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Of Awiiya and Lorerootian Flag-passing - a game of patience

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(Excerpt from Aia's diary)

Some eons hence, I had the good fortune of knowing a man who became a tree, and presently doth lie afore the Archives, at a Way that now doth bear his name.

I recently cared to pass him again. I must imagine time doth pass differently to him as to myself, and so I had merely spake but a few words, that he should hear them.

Upon mine return to Loreroot, I had but a curious thought, and that were of the saplings that do grow aside the Grassy Roads.
In observing them, it had seemed that each had been grasping at an object which were not present, their boughs reaching in but the same direction, toward the Hold of Raven. Some had grown branches that did appear as though they were engulfing something that were round.

As one who were quite inquisitive by nature, I sought out a belladonna herb and did concoct of it, that I should perceive as the trees may.
The younger saplings, although, by age, much older than I, did refuse to state of the anomaly. Yet, it came to pass that an elder oak did whisper to myself in soft rustling of leaves.
Saith the oak, It were but a petty game, but one that doth nurture as Awiiya did, to give, and to take, of the realm as it doth of oneself.

The oak did say little more of't, but did mention in kind that these saplings had grown as citizens and patriots of Loreroot, as empowered while holding the flag of't.

I ascended the boughs of Raven Hold, appropriated the flag from its usual residence, and sequently placed the flag-staff within the boughs of the saplings.
Although many had outgrown it, and no longer held it, the younger saplings did still take upon its shape, slowly, when it were given.

I left the flag within the branches of a new thicket, some way down the path, content in the knowledge that it were safe, and that Awiiya doth continue to nurture of the seedlings.

In memory of Awiiya, I should like to play this same game, this anniversary of the realm. Yet, the common citizens, of which I were also, oft cannot perceive time as trees may. Hence, I should think to play it in a shorter period of time, yet without losing the patience and resilience that it doth nurture.

The rules for such a game are as follows:

I possess, presently, a flag, which at any time, may be taken from myself by another. For one to take it, she must post within this thread, as a reply:
"I, (name), have taken the flag from Aia".

For example, if Lintara were to take the flag, she would say "I, Lintara, have taken the flag from Aia", and if Shemhazaj were to take it from Lintara, he would say "I, Shemhazaj, have taken the flag from Lintara". One should also quote the previous holder of the flag.

However, as one doth grasp the flag, as with saplings, one's branches do lignify, that thou canst not reach out to take the flag again, once one has held it. Thus, within this Forum-Thread, one may only take the flag once, and thus may only post within this thread once.

One should ask, what were the purpose thereof? Ah, but if one canst hold the flag for twenty-four hours, without another taking it from them, they shall win this contest.

As this were not a game that doth require great effort, but merely one of great patience, there shall be but a single prize for't, and that shall be to the one who doth win.

To prevent alternate-vessels from partaking in this contest, one cannot participate if one's player number were 259394, or greater. Additionally, existing alternate-vessels may not partake of this contest.
Alteration or revocation of a post will be treated with disqualification from this contest; however, if two people do manage to take of the flag at once, the last to take of it shall be the one in possession, until it is captured anew.

I shall sponsor a Pimped Grasan to the winner, unless the Treasure Keepers do decide to give a reward in its stead. This contest shall run until one were declared victor, even if it doth pass the end of the Anniversary.

Edited by Aia del Mana
of paragraphs, that may align.
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1 hour ago, Aia del Mana said:

To prevent alternate-vessels from partaking in this contest, one cannot participate if one's player number were 259394, or greater.
Alteration or revocation of a post will be treated with disqualification from this contest; however, if two people do manage to take of the flag at once, the last to take of it shall be the one in possession, until it is captured anew.

I thought that (other than certain rare cases like Tarquinus and Keith Moon) alts weren't permitted on the forum?


I, Pipstickz, have taken the flag from Aia

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