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Equilibrium Tourney III

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Greetings all

this Christmas we shall celebrate life by embracing it while we dance with death.

therefore we will have a combat tournament.

Jubaris has granted me the honor to take over the torch of hosting his Equilibrium tourney so below you'll find the description in short.


The rules:

- Statless, tokenless, comboless, knockout tourney (offensive and defensive win)

- Allowed creatures: Recruitables (NML, MB, NC, LR) + Imps, Pimps,  Sharpshooters, Soulweavers, jokers, Blood pacts and anniversary creatures.

- Max 2 freeze auras per ritual

- Only mind power 5 this time.

(if people of lower mindpowers want me to hold a tournament you can contact me and if we find enough members ill hold one for you guys too)

The rewards:

1) WP

2) 4GC

3) 2GC


post your name below (application ends on 27/12/2017 23:59:59 ST, draw will be 28th)


Fang Archbane
Mercurial spectre

Edited by Sunfire
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If it please thee, I would like consideration for those of the Fourth Mind-Power to have a similar contest. I do note that this were dependent upon participation, yet there were a few that may be interested.


Also, I would ask - if one has only creatures that do possess upon them a token, how mayst one use this creature?

Edited by Aia del Mana
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9 hours ago, Aia del Mana said:

If it please thee, I would like consideration for those of the Fourth Mind-Power to have a similar contest. I do note that this were dependent upon participation, yet there were a few that may be interested.

greetings Aia

i would like to host this for mp4 too but then we'd need at least some 6 participants, however 8 would be better

Ars alchemy had already contacted me in this regard and was going to se if there was an interest to hold a tournament. perhaps you two can join forces and see if you can find enough members. any other interested mp4s, please contact me in a forumpm as to not clutter this topic, if enough candidates present themselves ill open a topic for you guys

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56 minutes ago, Ungod said:

Come find me, I have some. But think carefully before removing the tokens.

I would most likely prefer to keep the tokens on these creatures in most cases, and presently train anew so that I may have new creatures for this competition. Yet I may do so for one or two creatures that were key to victory, if the tournament doth occur for those of the Fourth Mind-Power, and would be grateful to thee in this case.

Edited by Aia del Mana
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after a few rounds of hitting an receiving one victor stood on the sands of the battlefield.
Ledah, champion of the Caretakers was victorious over Sunfire, Emperor of the East.
with this win this fossil proved to the masses that age is but a number and that strength does not lay in your arm, but in your skill

i can only hope that the following fight will prove to be just as dramatic and with just as great results
Find out more ..."soon"

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the second fight had been looked forward to with great eagerness when the draw was concluded
2 of the masters of creature combat would go toe to toe in a battle of strategy and wilpower.

this evening these two champions met and held an epic clash
but as it goes only one can win
when the sands of the battleground finally started to settle again the one left standing was ...MRAlyon

this concludes the second fight, only one first round fight remaining: Jubaris vs Mercurial spectre
the former tournament host vs a new name in this tournament, who will come out on top? find out more "soon"

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the third battle was over before it even began.
it was obvious when the contestants entered the arena that one person's equipment (aka creatures) was not in comparison to the other one.
it shows that a good preparation is half the work, but we applaud Mercurial Spectre to have the guts to step uo and try to show it to those fossils

Jubaris will go on to the next round

the next round will be something special...

since Fang Archbane uttered he is too afraid to fight since he doesnt want to be humiliated by Ledah we are left with 3 contestants for the top 3 spots

each contestant will fight with the 2 other contestants, but this time there will be a fixed amount of rounds. 2 attacks and two defences. for each victory you score a point. most points wins, then second then third. In case 2 contestants end up with the same result the normal rules will apply between them (1 att and def win)

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After both Juba and Ledah scored a 3 - 1 victory over MRAlyon the victory would be fought over between theses two prime fighters.

at midnight they gathered and saluted eachother before they started their dance of death.
accompanied by the oooh's and aaaah's of the crowd the fight went on from one side to the other.
but in the end only one could be crowned king of fighters.

Jubaris, reinging champion showed formidable effort to honor his title.
Yet it was the wisdom of the elder that changed the battle outcome.

Ledah, champion of the caretakers and THE veteran of MD has shown this realm that age doesnt make you rusty. 
With a 3 - 1 victory he bested Jubaris and claimed the first spot

We bow to his skill and congratulate him with his victory in the third Equilibrium tournament.

This concludes this tournament's edition and i hope to see you all again in the next one "soon".


1) Ledah
2) Jubaris
3) MRAlyon

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