testing.

Some of what you suggested about Clans sounds like protectors. A protector is one advanced player who has legions of minions that worship and sacrifice heat in return for help, such as spellcasting. Perhaps they will be implemented into alliances eventually, as it would be odd to have a protector who is on the enemy's side.

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The Archivists is a Guild. I do not seek out players based on mp level at all.

I'm sorry if you took this the wrong way, Ren, (you are one of only a few who have been kind to me in the game, even though I am new, and I would not want to lose your respect) but if you will read my post more carefully, I stated that I was not suggesting that anyone at any MP level was being excluded. My motivation is to create more inclusionary opportunities within the game environment for all the players both old and new.

The point of my suggestion is to have greater participation in the story line (adventure log) for all mp levels not just for a few high level MP5s that have earned the right to represent the rest of us. Being very new to the game I am constantly learning new things about how and why things are the way they are, and so it is very possible that I misunderstand, but my suggestion was for the benefit of others like myself who are new and would still like to PARTICIPATE in the STORY LINE at some level, even if it is only their personal story line. “ I am in X Guild and in Y Clan…I am on a mission/quest with others from my guild to ……?”

My hope is that this gives every member social identity and camaraderie and a sense of involvement. It would have the consequence of creating small and large groups within the game which would also be interesting on many levels. Longevity of play is given a great deal of significance in this game, which is fine (not a criticism just an observation) but, what about the new members? How many quit because they feel unconnected to what is going on around them? (I am not making a statement but rather asking a question).

by the way...I would be very interested in joining the Archivists as I am now the weakest mp5 ever and can do little but sit and read the forums and such untill my creatures age.

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Well, you can still join armies :D Both Wodin and Khalz are actively recruiting, I believe.

But I get what you mean; there should be some official documentation in the game, and features besides being put on a list of soldiers. Have you read that Manu intends for alliances to become similar to guilds? Perhaps the 10-member limit is temporary, since this is early testing.

Some of what you suggested about Clans sounds like protectors. A protector is one advanced player who has legions of minions that worship and sacrifice heat in return for help, such as spellcasting. Perhaps they will be implemented into alliances eventually, as it would be odd to have a protector who is on the enemy's side.

Actually I had not heard that, but I would prefer Alliances to stay as an association based on war and that it's coucil be nominated by the guilds and clans supporting it.

Unlike Protectors who are individuals, Clan and Guild identity could allow all fellow members of the same mp level to act as protection in the way of group retribution, ie attack me and my whole group will hunt you down and make you bleed (one day you need protection the next you provide protection). when 2 groups meet all hell breaks loose. It would also limit pointless attacks on players too weak to defend themselves who are trying to progress along quest lines.

Again the point is to involve every player in the main STORY LINE of the game with each Guild keeping it's own log. It would also provide for may more quest and events like Guild tournaments and such. who is the strongest warrior?...or who is the craftiest?...smartest? etc... scavenger quests...riddle quests...ongoing rivalries between guilds or clans with the first to reach 1000 wins against the other gets some secret or time limmited ability, medal or md shop item or credit...ETC....so many more possabilities.

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I must say I think I just got a ton of different people from all mp levels involved in something pretty big. :D

Also, I didn't read the post at all Black, I was just kind of skimming and something that chewett said brought that to mind. :)

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Ren is a really nice peson :D , I got involved in his Angien project and I feel I play a more active role in this game. I agree with Blackthorn, but with involving every player in the story line, won't it make the story a bit chaotic and complex; and the Story might lose it's uniqueness (not sure that's a word).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ren is a really nice peson ;) , I got involved in his Angien project and I feel I play a more active role in this game. I agree with Blackthorn, but with involving every player in the story line, won't it make the story a bit chaotic and complex; and the Story might lose it's uniqueness (not sure that's a word).

well I was thinking along the lines of the adventure log containing the main story line/lines where Manu takes a particular player on a quest, but also having guild story lines that follow many of it's members through the guild quests. That could be accomplished right here in the forum. a password could be used to protect each guilds forum log and Manu could assign to each guild specific secrets about magic, mithos, history or places in the game that would be kept in that particular guilds archives. one of the best quests that each guild would have open is to try to infiltrate (within the game perameters) the other guilds to get at there archives and get out with secrets.

In times of war, alliances would still hold sway as seperate entities, whos goals are to attract the most number of guilds to their cause and to defend attack the other side. a war council could then be chosen as the alliance leaders from among the guilds and the leader of the alliance.

