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Equilibrium Tourney III

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7 hours ago, Aia del Mana said:

Congratulations to all who placed.

I am curious as to the winning ritual and log of combat, if aught do have record of it and are willing to share.

I just still had them in my log.

Round 1


Loading Jubaris creatures
Loading Ledah creatures
Applying 0% of Jubaris's energetic influence
Applying 0% of Ledah's energetic influence
Influences for Jubaris ######
Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496): morale, attackbonus, attackbonus
Majestic Winderwild (783058): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Animated Tree III (861578) gets frozen
Majestic Winderwild (783059): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Animated Tree III (861578) gets frozen
Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050): morale, attackbonus, attackbonus
Influences for Ledah ######
Majestic Winderwild (850206): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Majestic Winderwild (783058) gets frozen
Majestic Winderwild (850207): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Grasan Huvourer (832465) gets frozen
Applying Jubaris's Creature Tokens at 100%
Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496)'s creature tokens []
Majestic Winderwild (783058)'s creature tokens []
Majestic Winderwild (783059)'s creature tokens []
Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)'s creature tokens []
Grasan Huvourer (832465)'s creature tokens []
Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050)'s creature tokens []
Applying Ledah's Creature Tokens at 100%
Majestic Winderwild (850206)'s creature tokens []
Majestic Winderwild (850207)'s creature tokens []
Knator War Master (860060)'s creature tokens []
Elemental V (860067)'s creature tokens []
Elemental V (860160)'s creature tokens []
Animated Tree III (861578)'s creature tokens []
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Majestic Winderwild (850207) receives 277 damage 
 creature DIES!
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 40 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850206) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (783059)
 and remains with 160 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 320 vitality from Knator War Master (860060) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (783059)
 and remains with 1280 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 400 vitality from Elemental V (860160) and gives it to Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050)
 and remains with 1600 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Majestic Winderwild (850206) receives 277 damage 
 creature DIES!
Ledah's Animated Tree III (861578) remains frozen, skipping turn
Ledah's Elemental V (860067) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 112 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (783059) and gives it to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 448 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 480 vitality from Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) and gives it to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 1920 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860160) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 400 vitality from Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) and gives it to Animated Tree III (861578)
 and remains with 1600 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 300 vitality from Grasan Huvourer (832465) and gives it to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 1200 vitality
Ledah's Knator War Master (860060) does  haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 433 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496)
 and remains with 1167 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 167 damage to Grasan Huvourer (832465)
 and remains with 1033 vitality
Jubaris's Majestic Winderwild (783058) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Majestic Winderwild (783059) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Knator War Master (860060) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 22 to -28; ) 
 and remains with 1280 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental V (860160) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
 and remains with 1900 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree III (861578) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 8 to -42; ) 
 and remains with 4400 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832465) remains frozen, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "1" ######
Applying temporary effects for Ledah, slot 6 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 22 to -28; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Ledah, slot 2 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Ledah, slot 4 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 8 to -42; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Elemental V (860160) receives 307 damage 
 and remains with 1593 vitality
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 256 vitality from Knator War Master (860060) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 1024 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 518 vitality from Elemental V (860067) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (783058)
 and remains with 2074 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Elemental V (860160) receives 307 damage 
 and remains with 1286 vitality
Ledah's Animated Tree III (861578) remains frozen, skipping turn
Ledah's Elemental V (860067) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 233 vitality from Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) and gives it to Animated Tree III (861578)
 and remains with 934 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 144 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (783058) and gives it to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 574 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 90 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (783059) and gives it to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 358 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 451 vitality from Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) and gives it to Animated Tree III (861578)
 and remains with 1805 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860160) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 207 vitality from Grasan Huvourer (832465) and gives it to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 826 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 384 vitality from Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) and gives it to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 1536 vitality
Ledah's Knator War Master (860060) does  haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 292 damage to Majestic Winderwild (783058)
 and remains with 282 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 138 damage to Majestic Winderwild (783059)
 and remains with 220 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 337 damage to Grasan Huvourer (832465)
 and remains with 489 vitality
Jubaris's Majestic Winderwild (783058) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Majestic Winderwild (783059) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Knator War Master (860060) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -28 to -78; ) 
 and remains with 1231 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental V (860160) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -15 to -65; ) 
 and remains with 1670 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Animated Tree III (861578) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -42 to -92; ) 
 and remains with 5084 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832465) remains frozen, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "2" ######
Applying temporary effects for Ledah, slot 6 : 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -28 to -78; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ledah, slot 2 : 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -15 to -65; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Ledah, slot 4 : 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -42 to -92; ) 
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Elemental V (860160) receives 357 damage 
 and remains with 1313 vitality
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 462 vitality from Elemental V (860067) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (783059)
 and remains with 1846 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 263 vitality from Elemental V (860160) and gives it to Grasan Huvourer (832465)
 and remains with 1050 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Elemental V (860160) receives 357 damage 
 and remains with 693 vitality
Ledah's Animated Tree III (861578) remains frozen, skipping turn
Ledah's Elemental V (860067) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 187 vitality from Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) and gives it to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 747 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 56 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (783058) and gives it to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 226 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 361 vitality from Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) and gives it to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 1444 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 150 vitality from Grasan Huvourer (832465) and gives it to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 602 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860160) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 149 vitality from Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) and gives it to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 598 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 136 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (783059) and gives it to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 546 vitality
Ledah's Knator War Master (860060) does  haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 150 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496)
 and remains with 448 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 214 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050)
 and remains with 1322 vitality
Jubaris's Majestic Winderwild (783058) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Majestic Winderwild (783059) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental V (860067) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
 and remains with 2357 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental V (860160) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -65 to -115; ) 
 and remains with 978 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832465) remains frozen, skipping turn
 ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses
 ... Ledah WINS!  41.9240506329% vs 1.07%
Creature Experience reward for Jubaris -  Losing player
Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) gains 18 Xp
Majestic Winderwild (783058) gains 18 Xp
Majestic Winderwild (783059) gains 18 Xp
Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) gains 18 Xp
Grasan Huvourer (832465) gains 18 Xp
Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) gains 18 Xp
Creature Experience reward for Ledah -  Winning player
Knator War Master (860060) gains 1656 Xp and a won battle
Elemental V (860067) gains 1656 Xp and a won battle
Elemental V (860160) gains 1656 Xp and a won battle
Animated Tree III (861578) recovers 880 Vitality
Animated Tree III (861578) gains 1656 Xp and a won battle
Winner does not get a won fight point
Loser does not get a lost fight point

