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Story time , and a new Journey

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Story time, and a new Journey

Duration: Entire md bday (and possibly a few days after depending on circumstances )

Requirements: Any mind power welcome. 1 account per player.

Judging: Judging will solely be based off of forum rep. Neg rep will not be counted

Reward/s: 1st place to 3rd place : Gateway tour for an hour or two, and an 12th anni creature (rules of visiting Gateway will be given to the top 3 winners) 4th and 5th get 1 gold (sponsored by me) and 12th anni creature.  I may give a wp also. We'll see :). All other participants will get cake and spell stones (sponsored by chew)

Task/s: There are 3 tasks to this. Each task must be posted separately..... 

1st: Tell a story in game, or on this post about when you first came to MD and tell about your journey that made you who you are now. (If story is told in game it must be logged and posted, so others can enjoy the story, and judging reasons) The story does not have to be long but a good story.

2nd: Some how create a scene from some part of your journey. New or old, and post it to this thread. It doesnt have to be perfect. You may use what ever you need to, to re-create this scene. (please include your character in the scene) Get creative with this :) 

3rd: After all that is said and done, you must go to a land that is not a land you care for, one you particularly dont like and you must do something good for it. This can be through RP, preforming tasks for said land, Helping its queen or king for a day. Whatever it is you decide to do for this land it must be documented and posted to this thread. (This does not mean go sprinkle some water on a tree and be done, actually do something)



I hope to be reading some good stories 

Edited by Blackshade Rider
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  • Root Admin
9 hours ago, dst said:

Too complicate to invest time and energy only to be "validated" by forum rep.

As a note, this is in my opinion is the downside of forum reputation voting. Its very fickle and can easily lead to popularity votes. Its something people should consider for the future.

Something which can help, is saying that only positive reputation counts, this can stop some of the "removing enemies and adding friends reputation"

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: Pipstickz clears his throat
: Pipstickz places his Final Argument on the ground just off the centre of the Park
: Pipstickz balances one-footed on the Final Argument
Pipstickz: Hear ye, hear ye!
Pipstickz: The Feral Queen of the East shall tell a tale!
Pipstickz: Once upon a time, there were players crawling these streets at all hours
Pipstickz: They were so distracted with asking each other if they could fight each other, they didn't notice my coming!
Pipstickz: Some Shades came together to make a short exodus from Necrovion
Pipstickz: They slithered down the Road of Battles, and left in the Paper Cabin a small, brown tuber
Pipstickz: At the same time, from the heavens rained down a meteorite!
Pipstickz: It sped through the opening in the roof of the Cabin at precisely the same moment the Shades placed their tuber
Pipstickz: The two objects collided, and so I came to be, two wholes of a half, or something like that!
: Pipstickz collects his Final Argument, and moseys on home

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: Pipstickz grabs a Golemus Golemicarum Flag.
: Pipstickz arranges some branches and lumber in a campfire
: Pipstickz strikes a heat stone against his basic iron ingot until a spark catches and the fire is lit
: Pipstickz places some water in his empty paint can and places it beside the fire
: Pipstickz plants his walking stick between the two
: Pipstickz plucks a thorn from one of his flowers and uses it to carefully sew the Golemus Flag onto the walking stick
: Pipstickz stands in front of the flag
: Pipstickz bows his head
: Pipstickz clasps his hands together
: Pipstickz prays to Kelle'tha

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8 hours ago, Chewett said:

Something which can help, is saying that only positive reputation counts, this can stop some of the "removing enemies and adding friends reputation"

Exactly: can help. But in the end, unless it's a brilliant post, and even then, the entry of a less popular person will NOT win no matter how you count the votes. Especially if people know their vote can help someone earn something, they will not give the vote that easily. Human egotistical nature.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Contest has now ended. Pipstickz wins 1st place by default as he was the only entry. 

@Pipstickz I will be sending you a pm of the rules visiting gateway island, i will also contact chew about the anni crit promised.

@Chewett i will be including you in this pm.


Sorry to those who felt it was to much. Maybe around MD xmas time i may be able to do another quest similar. Maybe.

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It's clear to me that dst is trying to boost your confidence and tell you to judge your quest independently next time :D

I had fun doing this quest, and it gave me some confidence in my drawing ability. I know I'm not very good, but at least you can tell what it is I drew! Thanks for hosting, Blackshade!

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10 hours ago, Pipstickz said:

It's clear to me that dst is trying to boost your confidence and tell you to judge your quest independently next time :D

I had fun doing this quest, and it gave me some confidence in my drawing ability. I know I'm not very good, but at least you can tell what it is I drew! Thanks for hosting, Blackshade!

Thank you for your participation. I will be sending the pm out in a few hours. Currently at work , so I don't have the time at this very second to write it all.


Next time I was thinking the same. Just judge it myself. Thanks :)

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  • 10 months later...

As the next anniversary approaches, I'd sure like to get the reward I won for this. The creature was delivered by Chew, but the tour still has yet to happen. I sent a PM to the group message between Blackshade, Chewett and I back in December and received no response. I did manage to track down Blackshade on one of his rare visits to the mainland, and he told me the lighthouse needed to be fixed first. As no lighthouse was mentioned in this topic, I'm a tad peeved.

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