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Higher res resource items


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  • Root Admin

We are looking for slightly higher res resource items because the current ones, while originally fine for the smaller uses dont look great when we want them larger.

If anyone would like to work with me to get some new images please contact me, If you have the artistic ability, but need an incentive, we can discuss whatever you want in terms of a reward.


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  • Root Admin

We are looking for some images that would match the item requirements:


Only hand-drawn artwork will be accepted. Item style must match the style of current MD items. Drawings may be in colour and must not cut around the edges. Drawings may have colour added to them after with the aid of a computer, but the drawing must show through as hand drawn. Work done entirely by computer will not be allowed. It is suggested you add colour with transparency so that the drawn lines show through the colour, similar to Premium coloured creatures. If unsure ask art@magicduel.com via email or post on the forum.

Images must be 80x80 px, png, alpha transparency, 8-bit, max 30kb
Background should be transparent as in the sample imageDownload sample source file, edit with fireworks or photoshop, export as transparent png.

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