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All mans are thinking like this? :P

Not at all. I'm not sure how to think about women, I haven't had much success no matter how I think :)

Theres the kind of guy that thinks that way, and there is the kind of guy that believes they need to just go with the flow until the right one comes.

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Not at all. I'm not sure how to think about women, I haven't had much success no matter how I think :)

Theres the kind of guy that thinks that way, and there is the kind of guy that believes they need to just go with the flow until the right one comes.

:P Ya right...:)

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I guess I'm supposed to say hello so ....hello I'm Lucren .....<cough> I hope to see this game really take off......<cough cough> and umm Kick some a... ehem I should watch my language on a personal note my spelling is not very good.

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I guess I'm supposed to say hello so ....hello I'm Lucren .....<cough> I hope to see this game really take off......<cough cough> and umm Kick some a... ehem I should watch my language on a personal note my spelling is not very good.

Hello Lucren.

Were are you from?

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ehehe I must apologize My struggle with the English language isn't as bad as I state , it's just when I type on forums I tend to type fast and end up misspelling words I have decided to take a better course and take my time from now on , however If I seem like I'm typing to fast due to a lot of owrds misspelled just yell at me to slow down

again I apologize for this misunderstanding I am from the USA I just was never good at typing.

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When it comes to speaking my language I am very fluent in proper and in-proper English,

In fact I hope to become a politician and brave the halls of our crumbling congress maybe I can bring it all back together.

as for in-proper English over 60% of all americans can no longer speak proper English due to the fact they drop out of school or they just don't care, as well as out "politicly correct" congress trying to force every American to b nice to everyone else.

When it comes to typing English words well I always thought some things are better spent speaking they wrighting.

also I have that condition that makes people wright backwards I have a very minor case of that < so minor that doctors will not say I have it but when I'm typing fast or wrighting fast it shows up.

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Let me break down that 60% ^^

20% are illegal aliens from Mexico, so they only speak their own strange version of Spanish...some call it Mexican :P

30% are people living in the south, and have the strange accent which causes them to say "yall" and stuff, which is not proper English.

10% are kids/people who dropped out of school and speak slang.

America isn't that bad.

Dislexia? Dunno how to spell it myself :)

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