Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted March 24, 2021 Root Admin Report Posted March 24, 2021 I wrote this a while back as a note for something i was planning at Mad Man's Trial , and transcribed it at the end of october 2019, but forgot abkut it, like i do with many many things i start but never finish. However, now i stumbled upon it and i realize it was a sort of a premonition for the current world situation. I decided to share it with you, but the text is google translated. I will include the original here too, just for historic reasons. I am on phone now so i will just add the text in separate posts to this. Have a look at the english text! Waiting for your feedback, thabk you Mallos 1 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted March 24, 2021 Author Root Admin Report Posted March 24, 2021 English text follows after this (Ro version) Nebunia unui actor - Scenariu 1 Personajul este actor, joacă o piesa de teatru într-un campus. Incet-incet își da seama ca nu poate sa plece din campus, dar asta nu-l deranjează prea tare pt ca fiecare eșec de a pleca de acolo este aparent justificat. Zi de zi isi gaseste relaxarea in acelasi loc placut in gradina, Incet-incet scenetele pe care le joacă la intervale din ce în ce mai vizibil regulate, devin o obligație, și dacă înainte erau activități spontane, acum încep să aibă un program din ce în ce mai fix și impus. Dintr-o activitate distractiva totul devine un stres absolut cu o presiune enorma, iar campusul incepe sa semene a puscarie sau spital de nebuni. Hainele cu care se imbraca devin tot mai simple și puțin colorate. Uniforma devine obligatorie, dar nu ca o pedeapsa personala. Treptat începe sa fie un simplu pușcăriaș voluntar, dator cu anumite activități obligatorii, dar in esenta inutile, care sunt atent observate de cei ce până nu demult păreau sa fie publicul. Teatrul unde pana acum juca ca actor este în permanentă renovare și suferă schimbări de la un spectacol la altul, elemente din piese trecute raman fixate sau abandonate în decor, aparent din neglijență, dar încep sa contureze un decor foarte rece și suspect, tot mai restrictiv cu fiecare reprezentație nouă. Resemnat , personajul începe sa creada ca ceea ce face este totuși bine, sau cel puțin nu-i mai pasa de situația în care s-a ajuns, atata timp cat reuseste sa se incadreze in rutina zilnică, sa nu fie sancționat de paznici, și să-și primească portia zilnica de somn și mancare. Publicul dispare pe rand de la o zi la alta. Decorul se tot schimba, incepand sa semene a pușcărie sau spital. Ramane singur cu activitățile sale, gardienii care până nu demult erau regizori dispar, iar el ajunge sa traiasca o viata aparent normala, dar bantuit de ganduri și îndoieli despre ce s-a intamplat de fapt cu el și ce este adevărat și ce este fals în viața lui. Trecerea trebuie sa fie treptata so uniforma, iar in fiecare stadiu trebuie sa dea impresia ca aceea este varianta reala..un nebun traind o iluzie, care isi da seama ca e doar un puscarias care a luat-o putin razna dar revine la realitatea dura, ca in final sa arate iar semne de nebunie si perceptie gresita a realitatii. Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted March 24, 2021 Author Root Admin Report Posted March 24, 2021 (edited) English, google translated version.... consider it was written just before the pandemic started, there was no hint of the current situation back then, ..let me know what you think. ====== The madness of an actor - Scenario 1 The character is an actor, he plays a play on a campus. Slowly he realizes that he can't leave campus, but that doesn't bother him too much because every failure to leave is apparently justified. Every day he finds his relaxation in the same pleasant place in the garden, Slowly the scenes he plays at more and more visibly regular intervals, become an obligation, and if before they were spontaneous activities, now they start to have a program of what increasingly fixed and imposed. From a fun activity everything becomes an absolute stress with an enormous pressure, and the campus starts to look like a prison or a madhouse. The clothes he wears become more and more simple and less colorful. The uniform becomes mandatory, but not as a personal punishment. Gradually he begins to be a simple voluntary prisoner, due to certain mandatory activities, but essentially useless, which are carefully observed by those who until recently seemed to be the public. The theater where until now he played as an actor is constantly renovated and undergoes changes from one show to another, elements from past plays remain fixed or abandoned in the setting, apparently negligently, but begin to outline a very cold and suspicious setting, increasingly restrictive with each new representation. Resigned, the character begins to believe that what he is doing is still good, or at least he no longer cares about the situation he has reached, as long as he manages to fit into the daily routine, not to be sanctioned by the guards, and to and receive the daily portion of sleep and food. The audience disappears one by one from one day to the next. The scenery kept changing, starting to look like a prison or hospital. He is left alone with his activities, the guards who until recently were directors disappear, and he ends up living a seemingly normal life, but haunted by thoughts and doubts about what actually happened to him and what is true and what is false in his life. . The transition must be gradual and uniform, and at every stage it must give the impression that that is the real version ... a madman living an illusion, who realizes that he is just a prisoner who has gone a little crazy but returns to the harsh reality , to finally show signs of madness and misperception of reality. Edited March 24, 2021 by Chewett Edit by chew: Fixed weird formatting. Fang Archbane and Pipstickz 2 Quote
Ungod Posted March 24, 2021 Report Posted March 24, 2021 Sometimes, you can feel lurking in the corners of MD that feeling described in the last paragraph. Best way to put it is ''to be lost in one's mind''. I never got a clear idea of what the Carnival is, but it could very well be the theatre turned prison turned hospital turned labyrinth. Personally, for health reasons, I reject this kind of madness, although questioning reality is not something one can avoid. To be lost in a fruitless chase after tantalizing ideals is too painful, so I would never write such a scenario. Mallos 1 Quote
Fang Archbane Posted March 24, 2021 Report Posted March 24, 2021 A beautiful look into perspective. It gets a thumbs up from me. Quote
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