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Special edition creature challange

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  • Root Admin


I would like to post a public challange for a limited edition or just premium creature (not decided yet) and reward the one that will do the best.

Anyone can participate in this, regardless of active days, alliance status or other factors.

What i need.

- Bunny creature, fluffy cute bunny creature to be colored afterwards in soft pastel colors.

- 4-7 levels, should evolve to be more mature and pwoerfull creature but at the same time keep its cuteness. I dont want a killer rabbit!! make it cute fluffy and fun. Also levels must be well corelated and look as if its the next level and not a tottaly different creature.

- sugestion for name and/or description is a good advantage.

- do not make artworks (creature levels) public or the creature wont be selected! I need them totaly secret from the public.

Deadline 1 week starting now (ends 12 Sept 2008).

I will only reward one person that will do the best one, so i tell you from now sorry for those that will do hard work and not be selected, thats the risk you take. However i will support your acceptance/promotion in the Artisans guild if you prove to be a talented artist.


- 50-100$ game credits depending on number of credits 4-7 (4-50$,5=65$,6=80$,7=100$)

- personal tag/description

This is a request for a premium creature, the artworks must be high quality with fine details, pencil on paper 150dpi scans. If i have the feeling you copied the creature from anywere i wont use it so be original. Please send artworks to my email manu-at-magicduel-dt-com for review

Good luck!


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Awesome love the idea


- Bunny creature, fluffy cute bunny creature to be colored afterwards in soft pastel colors.

yes to bunny :)

yes to cute and fluffy :)

yes to colored :)



Sent this by a friend in 2006

wouldnt fit in because it has a gun so ill just show for laughs :)


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I know it is wanted as a cute creatrue but can it also be evil ? it makes it hard to make a creature which fights non evil

Cute and evil rarely mix, but I suppose it's not impossible. Keep trying, you might just make it work.. but it has to be fluffy and cuddly.

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But if it has levels then thats going to be hard.At the first 3 levels i think it can be doen but in later levels it will just e another cute bunny it has to go soem where and you cant just work on its cuteness. That is why i ask if it can then turn evil because that gives the artist somethng to work on.

:P rex

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  • Root Admin

i still have nothing on this untill now. if none of you comes up with a good thing, there wont be any bunnies in game :P I will however start a contest for an other creature to take its place, if that fails to, then i wont do anymore public contests for premium creatures and i will turn back to paied artists to do the job. Just that you know.

p.s. i realy wish to see a cute little bunny creature, without an axe or a dead man head on it.

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i still have nothing on this untill now. if none of you comes up with a good thing, there wont be any bunnies in game :P I will however start a contest for an other creature to take its place, if that fails to, then i wont do anymore public contests for premium creatures and i will turn back to paied artists to do the job. Just that you know.

p.s. i realy wish to see a cute little bunny creature, without an axe or a dead man head on it.

Don't shut this one down. I have something in the works, but it's taking some time. I think you'll like it and I think you'll especially like the concept. I'm not revealing anything else though. I don't want anyone stealing my idea! :)

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I'm afraid that I'm no good at anything graphic.

I'll just have to leave you with something I wrote a while ago:

Attack of the Pink Fluffy Bunnies of Doom

If you knew the things that I know you'd start running today,

To escape the apocalypse that's coming this way,

Cause there’s a threat on the horizon and it’s starting to loom,

It’s the attack of the pink fluffy bunnies of doom!

They bounce and hop their way from the abyssal deep,

With their eyes red with madness and their teeth meant to reap,

They are coming to visit, and they never mean well,

It’s the attack of the evil killer bunnies from hell!

They will spread death and madness, all over their path,

They will catch all those trying, to flee from their wrath,

You can even try to nuke them, but they’ll laugh at the boom,

Because you cannot stop the pink fluffy bunnies of DOOM!

Yes they are headed this way and they are coming real soon,

Fear the attack of the pink fluffy bunnies of DOOM!

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Oh great...i figured it was until sunday :angry: !
wel, i gues that means only Glordamar even did the entry.

I'l just send it to manu, meybe it changes the "lets use bunny" topic :P

If there are no bunny's used, can we post them now? B)
Girlfriend alrady like's the "cute" factor anyway....

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