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Enchanted Item lost "use" button

Fyrd Argentus

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This used to have a "use" button like a tool.  It still says it's enchanted with 0/50 charges used.

Screen Shot 2022-08-12 at 10.11.57 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-08-12 at 10.14.02 AM.png

Neither bit of information is in the compass menu-items-description - says non-interactive.

Screen Shot 2022-08-12 at 10.15.27 AM.png

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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After investigating this, i can not find any issue with magical items combined with usable functionality.

The problem is with this item, it has no functionality so of course it can't be used and the "use" button is not showing.

If it used to have functionality, tell me what it was and if you can thinbk of any action you did that could have caused the item to lose its functionality. It could be a bug in the edit item code, or elsewhere, but i need your help to investigate, if so.

Magical items add a spell to your spell inventory, with predefined words. It does not have a functionality and a use button on its own.

i moved the item back

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  • Root Admin

(excuse me i am not fully focused on this so i will answer just some things that might be useful, for Chew mainly)

The "magic" items, add a predefined spell in your spell inventory, with fixed words, that can be used just like any other spell. Item functionality is not connected to the new magic thing.  An item could have its own functionality, but also add magic words and have a magic functionality that you trigger in chat, independently from whatever the item does otherwise (usabel, consumable, etc)

I don't know what to say about this item, if it lost functionality or not. When i checked it, it had no other functionality , if it was erased somehow, it should be a much bigger problem that we will notice on other occasions. @Chew. feel free to fix it as you consider, but be careful if its not a misunderstanding about how the new magic items work.

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The Blue Silk Boxers do now function as a spell, and they do provide a 200-point boost to briskness.

I never tested them back when there was a [Use] link in the box, which is definitely not there now.  I could be gaslighted into believing it was only there in my imagination, but I don't think that's the case.

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