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Trivia Time!


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So, for this year's Halloween, I have designed a Trivia. MD related trivia.

How: If you want to participate, PM me so I can give you a registration code and the instructions.

When: Trivia will activate on the 24th of Oct at 00:00 and will last until 30th of Oct 23:59. So you have about 1 week to complete it.

Additional notes: Trivia is hosted on a different site. It's time (about 30 seconds for question). You have only 1 chance of completing it so once you start you must finish. The score is automated but I can check your answers if you feel something is wrong.


1st Place - Elu (no idea if colored or black...yet)

Alternatively - 1 Shmsh + 6 wiiya pack + a set of grassans' produced resources resources

2nd Place - 1 Blood pact archer + a set of 4 nice spell stones + 2 common items (I'll post the list sometimes soon)

3rd Place - set of 4 nice spell stone (different than above) + 2 common items (I'll post the list sometimes soon)

I might be adding some more later.

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Trivia is over. There were 6 participants.I have the results but I just want to check them before releasing them (there were some free text questions and I just don't want to deprive anyone of a good answer).

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If I manage to open it for you (I scheduled it to start at X and finish at Y but I don't know if I can sort of re-schedule it), I will re-open the sign ins for the rest of the players as well. But this has to wait to until tomorrow or maybe Friday.

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I changed the time settings. You can access the trivia from today until I think Monday at 00:00.

Participants who already completed the quiz, cannot re-take it.

Others who wish to try it, message me for your codes.

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I've checked the results (gone through each set of answers) as I was afraid in the free text answers you could have misspelled the name hence not getting the point. I didn't find any issues.

If anyone has any objections or wants to raise any issues, please do so. I'll wait until Sunday and if nothing pops up, I'll start distributing the prizes.

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