Round 2


Loading Ledah creatures
Loading Jubaris creatures
Applying 0% of Ledah's energetic influence
Applying 0% of Jubaris's energetic influence
Influences for Ledah ######
Majestic Winderwild (850206): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Grasan Huvourer (832464) gets frozen
Majestic Winderwild (850207): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) gets frozen
Buraddopakuto (851678): creatureboost
Chi (856501): creatureboost
Influences for Jubaris ######
Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496): morale, attackbonus, attackbonus
Applying Ledah's Creature Tokens at 100%
Majestic Winderwild (850206)'s creature tokens []
Majestic Winderwild (850207)'s creature tokens []
Buraddopakuto (851678)'s creature tokens []
Chi (856501)'s creature tokens []
penisfeet (860055)'s creature tokens []
Chaos Archer (860058)'s creature tokens []
Applying Jubaris's Creature Tokens at 100%
Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496)'s creature tokens []
Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)'s creature tokens []
Grasan Huvourer (832464)'s creature tokens []
Grasan Huvourer (832466)'s creature tokens []
Elemental V (853492)'s creature tokens []
Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050)'s creature tokens []
Ledah's penisfeet (860055) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1752 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1775 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 258 damage 
 and remains with 1242 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 258 damage 
 and remains with 1242 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1775 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1752 vitality
Ledah's Chaos Archer (860058) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1504 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1550 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 258 damage 
 and remains with 984 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 258 damage 
 and remains with 984 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1550 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1504 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Majestic Winderwild (850206) receives 180 damage 
 and remains with 20 vitality
Jubaris's Elemental V (853492) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 16 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850207) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 184 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 400 vitality from Buraddopakuto (851678) and gives it to Grasan Huvourer (832466)
 and remains with 4600 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 400 vitality from Chi (856501) and gives it to Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050)
 and remains with 4600 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 280 vitality from Chaos Archer (860058) and gives it to Grasan Huvourer (832464)
 and remains with 3220 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 2 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850206) and gives it to Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496)
 and remains with 18 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 258 vitality from Chaos Archer (860058) and gives it to Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496)
 and remains with 2962 vitality
Ledah's Buraddopakuto (851678) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1686 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1511 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 88 damage 
 and remains with 1176 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 88 damage 
 and remains with 1296 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1495 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1826 vitality
Ledah's Chi (856501) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1608 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1456 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 88 damage 
 and remains with 1088 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 88 damage 
 and remains with 1208 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1440 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1748 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832466) does  haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 155 damage to Majestic Winderwild (850206)
 creature DIES!
    - hits haoticaly and does 110 damage to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 74 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 145 damage to Buraddopakuto (851678)
 and remains with 4455 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 228 damage to Chi (856501)
 and remains with 4372 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 197 damage to penisfeet (860055)
 and remains with 3303 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 166 damage to Chaos Archer (860058)
 and remains with 2796 vitality
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850207) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Grasan Huvourer (832464) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 2 to -48; ) 
 and remains with 1088 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental V (853492) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
 and remains with 1440 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832464) remains frozen, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "1" ######
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 2 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 2 to -48; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 5 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Ledah's penisfeet (860055) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1360 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1231 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 308 damage 
 and remains with 780 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 258 damage 
 and remains with 950 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 275 damage 
 and remains with 1165 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1500 vitality
Ledah's Chaos Archer (860058) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1112 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1006 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 308 damage 
 and remains with 472 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 258 damage 
 and remains with 692 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 275 damage 
