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If u speak about Kingsduel here maybe is time for me to say my nickname from kings... B)

I suppose u heard about Akasha :P;):)

  Ana-Maria said:

If u speak about Kingsduel here maybe is time for me to say my nickname from kings... B)

I suppose u heard about Akasha :P;):)

I have known this for a while, ever since I found out you were Manu's wife it became too obvious, and the reason you aren't active on those forums is because you are busy helping with MD :)

Also, I assume you made the pics of all the generals?

  Viceraz said:
Seriously, its hard enough with just school, having a job must make it even harder :P

I know, school takes a lot of precious game-time ;) But i don't know about jobs..

  Deetn said:
But serious...are you really on that pic? Do you have any additionally proof?

She is Manu's wife. :P

And if she wasn't....well lets just you stand no chance B)


Hi all, joined the forum after checking the site. The game looks pretty nice. I could contribute with graphics ( not drawings though :P ) if there is such need, as I'm a 'little' experienced in Photoshop ( actively using it for few years already ).

  Viceraz said:
She is Manu's wife. :P

And if she wasn't....well lets just you stand no chance B)

Well I don't question the fact that I don't have a chance :lol:

  Viceraz said:
I have a feeling I know what you are thinking Deetn, and she is taken ;) Don't ask me how I know... :P

Women are like places to park your car,the best ones are always taken :lol:

  Viceraz said:
Oh, are you still a student as well? When you said real-life, I thought you meant work since I consider school more of a half-real-life

I see..but Yes I'm a student as well ;)

Sorry for the confusion :P

  Viceraz said:
Oh, the only PS2 games i play are the FF ones :P

Me 2,well normally but I bought it at a very cheap prices ^^


Welcome Lance to the Magic Duel Community! I hope you could take some time and play the Alpha test, it's a lot of fun and your input on the game would be very helpful. :P


I am doing it at the moment. :P

It looks great. Haven't played such a good and free game for some some time ( and I played lots already, twelve years of gaming experience, starting from Amiga ^^ ).


Witam ;) Enjoy your stay.

Wrong forum mate, this should be in 'Say Hello' section. Though it can be said that new people entering this forum is magical stuff too. :P

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