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I don't think I have the concept of 'creatures in MD' clear. Story mode would tell you those creatures are alive, need to be bound to your spirit and then you can use them in combat. Thus, they are not summoned, but persuaded through economical means.Then, I guess something changed, as recruiting places were described places where it would be easier for the summoner to get his creatures (that implies creatures are summoned). Those creatures are called out/back and used, either as they are or refined/cultivated; they can also be sacrificed.

Now, we are at the point where you actually build/produce/create/shape creatures. Now, I forgot everything about Molima, but as for the shmsh, it's a cool build-up. I have seen only the first level (in a guide), but there are such lifeforms irl that go into hibernation and awake when the environment allows life to thrive. That larva makes me think of tardigraves, really, and the rainwater being used to open the fenth makes sense (as rainwater can only exist in a viable environment). Aramor fenths use resources and a reality shard, which is the substitute for something resources cannot ever replace. The resources used can give you an idea about the character of the creature, but in themselves do not grant that spark of life/reality.

What does this transition mean for the concept of creatures? I don't see we shape life as some kind of god, instead we get a spark of life into our possession that we use, so it's not such a big difference in the end? What do you think?


P.S. I remember I wrote a topic saying it would be cool if insetad of having creatures at recruiting places, you'd have just eggs. And, depending on what you add to them, where you grow them etc (circumstances/resources/environment), you'd get all kinds of families of creatures. At that time, Jubaris said 'sounds cool, but the way MD is coded, it would be very hard to do it'. Holy cow, we're rather close to that idea, no?


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