 and remains with 890 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1252 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Majestic Winderwild (850207) receives 180 damage 
 creature DIES!
Jubaris's Elemental V (853492) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 350 vitality from Chi (856501) and gives it to Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050)
 and remains with 4022 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 264 vitality from penisfeet (860055) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 3039 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 224 vitality from Chaos Archer (860058) and gives it to Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050)
 and remains with 2572 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 356 vitality from Buraddopakuto (851678) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 4099 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 322 vitality from Chi (856501) and gives it to Grasan Huvourer (832466)
 and remains with 3700 vitality
Ledah's Buraddopakuto (851678) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1034 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1571 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 138 damage 
 and remains with 334 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 88 damage 
 and remains with 926 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 105 damage 
 and remains with 785 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1748 vitality
Ledah's Chi (856501) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 956 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1516 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 138 damage 
 and remains with 196 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 88 damage 
 and remains with 838 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 105 damage 
 and remains with 680 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1670 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832466) does  haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 142 damage to Buraddopakuto (851678)
 and remains with 3957 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 202 damage to Chi (856501)
 and remains with 3498 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 178 damage to penisfeet (860055)
 and remains with 2861 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 91 damage to Chaos Archer (860058)
 and remains with 2481 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832464) remains frozen, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "2" ######
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 2 : 
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 5 : 
Ledah's penisfeet (860055) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 708 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1291 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832464) receives 258 damage 
 creature DIES!
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 258 damage 
 and remains with 580 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 455 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1422 vitality
Ledah's Chaos Archer (860058) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 460 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1066 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 258 damage 
 and remains with 322 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 230 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 248 damage 
 and remains with 1174 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) does  damage to weak creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Buraddopakuto (851678) receives 180 damage 
 and remains with 3777 vitality
Jubaris's Elemental V (853492) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 302 vitality from Buraddopakuto (851678) and gives it to Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050)
 and remains with 3475 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 280 vitality from Chi (856501) and gives it to Grasan Huvourer (832466)
 and remains with 3218 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 229 vitality from penisfeet (860055) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 2632 vitality
Jubaris's Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 257 vitality from Chi (856501) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 2961 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 198 vitality from Chaos Archer (860058) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 2283 vitality
Ledah's Buraddopakuto (851678) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 382 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1497 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 88 damage 
 and remains with 514 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 373 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1398 vitality
Ledah's Chi (856501) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 304 vitality
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1442 vitality
    - Grasan Huvourer (832466) receives 88 damage 
 and remains with 426 vitality
    - Elemental V (853492) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 318 vitality
    - Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) receives 78 damage 
 and remains with 1320 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832466) does  haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 167 damage to Buraddopakuto (851678)
 and remains with 3308 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 173 damage to Chi (856501)
 and remains with 2788 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 223 damage to penisfeet (860055)
 and remains with 2409 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 193 damage to Chaos Archer (860058)
 and remains with 2090 vitality
 ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses
 ... Ledah WINS!  39.1091954023% vs 65.3636363636%
Creature Experience reward for Ledah -  Winning player
Buraddopakuto (851678) gains 3596 Xp and a won battle
Chi (856501) gains 3596 Xp and a won battle
penisfeet (860055) gains 3596 Xp and a won battle
Chaos Archer (860058) gains 3596 Xp and a won battle
Creature Experience reward for Jubaris -  Losing player
Imperial Aramor Assassin (577496) gains 1362 Xp
Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) gains 1362 Xp
Grasan Huvourer (832466) gains 1362 Xp
Elemental V (853492) gains 1362 Xp
Imperial Aramor Assassin (862050) gains 1362 Xp
Winner does not get a won fight point
Loser does not get a lost fight point