Each guild could have it's leaders chosen from among it's members and how they were chosen could be different in each guild. (creating traditions) really the only major programming changes would be to make a guild hall for each guild where all members could access but non members would find it very difficult, and possibly a color associated with each different guild, so that their members names would appear in that color. every thing else would be under the guild leaders (whether an individual or a council) direction. That way the players could take on more of the roles of creating the story and for every level and every player. It would also provide for the guilds deciding who goes on the adventure log quests by putting forth their choices from which Manu can then pick. (not to say he wouldn't also pick those that HE felt were deserving, but this way it would alow for the many players in the game community to help guide the story also). Guild adoption could be related to the principles each player makes when joining the game or could just be chosen by each player at some point in the game.

non guild members could also exist with the choice of not joining a particular faction but remaining an independant or having transcended the guilds to become an RPC. I feel this would create more interesting social structures within the game community and provide a richer game experience for every player not just a chosen few. I also believe this will boost the number of active players and reduce the number of accounts that become static.

I hope that Manu and/or the game development team would at least consider polling for eveyones input on this Idea and not dismiss it out of hand.

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I do agree with Blackthorn on this one.

I feel a lot of lower level players do feel left out and there is not enough available space in current alliances for everyone to become involve.

A suggestion was made on another thread for an NPC call to action, where a game wide announcement could be made and call players to arms in case of shade invasion (I believe, this is losely paraphrased). I like the idea of when a major game change or story line development that an announcement could be made to players, so if not becoming involved, they could at least stand witness to the action.

I am in an alliance, so I am not spouting sour grapes or anything, but when I first started it seemed like a closed group where you had to know someone, or have been playing for ages to get in on the action. I think this can be offputting to newer players.

Perhaps alliances should have a requirement to fill 2 spots with mp3, and two with mp4. I know that Ren's and other alliances are not of the same persuasion, but there are some here that don't involve all players, that newer players have no hope of entering.

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I believe there will be more options for lower-level players as more developments occur, one example being protectors and adepts. I think it likely those features will be used as an opportunity to create armies or teams which are officially recognized by the game. They just won't be as "elite" as alliances.

As more guild-type alliances are made, more players will have a chance to become more involved. Even if seats will be limited, even the existing alliances have armies/teams extending beyond the actual alliance members that play a role.

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MP3 Players cant join alliances because their win/loss counter gets stuck, therefor, making them unable to advance to MP4.



Exactly why the current system needs adjusting. By creating sub groups (guilds) you are creating a much more dynamic and supportive starting environment, including a well mapped out career path and greater opportunities for reciprocating the support possitions. those support possitions would provide older more advanced players with "in game" fun to play possitions instead of the current live help out of game environment.

Just today I chatted with a player who was ranting his frustration out in MB Sanc. He was upset primarily because he did not fully understand the game system and no one was helping him to adjust. There were plenty of older players there but none were willing to help a "newb" because (and I am only speculating) there was nothing in it for them. This needs to be addressed, ignoring the complaints of players, especially new players, will lead to more and more players dropping out. There are players who treat everyone with kindness and try to help anyone in distress, but that is not the norm.

Instead of frustration and new players dropping out we could solve this in a simple and exciting way. please, when you read this thread, leave your opinion so we all can see how you feel.


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Mm, yes, most people don't realize that helping players will encourage them to continue playing the game, which will lead to more features being implemented (we do need a certain number of test subjects). We need more volunteers for the lho team, too. Maybe creating an official guild/alliance ingame would encourage more people to help out, but I really dunno.. that sort of stuff just appeals to people who want to be recognized rather than actually help. Besides that, there are already the asterisks and titles for that purpose.

Oh, and also, some new players are reluctant to use the Live Help button, or inactive lhos (idling) are the ones to receive the messages. I think part of the problem is with MD.. information about the game mechanics aren't really handed to the player. There are the [more info] links, but it's a kind of passive way to communicate and inform important things to the player. Perhaps there should be an extended tutorial that explains the system. Another thing is that the information is scattered about, not all collected for easy access. There are the FAQs on the forums, but some don't use the forum and they're all player-created, not official. There is a very incomplete one you can view by clicking the LH button..

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I agree with your suggestions, good ideas. Also it is not only 'new' players that may feel left out, i think a lot of players regardless of the MP Level, would like to know that they are actively participating in the game and the direction of where it is going :)

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