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Is the rightbar entirely broken?


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  • Root Admin

Iv been having real issues 7 year old laptop (primary computer) so im trying to work out if its just me, or MD broken on chrome.

On chrome, can anyone select items from the rightbar? I cant seem to get into my inventory :(

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My primary laptop is also about 7 years old. Time for a new one come xmas time. 

However I mainly use MD on chrome. Recently alot of weird things have been going on with chrome.

Sometimes when I log back in from being idle it will open a new page and still keep the old one saying I'm idle.(So one chrome page shows me the idle screen and the new page that opened is regular gameplay page) this sometimes happens with no matter what I click it'll open a entirely new page. (Still me just gives me multiple pages.)

Another thing that's been a problem that I thought wasn't a big deal as you (chew) said you've been fixing stuff ect ect, sometimes my moodpanel does not work, and sometime the entire right menu bar won't work. (Like the problem you are having) I've tried refreshing, clearing my cache , even resetting my computer. It sometimes works but not always.

Another big problem I seem to have on chrome sometimes is nothing at all will load. (Java script is on, pop ups for md are allowed on my computer.) So I'm not sure what's been  causing this to happen. 

Also sometimes when I type in chat it won't show. I've had to type the same thing 3 to 4 times for it to show in chat. 



I do believe this is the only problems I have when using.chrome.

Hope this all helps. Thanks for all your work chew



Edited by Blackshade Rider
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