Round 3


Loading Jubaris creatures
Loading Ledah creatures
Applying 0% of Jubaris's energetic influence
Applying 0% of Ledah's energetic influence
Influences for Jubaris ######
Majestic Winderwild (783057): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Animated Tree III (861578) gets frozen
Majestic Winderwild (783058): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Animated Tree III (861578) gets frozen
Influences for Ledah ######
Majestic Winderwild (850206): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Water Daimon III (581224) gets frozen
Majestic Winderwild (850207): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Majestic Winderwild (783057) gets frozen
Applying Jubaris's Creature Tokens at 100%
Water Daimon III (581224)'s creature tokens []
Majestic Winderwild (783057)'s creature tokens []
Majestic Winderwild (783058)'s creature tokens []
Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)'s creature tokens []
Grasan Huvourer (832465)'s creature tokens []
Elemental V (853492)'s creature tokens []
Applying Ledah's Creature Tokens at 100%
Majestic Winderwild (850206)'s creature tokens []
Majestic Winderwild (850207)'s creature tokens []
Knator War Master (860060)'s creature tokens []
Elemental V (860067)'s creature tokens []
Elemental V (860160)'s creature tokens []
Animated Tree III (861578)'s creature tokens []
Jubaris's Water Daimon III (581224) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 40 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850206) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 160 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 40 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850207) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 160 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 320 vitality from Knator War Master (860060) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 1280 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 400 vitality from Elemental V (860067) and gives it to Water Daimon III (581224)
 and remains with 1600 vitality
Ledah's Knator War Master (860060) does  haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 287 damage to Majestic Winderwild (783057)
 creature DIES!
    - hits haoticaly and does 272 damage to Majestic Winderwild (783058)
 creature DIES!
    - hits haoticaly and does 236 damage to Grasan Huvourer (832465)
 and remains with 1264 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 146 damage to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 1894 vitality
Jubaris's Elemental V (853492) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 32 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850206) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 128 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 32 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850207) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 128 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 320 vitality from Elemental V (860067) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 1280 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 800 vitality from Animated Tree III (861578) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 3200 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860160) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 800 vitality from Water Daimon III (581224) and gives it to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 3200 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 696 vitality from Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) and gives it to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 2784 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 253 vitality from Grasan Huvourer (832465) and gives it to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 1011 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 392 vitality from Elemental V (853492) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 1566 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860067) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 640 vitality from Water Daimon III (581224) and gives it to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 2560 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 557 vitality from Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) and gives it to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 2227 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 202 vitality from Grasan Huvourer (832465) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 809 vitality
Ledah's Animated Tree III (861578) remains frozen, skipping turn
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850206) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Water Daimon III (581224) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 28 to -22; ) 
 and remains with 2560 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
 and remains with 2227 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Grasan Huvourer (832465) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 2 to -48; ) 
 and remains with 809 vitality
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850207) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Water Daimon III (581224) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -22 to -72; ) 
 and remains with 2560 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -15 to -65; ) 
 and remains with 2227 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Grasan Huvourer (832465) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -48 to -98; ) 
 and remains with 809 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832465) does  haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 105 damage to Majestic Winderwild (850206)
 and remains with 23 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 86 damage to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 636 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 102 damage to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 2431 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 130 damage to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 1790 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 34 damage to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 3019 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 55 damage to Animated Tree III (861578)
 and remains with 3145 vitality
###### START ROUND "1" ######
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 2 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 28 to -22; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from -22 to -72; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 5 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from -15 to -65; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 3 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 2 to -48; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from -48 to -98; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Jubaris's Water Daimon III (581224) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 5 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850206) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 18 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 127 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850207) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 509 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 486 vitality from Knator War Master (860060) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 1945 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 604 vitality from Elemental V (860160) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 2415 vitality
Ledah's Knator War Master (860060) does  haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 379 damage to Water Daimon III (581224)
 and remains with 2181 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 331 damage to Grasan Huvourer (832465)
 and remains with 478 vitality
