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Well, i did have a long chat with "Live Help" , hes/shes cool, and he/she told me that it was better that i started over because i finished the story too fast and didnt get alot of bonus and things like that. But hey what can i say, i got addicted to the story and wanted to finish it. Lol, i only picked out the 4-30 minute wait options. " Live help" told me that the 6hr wait and 24 hr wait are the best. I dont do the 24 wait because i dont like to wait for 24 hrs to play a game im starting to like :) .



Well...I know what u felt when u clicked restart but..it is in a good case know u can really take care of ur skills and maybe u'll pick another answer if u'r looking for something new in the story :)

And about waiting 25h..i like it...it's like i read a book and stop at page x and then continue


Hey-lo ana,


the problem with me is that when i do read a book i cant seem to stop... i just wanna keep reading without interuptions. Dont think that im a book worm or something, cus im not, I barely read books. but, when i do find a good book its hard to put down. Its like an addiction..... (im not even going to smoke weed or something... who know's i might get addicted :blink: )

But anyways,

It seems i am getting on the bad side of the girl in the story.... On the first question she asked me if i wanted to play, i anwsered "No, i hate playing with annoying pesky brats like you! go to HELL you're UGLY!!" ...... Ok i didnt anwser like that, but similar. And after waiting for 6hrs (seems like an eternity) she asked me again if i wanted to play and again i replied similar to what i just replied earlier.... this time she has gone pyscho!... the chick has major issues!

and now i got to wait for another 6 hrs! grrr :)

by the way i noticed that every time i get her angry a candlelight goes out.... i managed to make 2 go out... i wonder what would happen if i get her angrier.... hm... :)


HOLY!!! .....OMG!!! the storyyyy already ended!!!! NOOOO!!!..

DOnt ever get on the bad side of the pyscho chick! she will take away points and the story ends! WTF! :)

  • Root Admin

lol...like i said...you CAN die ..soo ... :blink:

but i gues your sharing will make others to avoid that part .....or maybe they will still be curios how it is and what happens exactly :)

i have to admit i find your reaction so funny :)))) i know its not funny for you but ...

also i saw you noticed the candles going out , nice :)


I found this so funny ... haha =D

Though I figured something is bound to happend. I mean, you are in a place... a square room that seems carved inside the wood... has no windows and no doors... and there is a girl there who wants to play (obviously something is wrong ... right ? ... when you are in a situation like that you better cooperate =P). I did pick that I would play with her... but if I saw the candles burning up I would probably start to get a bit worried =)


I remember when me and two friends of mine where playing a game ... not sure what the exact name for it is... but you know when you got a piece of paper and roll dices... stuff like that =P. We didn't have a book at that time so the third person was making up the story as we went along =). At a point there was a bomb involved... and me and my friend tried to disarm it but failed... the timer went to 00:00 but the bomb did not explode... it was something wrong with it. I was relieved and figured we where lucky... but my friend thought the bomb was fake and then took it upon him to kick it... and of course then it exploded resulting in killing us both =P.

We had a laugh about that for some time =P.

My point with this is... I like it when decisions we make can have crucial outcomes... same as with the girl who just wants to play with you =D

  ugauga said:
I hate spoilers :blink:

slayer next time please warn about the spoilers :sigh:

I am soooo soorry ugauga... i just wanted to let you guys know my misfortunes... :)

By the way... i cant fight anybody now... it say that im still in tutorial mode... Stupid physco chick!!! why do bad stuff alway happen to me? MAN! :)

First i accidentaly reseted my account, then i had to reset it again because i keep on double clicking on the scroll's (Copy of map and the other one) and so it locks itself and i couldnt get it again! Even if i moved away from the paper cabin and comeback i still couldnt get it! GRR! Soo i had to reset my account like 4 times already... Now when i really need the reset account option its not there :)

But anyways Manu i reallllllly need that reset button back! just dont make it red... :)

  King Manu said:
lol...like i said...you CAN die ..soo ... :)

but i gues your sharing will make others to avoid that part .....or maybe they will still be curios how it is and what happens exactly :blink:

i have to admit i find your reaction so funny :))))) i know its not funny for you but ...

also i saw you noticed the candles going out , nice :)

By the way Manu i didnt read ALL the forum threads... i just read a few :)


I... I feel sorry for that physcho chick... shes been in that wooden room for such a long time... all she needed was a friend to talk to and a friend to play with =] and I... I... I was mean to her and said stuff i shouldnt have....BUT! she shouldnt have killed me! its not my fault she was stuck there! she didnt have to take her anger out on me! GAWD! I SWEAR! Why cant it be some pretty bombshell stuck with me in that wooden room!


By the Manu can you tell me (in this thread) when your done fixing the toturial bug so i can own some noobs :lol:


  • Root Admin

the "killed by the psycho chick" bug is solved, i am not sure if the change applies to allready dead charachters, if not i will have to change yous manualy.

Also, i will add a special markup to the player , like "DEAD" , this will have impact on later game situations, like bonus leadership when joining necrovion or huge penalties on alliance changes and more. It will make the game fun and sort of special.



I still cant fight anyone. It still says im on tutorial mode. So im guessing you'll have to change mine maunally.

By the way... I got an idea. At the creature section (on the game) they should have like "Sort Creatures" where you can move around the creatures... like kinda organnize it. And also have a prepare bind ritual's on the creature section, so instead of attacking then preparing a ritual you can prepare before attacking and set up a defense ritual as wel. Just an idea of mine what do you guys think?

  slayer772 said:

I still cant fight anyone. It still says im on tutorial mode. So im guessing you'll have to change mine maunally.

By the way... I got an idea. At the creature section (on the game) they should have like "Sort Creatures" where you can move around the creatures... like kinda organnize it. And also have a prepare bind ritual's on the creature section, so instead of attacking then preparing a ritual you can prepare before attacking and set up a defense ritual as wel. Just an idea of mine what do you guys think?

I believe King Manu said earlier that sorting creatures will be taken care off later. Though I agree on the part where you should be able to prepare a ritual even if you are not even close to a battle.

  Amelia said:
I believe King Manu said earlier that sorting creatures will be taken care off later. Though I agree on the part where you should be able to prepare a ritual even if you are not even close to a battle.

Oh. I didnt read all the forums... i just skimed through em'

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