Jubaris's Elemental V (853492) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 4 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850206) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 14 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 358 vitality from Elemental V (860067) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 1432 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 629 vitality from Animated Tree III (861578) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 2516 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860160) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 436 vitality from Water Daimon III (581224) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 1745 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 543 vitality from Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) and gives it to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 2174 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 96 vitality from Grasan Huvourer (832465) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (850206)
 and remains with 382 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860067) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 349 vitality from Water Daimon III (581224) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 1396 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 435 vitality from Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) and gives it to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 1739 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 76 vitality from Grasan Huvourer (832465) and gives it to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 306 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 658 vitality from Elemental V (853492) and gives it to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 2631 vitality
Ledah's Animated Tree III (861578) remains frozen, skipping turn
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850206) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Water Daimon III (581224) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -72 to -122; ) 
 and remains with 1396 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -65 to -115; ) 
 and remains with 1739 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Grasan Huvourer (832465) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -98 to -148; ) 
 and remains with 306 vitality
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850207) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Water Daimon III (581224) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -122 to -172; ) 
 and remains with 1396 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Grasan Huvourer (832465) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -148 to -198; ) 
 and remains with 306 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental V (853492) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
 and remains with 2631 vitality
Jubaris's Grasan Huvourer (832465) does  haoticdamage to all creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 54 damage to Majestic Winderwild (850206)
 and remains with 56 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 84 damage to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 1210 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 120 damage to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 2368 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 31 damage to Elemental V (860067)
 and remains with 1477 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 47 damage to Elemental V (860160)
 and remains with 3461 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 143 damage to Animated Tree III (861578)
 and remains with 2373 vitality
###### START ROUND "2" ######
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 2 : 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -72 to -122; ) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -122 to -172; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 5 : 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -15 to -65; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 3 : 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -98 to -148; ) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -148 to -198; ) 
Applying temporary effects for Jubaris, slot 6 : 
weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-50|from 35 to -15; ) 
weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended)
Jubaris's Water Daimon III (581224) remains frozen, skipping turn
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 11 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850206) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 45 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 242 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850207) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 968 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 692 vitality from Elemental V (860160) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 2769 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 475 vitality from Animated Tree III (861578) and gives it to Grasan Huvourer (832465)
 and remains with 1898 vitality
Ledah's Knator War Master (860060) does  haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - hits haoticaly and does 515 damage to Water Daimon III (581224)
 and remains with 881 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 293 damage to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 2391 vitality
    - hits haoticaly and does 350 damage to Grasan Huvourer (832465)
 and remains with 431 vitality
Jubaris's Elemental V (853492) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 295 vitality from Elemental V (860067) and gives it to Water Daimon III (581224)
 and remains with 1182 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 554 vitality from Elemental V (860160) and gives it to Elemental V (853492)
 and remains with 2215 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860160) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 235 vitality from Water Daimon III (581224) and gives it to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 941 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 478 vitality from Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (850206)
 and remains with 1913 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 637 vitality from Elemental V (853492) and gives it to Animated Tree III (861578)
 and remains with 2548 vitality
Ledah's Elemental V (860067) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 188 vitality from Water Daimon III (581224) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 753 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 86 vitality from Grasan Huvourer (832465) and gives it to Majestic Winderwild (850207)
 and remains with 345 vitality
    - Steallife power: 20%
    - steals 510 vitality from Elemental V (853492) and gives it to Knator War Master (860060)
 and remains with 2038 vitality
Ledah's Animated Tree III (861578) remains frozen, skipping turn
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850206) does  weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Water Daimon III (581224) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -172 to -222; ) 
 and remains with 753 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Grasan Huvourer (832465) 
weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-50|from -198 to -248; ) 
 and remains with 345 vitality
    - Weaken defence effect: -50
    - maintains weaken on Elemental V (853492) 
weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-50|from -15 to -65; ) 
 and remains with 2038 vitality
 ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses
 ... Ledah WINS!  46.8526315789% vs -8.1%
Creature Experience reward for Jubaris -  Losing player
Water Daimon III (581224) gains -204 Xp
Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) gains -204 Xp
Grasan Huvourer (832465) gains -204 Xp
Elemental V (853492) gains -204 Xp
Creature Experience reward for Ledah -  Winning player
Majestic Winderwild (850206) gains 1484 Xp and a won battle
Majestic Winderwild (850207) gains 1484 Xp and a won battle
Knator War Master (860060) gains 1484 Xp and a won battle
Elemental V (860067) gains 1484 Xp and a won battle
Elemental V (860160) gains 1484 Xp and a won battle
Animated Tree III (861578) recovers 880 Vitality
Animated Tree III (861578) gains 1484 Xp and a won battle
Winner does not get a won fight point
Loser does not get a lost fight point

Round 4


Loading Ledah creatures
Loading Jubaris creatures
Applying 0% of Ledah's energetic influence
Applying 0% of Jubaris's energetic influence
Influences for Ledah ######
Majestic Winderwild (850206): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Freeze has no effect
Majestic Winderwild (850207): poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze
Freeze has no effect
Buraddopakuto (851678): creatureboost
Chi (856501): creatureboost
Influences for Jubaris ######
Applying Ledah's Creature Tokens at 100%
Majestic Winderwild (850206)'s creature tokens []
Majestic Winderwild (850207)'s creature tokens []
Buraddopakuto (851678)'s creature tokens []
Chi (856501)'s creature tokens []
penisfeet (860055)'s creature tokens []
Chaos Archer (860058)'s creature tokens []
Applying Jubaris's Creature Tokens at 100%
Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)'s creature tokens []
Ledah's penisfeet (860055) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1775 vitality
Ledah's Chaos Archer (860058) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 1550 vitality
Ledah's Buraddopakuto (851678) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1495 vitality
Ledah's Chi (856501) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 1440 vitality
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 400 vitality from Buraddopakuto (851678) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 4600 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 400 vitality from Chi (856501) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 4600 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 280 vitality from penisfeet (860055) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 3220 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 280 vitality from Chaos Archer (860058) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 3220 vitality
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850207) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850206) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "1" ######
Ledah's penisfeet (860055) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 2575 vitality
Ledah's Chaos Archer (860058) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 2350 vitality
Ledah's Buraddopakuto (851678) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 2295 vitality
Ledah's Chi (856501) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 2240 vitality
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 368 vitality from Buraddopakuto (851678) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 4232 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 258 vitality from Chaos Archer (860058) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 2962 vitality
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850207) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850206) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "2" ######
Ledah's penisfeet (860055) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 2641 vitality
Ledah's Chaos Archer (860058) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 2416 vitality
Ledah's Buraddopakuto (851678) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 2361 vitality
Ledah's Chi (856501) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 2306 vitality
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 258 vitality from penisfeet (860055) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 2962 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 237 vitality from Chaos Archer (860058) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 2725 vitality
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850207) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850206) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "3" ######
Ledah's penisfeet (860055) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 2576 vitality
Ledah's Chaos Archer (860058) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 2351 vitality
Ledah's Buraddopakuto (851678) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 2296 vitality
Ledah's Chi (856501) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 2241 vitality
Jubaris's Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) does  steallife to multirandom creature(s) of Ledah and:
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 16 vitality from Majestic Winderwild (850207) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 184 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 339 vitality from Buraddopakuto (851678) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 3893 vitality
    - Steallife power: 8%
    - steals 237 vitality from penisfeet (860055) and gives it to Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607)
 and remains with 2725 vitality
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850207) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
Ledah's Majestic Winderwild (850206) cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
###### START ROUND "4" ######
Ledah's penisfeet (860055) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 2608 vitality
Ledah's Chaos Archer (860058) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 225 damage 
 and remains with 2383 vitality
Ledah's Buraddopakuto (851678) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 2328 vitality
Ledah's Chi (856501) does  damage to all creature(s) of Jubaris and:
    - Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) receives 55 damage 
 and remains with 2273 vitality
 ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses
 ... Jubaris WINS!  17.6609195402% vs -13.65%
Creature Experience reward for Ledah -  Losing player
Majestic Winderwild (850206) gains -46 Xp
Majestic Winderwild (850207) gains -46 Xp
Buraddopakuto (851678) gains -46 Xp
Chi (856501) gains -46 Xp
penisfeet (860055) gains -46 Xp
Chaos Archer (860058) gains -46 Xp
Creature Experience reward for Jubaris -  Winning player
Sisatelj Vitalnosti (798607) gains 6146 Xp and a won battle
Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
Loser does not get a lost fight point


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